Helminths (Trematodes) Flashcards
What is the DH and IH for Fascicola hepatica?
Where do the adult trematodes reside in the DH?
DH: Cattle and herbivorius animals
1st IH: Lymnaedid snail
metacercariae in water plants (2nd IH)
Live in the bile ducts of ruminant and other mammalian hosts
Describe Acute fluke disease associated with Fascicola hepatica
Invasion of the liver from juvenile flukes from recently ingested metacercariae
Heavy invasions of the sort associated with acute fluke disease may occur when lambs are turned onto pastures containing marshy areas that were heavily contaminated the previous season.
Describe Chronic Fluke Disease and Fascicola hepatica
Presence of adult trematodes in the bile ducts
Gradual loss of condition, progressive weakness, anemia, hypoproteinemia with bottle jaw
Cattle-fibrotic ducts later calcify and look like branching clay pipes
F. hepatica secretes large amounts of the amino acids proline that leads to hyperplasia of the bile ducts and possibly anemia
What is the treatment of Fasciola hepatica?
Clorsulon(2 mg/kg) administered with ivermectin is fully efficacious only against the adults of F. hepatica; it is not efficacious against the rumen fluke Paramphistomum
Albendazole is indicated for the removal of liver fluke from cattle at a dosage rate of 10 mg/kg of body weight and from sheep at 7.5 mg/kg. Cattle must not be treated within 27 days of slaughter
Albendazole (15 mg/kg) was effective in eliminating adult F. hepatica and in reducing the death rate among naturally infected goats in Montana+
What are the DH and IH for Fascioloides manga? Location in host?
DH: whitetail deer
Accidental hosts: Cattle (patent); sheep and goats (non-patent)
1st IH: Snail
2nd IH: Water plants (metacercariae)
Location: Liver
What is the treatment for Fascioloides magna?
Location in host?
In sheep, a single treatment with clorsulon (15 mg/kg) 8 weeks after inoculation with metacercariae of F. magna was not sufficiently effective to be of practical value
Closantel, a drug not available in the United States, given at 15 mg/kg orally or 7.5 mg/kg intramuscularly was said to “meet the need”
What are the DH and IH for Fasciola gigantica?
Where is the location in the host?
DH: Humans (other herbivorous
1st IH: snail
2nd IH: Metacercariae on vegetation
Location: Bile ducts
What are the DH and IH for Fasciolopsis buskii?
Location in the host?
DH: Pigs and Humans
1st IH: Snail
2nd IH: Metacercariae on vegetation
Location: Intestine
What are the DH and IH of Paramphistomum?
What is the location in the host?
DH: Ruminants
1st IH: Snail (genera Physa, Bulinus, Galba, and Pseudosuccinea)
2nd IH: Metacercariae on aquatic vegetation
Location: Rumen
What are the DH and IH in Cortylophoron?
Where are they located in the DH?
DH: Ruminants
1st IH: Snail
2nd IH: Metacercariae on aquatic vegetation
Location in the host: Rumen
What are the DH and IH of Nanophyetus salmincola?
Where do they reside in the DH?
DH: Dogs and cats
1st IH: Oxytrema silicula
2nd IH: Salmonid fish
Location: Intestine
What are the DH and IH for Paragonimus kellicoti?
What is the location in the DH?
DH: Minks, dogs, and cats
1st IH: Snails
2nd IH: Crayfish
Location: Lungs
What are the DH and IH for Cryptocotyle lingua?
Location in the DH?
DH: Gulls and Terns
1st IH: marine snail, periwinkle Littorina littorea
2nd IH: Fish
Location: Intestine
What are the DH and IH of Heterophyes?
Location in the host?
DH: Dogs and cats
1st IH: Snail
2nd IH: Fish
Location: Intestine
What are the DH and IH for Opisthorchis tenuicollis?
What is the location?
DH: Cats and dogs
1st IH: Snail (Bithynia tentaculata)
2nd IH: Carp, bream, roach
Location: Bile duct (some in the pancreatic ducts)
What are the DH and IH of Metorchis sp?
Location in the host?
DH: Fox and pigs
1st IH: Snail
2nd IH: Fish
Location: Bile ducts
What are the DH and IH of Clonorchis?
Location in DH?
DH: Dogs and Cats
1st: IH: snail
2nd IH: Fish
Location: Bile ducts
What are the DH and IH for Dicrocoelium dendriticum?
Location in host?
DH: Sheep, cattle, pigs, deer, woodchucks, cottontails
1st IH: Cionella lubrica (terrestrail snail)
2nd IH: Ants (Formica fusca) in slime ball
Location: Bile ducts
What are the DH and IH for Platynosomum fastosum?
Location in the host?
DH: Cats
1st IH: Snail
2nd IH: Pill bug (terrestrial isopod)
Location in the host: Bile duct and gall bladder
What are the DH and IH for Alaria canis?
Location in the host?
DH: Dogs and Fox
1st IH: Helisoma snail
2nd IH: Frogs
Paratenic: Frogs, snake, mouse (lungs)
What are the DH and IH for Alaria marcianae?
Location in the host?
DH: Raccoons and Opossum
1st IH: Helisoma snail
2nd IH: Frogs
Location: Small intestine
What are the DH and IH for Fibricola texensis?
Location in host?
DH: Raccoon and opposum
1st: Helisoma snail
2nd: Frogs
Location: Small intestine
What are the DH and IH for Schistosoma mansoni?
Location in the host?
DH: Humans
1st IH: Biomphalaria (freshwater snail)
2nd IH: None, penetrate skin
Location: Mesenteric veins
What are the DH and IH for Schistosoma haematobium?
Location in the host?
DH: Humans
1st IH: Biomphalaria (freshwater snail)
2nd IH: None, penetrate skin
Location: Veins in the urinary bladder
What are the DH and IH for Schistosoma japonicum?
Location in the host?
DH: Humans, cats, mammals
1st IH: Biomphalaria (freshwater snail)
2nd IH: None, penetrate skin
Location: Mesenteric veins
What are the DH and IH for Schistosoma bovis?
What is the location in the host?
DH: Cattle
1st IH: Biomphalaria (freshwater snail)
2nd IH: None, penetrate skin
Location: Mesenteric veins
What are the DH and IH for Schistosoma margrebowiei?
What is the location in the host?
DH: Horses, ruminants
1st IH: Biomphalaria (freshwater snail)
2nd IH: None, penetrate skin
Location: Mesenteric veins
What are the DH and IH for Bivitellobilhania loxodontae?
What is the location in the host?
DH: Elephants
1st IH: Biomphalaria (freshwater snail)
2nd IH: None, penetrate skin
Location: Mesenteric veins
What are the DH and IH for Heterobilharzia americanum?
Location in the host?
DH: Raccoons, dogs, opossums
1st IH: freshwater snail, Lymnaea cubensis
2nd IH: None, penetrate skin
Location: Mesenteric veins