Nematodes Flashcards
Ancylostoma caninum
Hook worm
Diagnosis of Ancylostoma caninum
fecal float
What do Ancylostoma caninum eggs look like?
Oval w/ thin shells and multiple cell clusters
Where do adult hook worms live?
The small intestines
How do hook worm larva infect newborns?
may go into muscle dormancy and infect through milk
How much daily blood loss can hook worms cause?
0.1 ml
Health concerns of hook worms (4)
- Anemia
- diarrhea
- malabsorption
- cutaneous larva migrans
Cutaneous larva migrans
Larva and penetrate the skin and migrate
Causative organisms of Cutaneous larva migrans (3)
- Ancylostoma spp.
- Uncinaria spp.
- Strongyloides stercolaris
What is another name for cutaneous larva migrans?
Creeping eruptions
clinical signs and symptoms accompanying a disease
Syndrome in human with cutaneous larva migrans
itchy, reddish, raised skin lesion that follows a serpentine pattern
Syndrome in animals with cutaneous larva migrans
anemia, diarrhea, malabsorption in puppies
Incubation period for cutaneous larva migrans?
2-3 days
where are cutaneous larva migrans most likely to be found?
Areas w/ warm moist climate and sandy soil
how are cutaneous larva migrans transmitted?
Skin contact w/ infective larva in soil contaminated w/ dog and cat feces
How are cutaneous larva migrans treated?
- Antiparasitics
- antipruritics
- antibiotics
what are some ways to control and prevent the transmission of cutaeous larva migrans? (3)
- Regular deworming of dogs and cats
- Prohibition of dogs and cats on playgrounds and beaches
- Wear protective clothing when in contact with potentially contaminated soil
what are the 4 hook worm species?
- Ancylostoma caninum
- Ancylostoma tubaeforme
- Ancylostoma brazilienze
- Uncinaria stenocephala
which hook worm are more prevelent in the PNW? Warmer climates?
PNW - Uncinaria
Warmer climates - Ancylostoma
Toxocara canis
round worm (ascarid)
what is the appearence toxocara canis eggs?
round w/ a thick, pitted shell
other than GI where can toxocara canis travel?
- Uterine
2. Mammary
What is the leading cause of death in pups due to toxocara canis?
migration of larva to the lungs
what are health concerns with toxocar canins? (3)
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- visceral larva migrans
what damage can be cause by visceral larva migrans
Damage to the body’s internal organs caused by a migrating roundworm larva
Causative parasites of visceral larva migrans
- Toxocara canis
- Toxocara cati
- Baylisascaris procyonis
the syndrome in humans with visceral larva migrans
asymptomatic or mild signs fever, cough, skin rash, abdominal pain, CNS abnormalities, ocular dz.
what is the diagnosis for visceral larva migrans?
- serology
- ELISA test
what are the 4 round worm species?
- toxocara canins
- toxocara cati
- toxoscaris leonina
- baylisascaris procyonis
Trichuris vulpis
what is the appearence of the trichuris vulpis eggs?
barrel-shaped w/ transparent plugs at each end
where do the adult whipworms like to live in the host?
the large intestine (cecum and Colon)
why are tricuris vulpis infestations hard to treat? (2)
- they are sporadic egg shedders
2. hang out in the colon and may not come into contact with paracitic meds
Dirofilaria immitis
where to Dirofilaria immitis like to live in the host?
right side of the heart
what can cause a false negative on heart worm test?
few females present
what are some ways to test for microfilaria in the blood? (4)
- blood smear
- microhematocrit tube
- Knott’s test
- filter test
what are some other ways to test for heart worm? (2)
- antigen test
2. antibody test
Strongylus vulgaris
large strongyles
what is the appearence of Strongylus vulgaris eggs?
oval w/ thin shell and a multiple- cell cluster in the center
where do Strongylus vulgaris migrate in the host? what can be the cause of this migration?
- migrate through wall of the cranial mesenteric artery
- Death
Oxyuris equi
pin worm
what is the appearence of Oxyuris equi eggs?
oval w/ a transparent plug at one pole
where do pin worms like to lay their eggs?
around the rectum
Ostertagia ostertagi
stomach worm
what are some ways to diagnose Oxyuris equi? (2)
- Baerman
2. scotch tape on the sides of the rectum
what is the appearence of Ostertagia ostertagi eggs?
typical strongyle eggs
where do the adult Ostertagia ostertagi like to live in the host?
what is the causative organism for trichinosis?
Trichinella spiralis
how is tricinosis aquired?
eating inadequately cooked infected meat
what is the Incubation period for tricinosis?
5 to 15 days
how is tricinosis diagnosed?
- Syndrome
- serology
- muscle biopsy
how is tricinosis treated? (2)
- Antiparasitics
2. antiinflammatories
how can you control or prevent tricinosis? (3)
- Cook meat well or freeze it (for at least 20 days) before eating
- Cook garbage fed to swine
- Control rodents in swine rearing operations
what is the syndrome for trichinosis in humans?
- asymptomatic
- mild fever, muscle pain, swollen eyelids
- diarrhea, ocular pain and hemorrhage, CNS and cardiac abnormalities