NEED To KNOW Only Block 2 Flashcards
NTK about Coccidiomycosis
Most common in Arizona
S/s: acute pneumonia
-cought, pluertic chest pain, fatigue, Headache
Fever, chills, nightsweats, arthalgias, Hilar/mediastinal lymphadenpathy, ERYTHEMA multifomre/ nodosum
High rate in immunocoomp pts as well as FILIPINOS and PREGNANT
DOC is Fluconazole
If severe: Amphotericin B
NTK Histoplasmosis
Common among bats, caves, chickens and bird droppings
Grows in the soil
Increased Rsk in smokers
(Rarely an epedimic)
S/s: flulike, hilar/ medistinal lymapdenotpathy
Low grade fever, wt loss, anemia
Leukopenia, and thrombocytopnia common
Tx: Usually self limiting
If hypoxic or last longer than 1 month
-Itraconazome or Amphotericin B
If HIV: Itraconazole (life long) )
NTK Cryptococcosis
Assoc with pigeon poop
Op infx in immuno comp
More common in men with a CD4 count below 200
S/s: CNS involvemnt with papules, pustules, ulcers, and sinuses
NTK Candidiasis
Always think HIV in a young adult
Immuno comp op infx
S/s thick vaginal D/c
Pregnant or DM
Post ABX tx
Tx: single dose flucanazole
NTK C.dif
Post ABX Tx, Nosocomial Diarhrea
NTK Norovirus
Cruise ship outbreaks!
NTK yersinia enteroicolitica
Assoc with raw or undercooked pork Last 1-3 wks Acute onset of pain in the RLQ Psuedo appendicitis Assoc with poly arth
Tx: supportive with DOC- cipro
NTK Bacillus Cereus
Fried Rice Syndrome
Last 30min -15 hrs
Tx is Supportive Care
(Can use cipro or TMXSMP)
NTK C. Jejuni
Can be fecal oral or Food borne Transmission
(CHICKENS) (Sick pets) (Unpast milk)
S/s; 10+ watery bloody stools a day
NTK Salmonellosis
Sources: reptiles, birds, eggs, poulty, frogs
S/s; non bloody N/V/D
Mild abd cramping
Cholera like poops +tenesmus
12-36 post exposure
NTK Shigellosis
Sigella Toxin ACUTE BLOODY DIARHEA PASSAGE OF MUCUS \+fever 1-3 days post exposure
Tx: cipro, avoid narcs
NTK Travelers Diarhea
Tx: ciprofloxcain
Or Azithromycin
NTK Cholera
PAINLESS, watery rice water stools with fishy odor
Tx: Supportive rehydration
Doxy or azithro can be used to shorten course
Prevention 10day prophylaxis
NTK Listeria monocytogenes
Pregnancy equals 25 % rsk of fetal loss
Hipanic women 24X more likey
Immunocomp op infx
Sources: dairy, cold cuts, hot dogs, cheeses, icecream, raw fruit, deli meats
S/s: fever, myalgias, arthralgias, back pain , head ache
NTK botulism
Canned food and Honey in peds
S/s: diploplia, facial wkness, dysphagia
NTK dengue fever
VEry high fever 105.8 or higher Headcahe, RETROORBITAL pain Truncal rash Sever joint pains and muscle pains Small bleedin of gums nose and teeth
Test: TQ test: > 10 petechia per sq inch ( 5 minutes)
NTK yellow fever
+jaundice, N/bilious vomiting
Conjuctical injections (yellow)
+ leukopenia/ thrombocytopenia
Tx; Supportive, Central line, FFP
NTK ebola/ marbung
Sever Headache, phayngitis, arthlagias, myalgias
+maculopapular rash
Followed by GI s/s N/V/D
NTK lassa fever
Fever + wkness
Facial and neck EDEMA
Severe for pregnant women and offsrping
Deafness common
LFTs: Ast higher than alt
NTK Hantavirus
Occurs in the far east
Triad: fever, bleeding, and renal insufficiency
Source: rodents
Mild s/s in children under 15
NTK crimean congo fever
Carried by ticks and assoc with livestock
S/s Massive ecchymosis, nosebleeds, hepatomegaly, substanial mucosal and GI bleeding , starts out like the flu
Tx: ribavirin
50% death rate if untreated
High rsk groups: Forighners, low income, racial, elderly, long term care, IV drug users, occupation
Highest risk is HIV groups 7-10% increase per year
TB think HIV, HIV think TB
S/s: productive cough, fevr, wt loss, hemoptysis, anorexia, fatigue, nightsweats
PPD then CXR
LArger than 5cm for: HIV, transplants, long term steroid use, abn CXR
LArger than 10: DM, malignancies, IV drug use and HIV neg, CKD, 10mm in the past 2 years, children under 4 with Tb exposure
Larger than 15 for everyone else
Tx: LTBI- INH x 9 months + pyridoxine
Alt: rifamipin
NTK Nec Fasc
Tx: Imipenem
NTK strep throat
Group A beta hem strep ( Pyrogens)
Tonsilitis with exudate
Tx : PCN G (IM in no compliant)
Alt: clinda
NTK rheumatic fever
Prevention: early and correct Tx of strep throat
2-3 weeks post infx
Effects mitral valve most
Major criterai (jones) Joint pain , Carditis, Erythmeam marginatusm, subq nodules Syndeham chorse,
MInor criteria: fever, pr interval, elevated ESR, CRP
NTK scarlet fever
Fever (low grade) Chills, Headache
Vomiting ,Pharyngitis, Tongue dorsum with a white exudate , Projecting edematous papillae
SAND PAPER like skin
Tx: PCN or erthyro
Fever, ttp, sandpaper like skin, Nikolskys sign (skin seperates with gentle stoking)
N/V/D, Flulike, fever >102
AMS, Soft tissue Infx, chills, myalgia
Desquamation 1-2 wks post illness involves palms and soles, HOTN SBP less than 90
Traid: Sudden onset fever, Rash, HOTN
NTK Group B strep
40 % death rate if untreated
S/s Peripartum fever
UTI, pneumonia, endocardiatis ect
Can be Tx outpt with lessions are less than 5 cm
Tx: TMXSMP, Docy, or clinda
Inpt: Vanc
NTK Tetanus
Spores from the soil, dust, animal waste
Vegative active form
S/s generlized tetanus, local, cephalic, or neonatal
Lockjaw, muscle cramps, SZR, severe pain
Ts: Diazapam (SZR) Immunoglobins and metronidazole
NTK measles
Droplet contact
Fever, coryza, cough, +KOPLIK spots (spots on the buccal mucosa)
Characteristic red blotch rash that starts on the face, then the truck, and arms 3-7 days.
Leukopenia is very common
Assoc with a Vit A deficiency
Fever, sore throat, splenomegaly
“Kissing dz”
Chills, malase, fatigue, prolonged recovery
+jaundice, abnml AST, lymphocytosis greater than 50%
NTK Mumps
Fever, with parotid swelling, dyspahgia, and malaise
+orchitis/ oophortis
NTK polio
Infx occurs in the Gi tract
Spreads to the regional lymp
Flaccid parralysis
With 90% infx being subacute
S/s FVR, asymetric paralysis, flaccid with intact sensory
NTK Varicella
Occurs in the axilla or diaper area
Septic complications in ped, common cause of death
Can cause pneumonia
Tx: acyclovir
Over 50? = shingrix
Consider VZIG with 96 hours post exposure
NTK erythema infectiosum
Its PARPVIRUS B aka 5th dz
5-15 yr old pts common
NTK Zika virus
Causes microcephaly and Guillain Barre syndrome
Focal macular pigment mottling, chorioretinal atrophy,
Congential glaucoma w/ optic nerve hypoplasia, with optic disc abnormalities