Growth, Development, Preventative Peds Flashcards
PPSV23 in Pediatrics - Dosing Regimen
8 weeks after last dose of PCV 3
Repeat Dose 5 years later x 1
Subcutaneous Vaccines
Measles Vaccine & PPD test
Measles vaccine can suppress tuberculin reactivity; wait 4-6 weeks to do PPD
Hib Vaccine & Cut Off Age
5 years of age, unless
HIV, functional/asplenia, leukemia, immunocompromised
First Dental Visit
within 6 months of first tooth eruption and no later than 12 months
BP Monitoring starts at age
monitor earlier if risk factors (prematurity, etc)
DTAP Contraindications
history of encephalopathy w/in 7 days of administration
?history of progressive neurological disorder
SubQ or IM Vaccines
MMR Series
12-15 months
4-6 years of age
Hep B testing for infants of Hep B + mothers
at 9-12 months or 1-2 months after last administration
Hep A Vaccines
Between 12 and 23 months, 2 doses at least 6 months apart
Hearing Screen
Before leaving the hospital with goal of all infants by 3 months
Cholesterol Screening
non-fasting between 9-11 & 17-21 years of age
Risk Factors to Measure a fasting lipid profile x 2
Mi/ACS/Stroke before 55 in males and 65 in females
parent with total cholesterol >240 or known dyslipidemia
BMI >95th percentile or obesity-related illness
Lead Screening
Recommended at 1 and 2 years of age
Leave to treat with Lead Poisioning
Unknown, but continue to follow/primary prevention if 5-44
chelation recommended >45
AAP Tooth Paste
rice size w/ first tooth
pea sized after 3 years
PPD Test, 5mm
Close contact w/ TB individual
Clinical Evidence of TB
Immunosuppressive conditions or treatment
PPD Test, 10mm
< 4 yeaers of age
other conditions (DM, RF)
Born/Travel to high prevalence regions
Exposure to right risk adults (HIV, homeless, IVDU, incarcerated)
Delayed tooth eruption
no teeth by 12-13 months
SIDS most common at what age
2nd and 3rd months
> 3 hours a day, >3 days a week, for at least 3 weeks
Testing for Children who Immigrate to US
CBC, Lead, TSH
NMSS if <2 years
MMR Contraindications
anaphylaxis to gelatin or meomycin
MMR Common Adverse Events
Fever 6-12 days after
joint pain 6-21 days after (rubella)