neonatal transition to extrauterine life Flashcards
what are the two main immediate changes
2 main immediate changes
Placenta blood exchange ceases
No placental exchange means oxygen is no longer delivered and co2 is no longer rmeoved
Lungs inflate for the first time and take in air
prior to birth
- Practice breathing
- Surfactant production
- Glycogen storage
- Endocrine maturity
- Brown adipose tissue
- Fluid secretion to fluid absorption
Practice breathing
- Fetal practice breathing is a process where the baby inhales and exhales small amounts of amniotic fluid
- Essential for lung development and helps the baby prepare for life out of uterus
Surfactant production
- Starting at 24wks start making a substance calling surfactant - which coats the alveoli and keeps them inflated when theirs are not of air in the lungs
Adequate surfactant production is not until about 35 weeks , so infants born at that time have a much higher likelihood of independent breathing and survive than those born at 24 weeks
glycogen storage
- Prior to birth the fetus depends on the maternal supply . A considerable portion of the placental transfer of glucose is used by the fetal brain .
As fetus approaches term gestation glucose and other substrates are stored as glycogen in the liver - this can be converted to glucose for energy post birth
Endocrine maturity - post birth
- Cortisol is the major regulatory hormone for terminal maturation of the fetus and for neonatal adaptation to birth .
The cortisol surge is initiated with the switch from maternal transplacental derived corticosteroids to the ability of the fetus to make and release cortisol under their own control
Endocrine maturity - catecholamines
- Catecholamines are norepinephrine , epinephrine and dopamine
- Catecholamine surge is primarily responsible for the increase in blood pressure following birth , adaption of energy metabolism with support of the primary substrates for metabolism after birth glucose and fatty acids
- Initiating thermogenesis from brown fat
brown adipose tissue
Due to high surface area infants tend to lose more heat to the environment in comparison to adults
Evolution has provided humans with BAT tissue - a tissue that converts chemically stored energy in the form of fatty acids and glucose into heat through non shivering thermogenesi
fluid secretion to absorption
- Clearance of Fetal lung fluid also begins before birth is enhanced by labour and rising cortisol levels mostly completed by 2 hours of age
- During labour and immediately after birth the respiratory epithelium changes from active fluid secretion to active fluid absorption .
Also increased pressure on the alveoli during inspiration drives fluid into the interstitial tissues where it can be removed by the pulmonary microcirculation and lymphatic vessels
- During labour and immediately after birth the respiratory epithelium changes from active fluid secretion to active fluid absorption .
Immediate changes required at birth
Breathe - the baby when born needs to initiate its first breath and maintain regular respirations
Clear lungs - covert from fluid filled to air filled lungs
Redirected blood flow - transition from fetal circulation to neonatal circulation
Initiation of respiration
- Elevated co2 level causes mild asphyxia (causes low levels of oxygen) this creates an overwhelming urge to intake air to supply the body with oxygen
- When a baby is born vaginally subsequent and sudden changes in pressure this causes the chest to recoil or thoracic recoil
- Tactile stimulation and proprioceptive stimuli - the unconscious perception of movement and spatial orientation arising from stimuli within the body itself
Sudden temperature changes - cold stimulus to the skin activates the neonatal response to breathe
ductus venosus
Ductus venosus - allow oxygenated blood to travel from the umbilical vein into the inferior vena cava
foramen ovale
Foramen ovale - allows blood to move from right to left atrium - this then gets pumped up the ascending aorta
Ductus arteriosis
small vessels between the pulmonary artery and the aorta that allows blood to travel through due the high pressure
When the baby is born what happens
- Delayed cord clamping
- Physiological processes are already in play that is decreasing the blood exchange from mum to baby