Diabetes Pharm III Lecture Flashcards
What is the cause of Type I Diabetes
Results from autoimmune destruction of B cells in the pancreas
What is the cuase of type II Diabetes
Results from progressive insulin resistance, decreased insulin resistiane, increased hepatic glucose output
What is a fasting, glucose that shows diabetes
126 or more
What is an A1C that is assoc with diabetes
Greater than 6.5
In a diabetic pt, dropping the DBP from 90 to 80, what is the reduction in major CV risk
50 % reduction
What is the ratio of A1c and Microvascular complications
Q 1% drop in A1c reduces the micro vasc risk by 40%
What is the leading cause of blindness in pts aged 20-74 y/o
What is the 1st line medicaiton for DM
What is the perferrec agent in gestastional DM
What is hypoglycemia
Blood glucose less than 70 mg/dl
What is level 1 hyporglycemia
60~70 mg/dl
Tx: 15/15/15 rule
15 gram carbs, wait 15 minutes(eval) , and then treat 15 more grams
What is level 2 hypoglycemia
Glucose 41~59 *( this pt can have CNS defects)
30/15/30 rule
30 mg of Carbs, wait 15 - eval, then 30 more Carbs
What is level 3 hypo gl
Less than 40
These pts may have SZR,
Tx with Glucagon 1 mg Sub Q ot 50 mls of D5W
What is the gl goal for hypoglycemia
Gl level above 70 and resolution of negative s/s
Wha is DKA
DM keto acidosis
Inability to produce insulin
(Common in Type I pts)
Hallmark labs are hyper gl, acidosis, anion gap, large ketones in the urine
What is a glucose higher than 600
What are the rapid acting insulins
Lispro, aspart, gluilisine
What is afrezza
Inhaled insulin
How must inhaled insulin be used
Must be used with a long acting insulin
Caution in use with Asthma pts or Smokers
What are the two short acting insulins
Humilin R or Novolin R
What are the DOC for IV insulin infusions
Short acting insulins ( humilin or Novolin)
What is the formulation of Insulin that is use in severe insulin resistance pts
U-500 Insulin ( short acting)
What are the two versions of NPH insulin
Humulin N and Novolin N
What are the two types of long acting insulin
Glargine and detemir
What is the DOC for pregnant insulin meds
reg insulin U-100
What are the two approaches to T1DM tx
Multi daily dose or continous subq infusion
What is the insulin dosing for Type1DM
0.5units/ Kg
What is the relationship between insulin and CHO ratio
1 unit of insulin for every 15 gm of CHO
What is the number to remember for regular insulin CHO coverage
What is the number to remember for rapid acting insulin CHO coverage
What is the corrective coverage for regualar insulin
Corrective dose would be (current BG-desired BG) / (1500/TDD)
What is the corrective dose with rapid acting insulin
Corretive dose (Current BG-deisred BB) / ( 1800/TDD)
What is the dawn phenomenon
Insuff evening basal insulin leads to AM hyperglycemia ( solution increase evening basal insulin)
What is the somogyi effect
To much insulin in the evening leads to hypoglycemia at night with compensatory hyperglycemia in the AM
(Drop the evening insulin)
What are the risk fx for DM2
Sedetery lifestyle Diet Hyperlipidieam Black people Women Obesity
What is the goal of A1C in DM2
Less than 7
What are the excercise recommendations for DM
150 min of moderate intensity for more than 3 adays a week with no more than 2 days without excercise
Resestiance training at least 2 times a week
Because of the viscocity of the blood in a pt with DM what anitplatlet drug is recommended
A pt presents with an AIC above 6.5%, what is the 1st step of DM2 Tx
Start metformin if A1C is below 10
A pt presents with an A1C above 10%, what is the 1st step in tx
Start insulin
A pt presents with an A1C thats 1.5% thier goal (6.5) what is the first step
Ao Metformin + a second agent
Can GLP-1s be used with DPP-4s in DM2 managment
A DM2 Pt has ASCVD or must lose wieght what is the Tx approach
GLP1 or SGLT2Inhb, then add which ever one you didnt use before, then add DPP-4 inhipitor( must remove GLP-1), lastly if all that doesnt work you can add Basal insulin
What is the Tx approach to refractory DM2 tx
GLP-1 + metformin ( basal insulin)
Then add preprandial Rapid acting insulins
In a pt with HF/CKD with DM2 what is the tx approach
Metformin, plus SGLT2 inhibitor, then GLP-1, THen DDP-4 (must remove the GLP-1) then laast resort basal insulin
What is the MOA of biguanides
basically metformin
Decrease hepatic glucose production
And increase insulin sensitivity
What is the 1st line medication for T2DM
What are the C/I of biguanides
Scra greatter than 1.4 in women or 1.5 in men
Can cause lactic acidosis
What is the marjor ADE of metformin
GI upset/ diarrhea ( try to convince the pts to stay on the medicaion for 2-3 weeks to out last the ADE, which can go away on its own)
Contrast dye + metfromin leads to an increase risk of what state?
How does climidine intereact with metformin
Increases the concentration of metformin
What is the MOA of Sulfonylureas (SU)
Stim. Pancreating bera cell insulin release
What are three exampples of 2nd gen (SU) drugs
Glipizide, glyburiode, glimepiride
What is the common complication of Sulfonyurea
Hypoglycemia is the most common ADE,
What are three 1st ine SU drugs
Tolbutamide, chlorpropamide, (theres one more, look it up in the slides)
What SU is safe in pregnancy
2nd Gen Glyburide
Not recommended in pts with a CrCl<50
What are the two meglitinides
Repaglinide and nateglinide ( basically thrid line drugs, will rarely use them)
Used as replacemnts for SU drugs at a different site
Stimulateds beta insulin release
What are the 2 thiazolidinedions
Pioglitazone and rosiglitazone ( increase insulin sensitivity, at peripheral receptor sites)
What are the ADE ot TZD meds
WT GAIN! Peripherral fluid retention, exacterbates CHF
What type of cancer does pioglitazone cause
Bladder cancer
What are the two types of incretin based tx
GLP-1 agonist
Or DPP-4 inhibitors
What are 3 examples of a GLP-1 receptor agaonist
Liraglutide, exanatide, dulaglutide
All end in tide
What are the benifits of using a GLP-1
Low risk hypoglycemai, suppresses gluagon, secreation slows gastric emptying, and reduces fodd intake by increaseing satiety
What are three DDP-4 inhibitors
When using a DDP-4 and an SU together what must you do
Reduce the does of the SU by 50%
What is the major warnign of GLP-1 agonists
Pancreatists ( also caused thyroid cancer in rats)
When using a GLP-1 and a SU together, what must you do
Decrease the SU doose by 50%
How must exenatide be dose and who can it not be used for
Prior to Am and PM meals, not recommended in CrCl <30 mls
What medication can be used in both DM and Wt loss
Liraglutide and Semaglutide
What is the major ade of alpha glucoisdase inhibitors
Major major GI upset, N/V/D gas gas gas
What is the MOA of SGLT2 inhibitors
Reduces reabsorptions of filtered glucose so more sugar is lost in the urine ( UTI risk increase)
What do SGLT2 drugs all end in
What are the ADE of SGLT2 drugs
UTI and increased fungal infections
Canagliflozin has an ADE of
Increased stroke RISK
SGLT2 drugs have what two ADE
Bladder cancer, and stroke
What three classes of antispastic drugs are central acting agents
CNS depressants, A2 agonist, Gaba agonist
What is the MOA of Flexeril
Similar to a TCA, depresses serotonergic neurons
What is the MOA of Flexiril
TCA similar, suppression of seretonergic nuerons
What muscle relazant is approved for tetanus
What is the MOA of thiomaides
Block iodination and sythesis of thyroid hormones
What does the acrynom SNOOP mean
For 2ndary HA
Systemic signs
Neuro S/s
fill in the rest
What does OLD CART for migraine headaches mean
Onset Location Ducation Charachter Aggravating/alleviating Radiating Timing
What does POUNDing in migriane HA mean
pulsatile One Day duration (4hrrs to 72 hrs) Unilateral Nauesea debillitating
Define migraine without aura
(FILL it in)
Define Migraine with aura
(FILL this in)
What is the important mediator in migraine HA
5-HT (seretonin)
What causes migraine pain
Trigeminal sensory nerves trigger vasoactive neuropeptides
What is the MOA of trioptans
Stimulate 5-HT1B receptors causing vasoconstriction (reducing pressure in the brain)
What are the pain control goals in migraines
Acute relief within 30 minutes with complete relief within 2 hrs
Return to function within 1 hr
MIDAS II, what is the Tx approach
MIDAS III-IV, what is the Tx approach
Can you use ergotamine with a triptan
No, can only be used after 24hrs of triptan use
What is ergotism
Exterme peripheral vasoconstriction leading to gangrene and peripheral vasc d/o
What are the C/I to triptans
HX of Ischemic HDz, Uncontrolled HTN, CVA
How many times can you use a triptan in a month
No more than 9-10 times
What is the off label use of butorphanol
Migriane ( last resort)
Using NSAIDs for more than 15 days can lead to what rebound phenomena
Rebound HA
A pt with more than 4 HA a month or Migraines that last longer than 122 hours require…
HA prophylaxis
What is the perferred anticonvulsant for Migraine prophylaxis
What are the C/I to Triptans
What is the BB of choice for Migraine prophylaxis
What non dhp CCB is used to prevent migraines
Pts who have 15 or more HA a month should get what prevent tx
Botulinum toxin A
What is a useful prohylactic for HA in pregnancy
How do CGRP INhibitors work
Activation of trigeminovascular system results in more CGRP than substance P
So inhibiting these, reduces pain in the head and face
Currently not included in Guidlines
What are the 3 CGRP inhibitors
Erenumab, Fremanezumab, Glacanezumab
Pt presents with bilateral dull non pulstaitle, pressure that occurs in a hat band pattern.. think
Tension HA
What are the nonpharm tx of tension HA
massage, hot bath, massage, rest
What is the DOC for tension prophylaxis
What is a cluster HA
Is assoc. with hypothalamic D/f
More frequent at night/ circadian rhytym
14 fold increase in genetic disposition
Most severe of the primamry HA
A pt presents with ipsilaterl, acute, with suprobital, or ipsilater watery eyes, forhead or facial swelling
Pt is siting and rocking back and forth or pacing clutching head
Think what kind of HA
Cluster HA
What is the Tx appraoch to Cluster HA
O2, with sumatriptan are the DOC
Ergorts can be used but they really suck
Zolimtriptan can be used by is less effective
What is the prophylaxis DOC for cluster HA
What are two adjunctive tx for Cluster HA
And Dihydroergotamine