Nematodes (Ascaridida) Flashcards
Describe the life cycle of Ascaris suum
- Huge adult, up to 30 cm with 3 large lips L# hatches in the stomach or small intestine
- Then it enters the wall of the cecum and colon and proceeds to the liver for several days moving into the portal vein
- Tunnels around the liver for a few days, migrating to the lungs via CVC, heart and pulmonary capillary
- Bursts through pulmonary capillaries and migrates up bronchial tree–> Small intestine
What are the common pathology features of Ascaris suum?
- Mechanical trauma and hypersensitivity reaction
- Liver heals by fibrosis -> milk spots
- Lungs–> damage results in “thumps” (audible respiratory effort) and coughing
- Can cause diarrhea and interfere with weight gain
How is Ascaris suum treated?
Hygromycin B, piperazines, dichlorvos, fenbendazole, levamisoles, ivermectin, doramectin, and pyrantel
Treating and cleaning sows with warm soapy water 2 weeks before moving to farrowing crates
Treating again at weaning
Adding pyrantel to feed prevents migration and establishment of A. suum infections as pyrantel is the only approved drug to treat larvae immediately after they hatch in the small intestine
What two ascarids are models for embyronology?
Parascaris equorum has 2 germline chromosomes and P. univalens has only a single pair
Describe the life cycle of Parascaris equorum
Per os transmission to the foal
Larvae hatch and burrow into the small intestine and are carried to the liver by the portal vein
After migrating through the hepatic tissues, it enters the hepatic vein and is carried to the CVC, heart, and pulmonary arteries where it enters the alveolus
Molts in lung and undergoes tracheal migration
Per os transmission to the foal
What is the pathology feature of Parascaris equorum?
1st wave inflict mechanical damage
Second wave causes a hypersensitivity reaction
Heavy: Enteritis and subnormal growth
Produces malnourished undersized and sickly individuals with little stamina
How is Parascaris equorum treated? Resistance?
- Treatment
- Piperazine (100 mg/kg), fenbendazole (10 mg/kg), pyrantel (6.6 mg/kg), ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg), moxidectin (0.4 mg/kg)
- Pyrantel is used as a feed additive
- Resistance
- Macrocytic lactones
- Ivermectin
- Moxidectin
- Macrocytic lactones
What is a major difference between Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonina?
Toxocara canis has an extensive migration (hepatic tracheal)
When Toxascaris leonina larvae hatch in the small intestine and do not undergo a migration
Describe the life cycle of Toxocara canis
- If larvae fail to break through the alveolus it will encyst in somatic tissue
- Direction taken at the alveolus is crucial in determining whether the larvae will undergo hepatic tracheal migration and develop to sexual maturity or somatic migration and remain as encysted L3
- Tracheal migration more common in puppies <1 month
- Ingestion of paratenic host results in alimentary development without migration
- Transplacental migration of larvae is the most important route of infection during the last trimester of pregnancy
- Arrested larvae are reactivated in the bitch
- After parturition, small numbers of larvae are found in the milk
Describe the treatment of Toxocara canis:
Puppies < 2 weeks?
6 weeks or greater?
>3 weeks and 3 lbs?
- Puppies < 2 weeks
- Pyrantel pamoate
- Should start at 2 weeks of age and repeated every 2 weeks until 3 months of age
- 6 weeks
- Piperazine
- >3 weeks and > 2 lbs
- Drontal Plus (Prazi, pyranel, febantel)
Describe the life cycle of Toxocara cati
- No transplacental transmission
- Tracheal migration is common no matter the route –> less likely to form somatic stages
- Transmammary infection is most important route for kitten
- Paratenic hosts are most important for hunters
What is the treatment for Toxocara cati?
Pyrantel (drontal)= 2 week old or greater
What is the ascarid of cattle and buffalo in the developing world, including North Dakota?
Cattle and buffalo in developing world
Calves infected transmammary
Larvae are 0.75-1.5 mm in length
When a cow ingested embryonated egg, the larvae undergo hepatic tracheal migration before they make their way to the cows tissue where they live for up to 5 months
Toxocara vitulorum
Ascarid of raccoon?
Baylisascaris procyonis
Ascarid of skunks?
Baylisascaris columnaris
What is the ascarid of bears?
Baylisascaris tranfuga
What is the ascarid of woodchuck?
Baylisascaeis laevis