fetal skull Flashcards
the bones that comprise the fetul skull form in two ways
The face is initially formed from cartilage which cover the course of fetal
development ossifies so that at term the face is almost completely ossified & facial
bones are fused
The bones of the vault originate from membrane and are more pliable & flatter, this
facilitates fetal passage through the bony structures of the maternal pelvis
three main sections of the skull
face - orbital ridges of the eyes and the chin
base - chin to nape of neck
vault - orbital ridges of eyes to the nape of the neck
smallness of the face is due to …
rudimentary development of the maxillae mandible and parasol sinuses . nose lies almost entirely between the orbits
the vault
Only movable part of the skull
Multiple bones – not fused
Formation originates from membranes – this
makes the bones flatter
frontal bone
form the forehead in the foetus the frontal bone is in two halves , which fuse into single bone after the age of eight
parietal bone
lie on either side of the skull and occupy most of the skull
occipital bone
form the back of the skull and part of its base joins with cervical vertebrae
temporal bone
one on each side of the head closest to the ear
the sutures
These are membranous lines found at the
junction between the bones of the vault.
There are four important sutures on the vault
where ossification has not been completed
4 main sutures
define function of the frontal , coronal
saggiato and lambdoidal suture
The Frontal Suture: Separates the two frontal bones, it extends from
the root of the nose to the bregma.
The Coronal Suture: Separates the frontal and the parietal bones.
Sagittal Suture: Separates the two parietal bones.
Lambdoidal suture: Separates the occipital and the parietal bones
when are fontanelles formed
where two or more sutures meet between the bones
anterior fontanelle bregma
It is a diamond
It has four angles
which correspond
with the entry of
each suture.
It is about 3-4cm
long and 1.5cm
It is a valuable aid
in vaginal
examination to
determining the
Closes 18-24months
after birth
posterior fontanelle bregma
It is a small triangular
membranous space.
It is felt on vaginal examination
during labour in a well flexed
It closes at 6 weeks after birth.
label the skull diagram
the scalp of the fetes consist of five layer what are they
The Skin
A subcutaneous tissue:
Contains blood vessels and hair
Is the part where Caput
Succedaneum is formed.
A layer of Tendon – Galea
A loose layer of alveolar
Limits movement of the
scalp over the skull.
The pericranium – is the periosteum of
the cranial bones which covers the outer
surface and is adherent to their edge.
Cephalhaematoma is limited to the
layer over the bones where it lays
because it is attached to the edge of the
what is caput succedaneum
swelling appears at birth dissappears after a few days
several hours after both , dissapears 6 weeks after birth
during the passage through the birth canal , the head can be squeezed because of slight movement at the fontanelle and sutures and slight overriding of bones also occur
* Frontal bones slip under parietal bones * Parietal bones override each other Occipital bone slips under the parietal bone
fetul skull diameters
parietal eminence
The site where intramembranous ossification
of the parietal bone begins
Attitude - relationship between Fetal head and limbs to its body
* Flexed
* Deflexed
Hyper extended
Presentation -which presenting part is leading determined by the part of the fetus in the lower uterine segment
* Face
* Brow
* Vertex
* Sinciput