FINAL CARDS Flashcards
A pt presents with acute intracranial hemmorage, what is the approach to lowering the BP
If the BP is above 220, start lowering tx with IV infusion
If below 220 the lower BP to less than 140 (can cause harm)
A pt presents with acute (less than 72 hrs) with ischemic stroke
What is the BP lowering Tx approach
Does the pt qualify for thrombolytics?
Yes? Then lower BP to less than 185/100-110 in the first hour and before starting thrombolytics then maintain BP less than 180/105 for the first 24 hours.
Is the SBP above 220?
No? Then restart pts BP medication
yes? Lower BP by 15% during the 1st 24hrs
What are the acyanotic congenital heart dz
VSD/ASD (without eisnmenger)
All these are L to R shunts (high pressure to low pressure)
What are the Cyanotic Congenital Heart Dz
Transpo of the Great vessels (incompatible with life)
Truncus Arteriosis ( basically an overriding aorta)
Hypoplastic L heart (pt never develops a left ventricle)
Tetralogy of fallout ( VSD +PS+RVH+Overriding Aorta)
Pentalogy of Fallot (tetra +ASD)
Total Anomolous Pulm Venous return
All are naturally R to L shunts
What are the common risk factors for Congeintal Heart Dz
Genetics Rubella exposure Alcohol while pregnant Multi fetal births DM HTN Connective Tissue Disorders Mood D/o Epilepsy Thyroid D/o
You are evaluating an infant and you heard a harsh systolic murmur over the left scapula or left shoulder
Think >?./
Coart of the aorta
These pts will have life long HTN problems
You are listening to lung sounds and you hear an ejection/ Systolic murmur at the LUSB that increases with inspiration, with a Wide Split S2
What is the MC obstructive Heart Lesion in Children/ Infants
AS, Harsh sys ejection murmur that radiates to the carotids. Increases with expiration, and increases with hand grip
Where is the common site for Coart to occur
Adjacent to the Ductus Arteriosis
What is the Tx appraoch to Coart (congenital)
Surgical repair, ballon angio
Life long HTN tx
You hear a fixed wide S2 split, tat first is acyanotic and later develops cyanosis, and clubbing
Think what MC congenital HDz later found in adults
ASD is a L to R shunt that eventually develops RVH and eisnmerger syndrome leading to cyanosis
At what age does the PFO close
At 6 months
A new born presents with HF s/s , poor growths, and has an increased risk of infections,
You hear a pansystolic murmur at the LSB
These pts present acyanotic and then later can develop eisnmerger syndrome and become cyanotic
Increased R Vent pressure lead to what looks like CHF with Edema in the periphery
O se the shunt reverse these pts has a large apical pulse and pulm congestion
With labored RR, grunting, rib contractions
CXR will show Cardiomegaly and prom pulm arteries
EKG LAE, LVH leading to RVH
What is the Treatment approach to VSD in infants
Is its small and AS/s then f/u at 8-10 weeks
Then again at 12 months
Most will spont. Recovery
If its large
Then Diet intervention 2 prevent wt gain
Dietetics, the ACEI, and SRGRY if PAP is greater than 50mmHg
pts with need ABX prophylaxis for dental and RR procedures for any produced with in 6 months of SRGICAL repair
You hear a continous machine like murmur In a new born, with Lower extremity cyanosis yet uppers are not
What natural pathway of circulation has not closed
Which normally closes at 1 wk
Leads to LHF to RHF to eisnmerger syndrome leading to LE cyanosis and UE acyanotic
Pt will also have a wide pulse pressure
Tx with SRGY ligation
What is the MC cyanotic Heart lesion
What are the 4 findings in tetralogy
- Overriding aorta
- ASD? =pentalogy
PS leads to RVH leading to Eisnmerger through the VSD, and Cyanosis
Describe the murmur of PS
Sys ejection murmur at the LUSB
With a loud s2 sound
+/- systolic thrill
Prominent RV pulse
A mother says her baby gets cyanotic but then does a squat and is able to keep playing
What is this ?>
Text spell seen in tetralogy
Then squat increases SVR which increase LV pressure
Causing reversal of eisnmergers and reduces cyanosis
What are the later findings of tetralogy in infants
Poor feeding Tets spells Increase HR and BP Cyanosis Syncope Poor growth And late puberty
You see a “boot shaped” heart on CXR
With a right aortic arch
How do you Dx tetralogy
Gestalt and ECHO!
What is the immediate Tx approach to a baby with tetralogy
Place the knees againt the chest
Start O2
And give fluid bolus
May need to treat HF with morphine, propranolol/ esmolol and then SRGY
(With out SRGY 50% DIE)
What are the major bad outcomes of Tetrology
Pulm regurgition, RV enlargement, RV dysfunction
Aortic root dilation
High risk of developing infectious endocarditis
What is Blue Baby syndrome
Transposition of the Great Arteries
Not comparable with life unless there is a Shunt ( PDA or PFO)
Must give PGE1 to maintain patency of PDA or PFO (NSAIDS WILL CLOSE IT)
Then perform Baloon arterial septostomy (BAS)
You see “egg on a string” pattern on CXR of an infant
What is this?
Transposition of the Great Vessels
describe eisnmenger syndrome
R to L shunt initially
Leads to PULM HTN
Increased RV pressure
Leads to R to L shunt
And Cyanosis
Findings: Hypoxia Polycythemia Increased Thrombus (ESR) Stroke/ ACS
What is the Tx approach toe eisnmenger syndrome
Excercise restrictions and transplant
Mean age of death 37y/0
What are the H/Ts
Hypoxia Hypothermia HyperK HypoK Hypogl Hypovolemic High H+
Tamp Tension Pneumo Toxins Thrombus Pulm Thrombu Cardio
A pt is in cardiac arrest with a ph less than 7.4
What is the most immediate tx to correct acid base
What is the step by step process to treat hyper K
Give calcium gluconate to stabilize the membrane then give insulin and D50W( if glucose is below 220)
What is a severe K level
Below 3.5 or above 5.5 (7)
What is Becks triad
Muffled Heart tones
Signs of Tamp
Need to centesis
What is the reveresal agent for APAP
What is the reversal method for asprin
Alkaline the blood/ urine
Supportive care
What is the reversal method for TCAs
Alky the urine and blood
Supportive care
What is the reveresal agent for Benzos
What is the reversal agent for Opiates
What is the reversal agent for Methanol/ Ethenol
Fomepizol/ dialysis
What is the reversal method for BB
Glucagon, + pacing + inotropes
What is the reversal method to CCB
Glucagon, Pacing, and Inotropes
What is the reversal agent for digitalis
DIgibind and close monitoring
A pt presents with unilateral rise and fall of the chest
With absent lung sounds unilaterally
JVD and Tracy deviation of CXR
What is this?
Tension Pneumo
ND the chest and then move up to a chest tube in necessary
A pt presents with new SOB and chest pain , narrow QRS and is TachyHR
Recently went on a long trip and is a cancer survivor
What is the approach to this reversible H/T
This is a PE
Wells criteria greater than 4, goes straight to CTPA
If CKD, pregnant or C/I then V/Q scan or US
(Remember Low risk PE, wells less than 4 get a D-dimer which if less than 400 excludes PE)
If you find a STEMI what do you do
SEND TO PCI SEND TO PCI SEND TO PCI with in 90 minutes or 120
What are the 4 types of syncope
Cardiac cause
Ortho HOTN
Cardio pulm structure (Exertional/ Non)
A woman was at a baseball game and she stood up to cheer, she felt a warm sensation and passed out
The EMS said that her HR and BP are both low
What type of syncope is this
Vasovagal ( could have been ortho from the quick positional change, but look at the HR and BP they are both low, in Ortho HOTN the BP will go down but the HR will go up)
Describe carotid sinus induced syncope
Often in older men, shaving, or tight collars
Baro receptor stimulation lead se to increase pressure on CN IX and X leading to increase in parasympathetic tone and syncope
(Hr and BP will drop)
What are the key findings of BP in ortho HOTN
SBP drops by 20 or more
DBP drops by 10 or more over 5 min
What are the common meds that cause ortho HOTN
Alpha blockers or A2 agonist
BB blockers, CCB
How does Addison’s disease cause ortho HOTN
Primary adrenal insufficiency leads to decrease aldosterone production
Which leads to low NA retention and there for low water retention
What is the most common cause of syncope from cardiac cause
bradycardia (Sick Sinus syndrome, AVB or sinus Brady)
An elderly man passed out while watching Tv at home
What kind of syncope should be suspected
Cardiac nature
Af RVR? WPW, SVT? VTAc? Prolonged QTC?
Torsaded D Pointes
Or a pacer failure
A young athlete presents with syncope think
Describe the murmur of AS
Systolic crescendo decrescendo murmur @ RUSB that rads to the carotids
Describe the murmur of MS
Diastolic murmur that radiates to the apex
Can also have LAE, or Pulm Edma
Describe PS
Systolic murmur heard at the LUSB with a split S2 and increases of inspiration
Describe TS
Diastolic murmur that radiates to the right best heard at the LLSB
What are the holosystolioc murmurs
What are the non exertional causes of cardio plum syncope
Carbon monoxide
COPD exacerbation
What is the admission criteria for pts with syncope
MI! AAA Decomp CHF Valvular HDz Pulm HTN AVB (II-III) WPW Long QTC (eval/observe)
What is the Lab w/u for syncope
W/u to rule out anemia
A pt just Presents with syncope what should you do
Get and EKG
When would you put a syncope pt on a holler monitor, loop recorder, or event monitor
Holter if S/s are daily
Event if S/s are weekly
And Loop recorder if S/s are monthly
When should you use ECHO in a syncope pt
And should be done prior to any stress testing
Before you stress test a syncope pt what must you do 1st
If you think the pt had a SZR what should you do
Order CT or EEG
If you believe the pts syncope is due to HOTN what test Can be ordered
Tilts test
You hear a diastolic blowing murmur at the LUSB
What is this murmur
A young woman presents with abd pain, plus syncope
Ectopic pregnancy
An old male smoker presents with flank pain plus syncope think
AA dissection
A pt presents with severe sudden HA and syncope think
A woman present with syncope preceded by a prodrome of warmth/tingling N/V and sweaty
Vasovagal syncope
A cancer pt presents with SOB and syncope think !
What does CHESS mean for high risk w/u syncope pts
CHF Hematocrit <30 ECG ABNML SOB SBP<90
Pts with any of the above should be admitted and eval/tx
What is the ACLS clinical approach
- Scene safety
- Unresponsive? Active emergency+AED
- Breathing or not Breathing?
Yes? Monitor
No? 4. Pulses?
Yes =rescue breathing
No? 5? Start CPR
6? Shockable Rhythm?
You respond to a cardiac code and there is a shockable rtrhym
CPR is already started
What are the next steps
Rhythm is shockable (vTac/ PVfib) CPR already started (Shock) CPR x2 min (SHOCK+Epi 1mg +Advanced Airway) CPR (Shock +Amio 300/150 plus H/Ts?)
Youre responded to a Cardiac Code and the pt converts from a shockable rhythm to asystole
What is the next steps
Unshockbale Rhythms include asystole and PEA
Until Rosc or death or conversion to Shockable
You just finished doing CPR and your pt is in ROSC
What are the next steps
- Ensure proper Aiway ( Intubate as needed)
- Maintain SPO2 above 94%
- Maintain PaCO2 within 35-45 (proper ventilation)
- If SBP is below 90 initiate fluids Or if MAP is below 65
(Use inotropes and pressers as appropriate) - Obtain 12 lead to eval for STEMI
(PCI within 90 min )
6.Maintain gl 70-110
Evaluate need for admission
You pt is in ROSC and can follow commands
What is the next step
Admit to ICU
Youre at the END of ROSC and your pt cannot follow commands what is the next step
Start TTM at 32-26*C
Obtain CT and EEG eval for stroke
What are the criteria for stable vs unstable Dx
S/s Shock
CP or HF