female reproductive cycle Flashcards
What is puberty?
The period of physical and psychological development during which a child matures into an adult.
What changes occur for girls during puberty?
Development of breasts, start of menstruation, widening of hips, and growth of body hair.
What changes occur for boys during puberty?
Development of facial and body hair, deepening of voice, increase in muscle mass, and enlargement of the testes and penis.
label the male genitilia diagram
What is the estimated daily sperm production in males?
45m sperm per day
This figure refers to the typical sperm output in a healthy male.
How much testosterone do males produce and secrete daily?
3-10mg testosterone per day
This range represents the average testosterone secretion in healthy males.
Where does sperm production occur?
Seminiferous tubules
These are located within the testes.
What is the function of the epididymis?
Sperm mature & become motile
The epididymis is a coiled tube approximately 6cm long.
What is the vas deferens?
Passage from testes to seminal vesicle
It serves as a conduit for sperm transport.
Fill in the blank: The site of sperm production is the _______.
seminiferous tubules
True or False: Sperm are produced in the epididymis.
Sperm are produced in the seminiferous tubules, not the epididymis.
What is the approximate length of the epididymis?
6cm long
What process occurs in the seminiferous tubules?
Sperm production
Sperm are initially immature and immotile in this location.
What do seminal vesicles produce?
Seminal fluid, which is alkaline and contains fructose (60% of semen)
Seminal vesicles join with the vas deferens to form the ejaculatory duct.
What is the function of the prostate?
Produces prostatic fluid, which is white and contains clotting enzyme (30% of semen)
The prostate completely surrounds the area of the male urethra.
What is the common pathway for urine and semen?
Urine and semen cannot pass at the same time due to sphincters.
True or False: The seminal vesicles produce 30% of semen.
Seminal vesicles produce 60% of semen.
Fill in the blank: The seminal vesicles join with _______ to form the ejaculatory duct.
vas deferens
What type of fluid does the prostate produce?
Prostatic fluid
This fluid is characterized by its white color and the presence of a clotting enzyme.
What prevents urine and semen from passing at the same time?
corpus carvenosa
run on either side of the penis and spongiosum houses the urethra
what is the urethra
passage of urine and semen
glans penis
most sensitive element
protect glans penis
label the diagram of the female external genitiia
What is the function of the anus?
The anus is the end of the digestive system, surrounded by sphincter tissue.
What do the Bartholin glands secrete?
The Bartholin glands secrete lubricating fluid during arousal & intercourse.
What is the primary function of the clitoris?
The clitoris is solely for sexual pleasure & inducing orgasm during intercourse.
What is the function of the labia majora?
To enclose and protect other sexual organs.
What is the function of the labia minora?
Protect urethral & vaginal openings.
The labia minora are internal structures that play a role in the protection of the urethra and vagina.
What is the role of the perineum?
Support internal organs & contributes to sexual arousal response.
The perineum is the area between the anus and the genitals, significant in both structural support and sexual function.
What is the primary function of the urethra?
End of renal system, to allow passage of urine.
The urethra is a tube that connects the bladder to the outside of the body, enabling urine expulsion.
What does the vagina (introitus) provide?
A passage to the internal reproductive system.
The vagina serves as a canal that connects the external genitals to the uterus and internal reproductive structures.
Fill in the blank: The labia minora protect the _______ and vaginal openings.
The labia minora are essential for safeguarding these openings from external harm.
True or False: The perineum has no role in sexual arousal.
The perineum is involved in sexual arousal, contributing to the overall sexual response.
What are the main functions of external structures in female anatomy?
Protect openings, support organs, contribute to arousal.
These functions are crucial for both reproductive health and sexual function.
label the internal structure of a women vagina
What is the approximate length of the vagina?
8-10 cm
In which direction is the vagina directed?
Upwards and backwards
What is the structure of the walls of the vagina?
Walls sit in contact
What are the folds in the vaginal walls called?
What is the pH of the vagina?
Low (acidic)
Which fornix is the shallowest in the vagina?
Anterior fornix
Which fornix is the deepest in the vagina?
Posterior fornix
What are the three main functions of the vagina?
- Facilitation of coitus
- Passage of menses
- Passage for birth
What is the approximate length of the cervix?
Approx. 2.5cm long
Where is the cervix situated?
At the top of the vagina
What type of muscle fibers are found in the cervix?
Dense circular fibres
What is the internal os?
At junction with body of uterus
What is the external os?
At bottom of cervix, in vagina
How does the external os change following labour and birth?
Changes in appearance
True or False: The cervix is considered to be part of the uterus.
what shape is the uterus
pear shaped
what is the length of uterus
5cm long
what is the fundus
a dope shaped top between fallopian tube
what are the functions of the uterus
receives fertilised oocyte
nourishes and protects developing pregnancy
assist in expulsion of fetus and placenta
what are the three layers of the uterus
endometrium , myometrium and perimetrium
innermost 2 layers superficial functional layer thickens and sheds , deeper basal layer regenerates
smooth muscle fibre in three layers , longitudinal , oblique and circular
extension of peritoneum
form the broad ligament like a blanket
how many fallopian tubes are their
what is the size of the fallopian tube
10 -12 cm long
fallopian tube
mobile not fixed to ovaries walls are smooth muscle
what does the fimbriae do
assist entry of oocyte
2 - almond shaped - roughly 2-4cm long outer layer is cortex inner layer is medulla
what are the function of ovaries
production of fertilisable oocyte and secretion of reproductive hormones