Block 4 Ortho Flashcards
Define Achilles Tendon Tear
Disruption of the tendon 5-7 cm proximal to insertion of the tendon on the calcaneus
A pt present with “gun shot pain” at the distal posterior leg
Sudden and severe pain from playing sports
+positive Thompson test
Think ? Tx?
Achilles’ tendon tear
Cam boot with heel lift until foot reaches neutral
Rehab consult, RICE, Crutches x5-6 days
Operative: if high level athlete/ active duty
When is a Thompson test most reliable for Dx a tendon rupture
Within 48 hrs
When is rereputure of the Achilles after Tx most common
Re-rupture with non-op management more common
When should all Achilles tears be referred
All complete ruptures within 24 hrs.
What are the common injuries for an inversion ankle sprain
Inversion injury- ATFL and CFL
What is the common injury in a high ankle sprain
High ankle sprain= AITFL
Requires Increased recovery time
What are the long term ADE of Ankle Sprain
Chronic instability
Chronic Pain
Development of Ankle OA
What are the two most commonly torn ligaments in an ankle Sprain
How do you screen for a fx in an ankle injury
Palpate lateral/medial malleoli, base of 5th metatarsal
Pain at the navicular
(Ottawas Criteria)
(+inability to bear wt x 4 steps)
Get an X-ray
Syndesmosis squeeze test evals what tendon tear
AITFL (high ankle sprain)
What are the 3 phases of non op treatment of ankle sprains
- NSAIDs + rest, brace/air stirrup (2-3wks)
- ROM + strength (2-4 wks after injury and patient can bear weight without pain)
- Proprioception, agility, endurance (4-6 wks after injury)
What is the most important part of rehab in an ankle injury
To control inflammation in phase 1!
What is the most common cause of chronic instability in ankle sprains
Incomplete rehab
Define bunionette
AKA Tailor’s bunion
Deformity of the 5th MTP joint that is analogous to a bunion deformity of the great toe
Characterized by prominence of the lateral aspect of the 5th MT head and medial deviation of small toe
What does a bunionette look like on XR
Medial deviation of 5th proximal phalanx
lateral deviation of 5th MT shaft and/or prominence on the lateral aspect of the 5th MT head
Normal joint space
What is the Tx appraoch to Bunionettes
Advised patients to select roomy toe box shoe
Orthotics- modified metatarsal pads, arch support for flatfoot
Osteotomy if continued symptoms despite non-operative treatment
A pt presents with skin ulcerations, infections, and Charcot arthropathy
Diabetic Foot
What is the progression of Charcot arthropathy
results from repetitive stress in a patient who doesn’t perceive pain and proprioception normally
Autonomic dysfunction in the feet of DM pts leads to what…
Autonomic dysfunction- dry, scaly, and cracking skin predisposes to ulceration
What are the ADE of Diabetic Foot
Skin Ulcers,
Charcot Joint
How can you Dx Charcot vs Cellulitis
Charcot: 1 minute elevation above heart= loses redness
infection stays red despite elevation
A red hot swollen foot with mild or absent pain
Charcot Foot
What is the imaging W/u for Diabetic Foot
Plain films to help r/o osteomyelitis and Charcot
Vascular studies appropriate- absent pulses or non-healing ulcer
Nuclear medicine to differentiate (tagged WBC)
—cold for Charcot
—hot for osteomyelitis
MRI for osteomyelitis, confirm deep abscess
What is the Tx approach to Diabetic foot
Education and prevention
Serum glucose control
Once neuropathy occurs, its irreversible
Accommodative footwear, orthotics
Total contact casting
Treatment of deep infection
Debridement of osteomyelitis
Most diabetic feet are painless, so a pt with diabetic foot that presents with pain should prompt…
Define Hallux Rigidus
Degenerative OA of the 1st MTP
Most common arthritis of the foot
-Second most common foot malady
Principle symptoms are pain and stiffness, especially with toe dorsiflexion
A pt presents with stiff 1st toe with loss of decreased extension at the 1st MTP
Think ?
Hallux Rigidus
Rads will show osteophytes
Tx: Non-operative-
- Wearing shoe with soft, roomy toe box
- Stiff soled shoe modified with steel shank or rocker bottom limits dorsiflexion of the great toe and decreases pain
- Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes
- NSAIDS, contrast baths
-Dorsal osteophyte excision w/ Cheilectomy
Define Hallux Valgus
Aka Bunion
-Most common malady of the great toe
- Lateral deviation of great toe at 1st
- MTP may lead to painful prominence pf the medial aspect of 1st MT head
10x more common in women
What are the NML valgus angles in Hallux Valgus
Hallux valgus angle (HVA)
normal = less than 15 degrees
Intermetatarsal angle (IMA) normal = less than 10 degrees
What is the Tx approach to Hallux Valgus
No treatment is needed for asymptomatic hallux valgus
Education and shoe wear
Roomy toe box
Avoid high heels
Persistent pain despite shoe modifications should prompt
Describe Interdigital neuroma
AKA Morton Neuroma
Due to Tight shoes
Not a true neuroma, but a perineural fibrosis of common digital nerve as it passes between metatarsal heads
Most common is between 3rd and 4th toes (3rd web space)
A pt states it feels like they are walking on a marble or a wrinkle sensation in their sock when walking
On the plantar side of their foot
With toe numbness adjacent to the involved web space
+plantar forefoot pain
+metatarsal head compression Test
Think ?
Interdigital neuroma
-Low-heeled, well-cushioned shoe with a wide toe box
-Metatarsal/Decompression pad
-Steroid Injection (diagnostic and therapeutic)
-Neuroma excision or plantar nerve release
Define metatarsalgia
Forefoot pain localized under one or more of the lesser metatarsals
Lesser MT heads (2-5)
- Abnormal MT length
- Toe deformities- claw toe, hammer toe
- Metatarsal fat pad atrophy
- Callus formation
A pt presents with activity related pain to the plantar aspect of the forefoot with TTP over the Metatarasal heads
States it feels like walking on pebbles
Dx: WB Ap/Lat Rads Tx: Non-operative- -Accommodative, roomy toe box shoes -Metatarsal pad, orthotic device -Pare thickened callus
- Toe/MT head realignment
- Remove condyle (condylectomy)
Describe plantar fasciitis
Inflammation of the PF
PF- arises from medial tuberosity of the calcaneus and extends to the proximal phalanges of the toes
Provides support to the foot
What is the most common heel pain in adults
Plantar fasciitis followed by tendinosos
A pt presents with focal pain over the medial calcanea tuberosity
And distal along the fascia
Most intense during the first steps of the morning
+TTP at plantar calcaneus
+/- Achilles’ tendon tightness
Plantar fasciitis
Rads may show a calcaneal heal spur,
Order rads before steroid injection
Tx: Non-operative (95% effective)- -Orthotic + stretching -Night splint Steroid injection -Shock wave therapy/Botox
Rehab consult- control pain and increase ROM
Resolves 6-12 months
Describe Plantar warts
Hyperkeratotic lesions on sole of foot
Common from Human papilloma virus
Common in Young athletes, 2nd decade of life
When should you order Rads in plantar fasciitis
Should be obtained before steroid injection (lateral)
Symptoms after 6-8 weeks of non-operative treatment
Systemic symptoms or pain at rest
What is the Tx approach to plantar warts
-Most lesions resolve spontaneously in 5-6 months
-Superficial paring then keratolytic (salicylic acid) with occlusion
—Two times a day for 1 month
-Electrocautery, cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, laser ablation, curettage for resistant warts
describe posterior tibial tendon dysfunction
Posterior tibial tendon- one of the main supporting structures of the medial ankle and arch
Primary cause of medial ankle pain in middle-aged patient
Classic presentation- overweight female older than 55 years old
Tendon dysfunction results in flatfoot
Other risk factors include flexible flatfoot, steroid injections, DM, HTN, previous trauma
What is the primary cause of medial ankle pain in the middle aged pt
Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction
A pt presents with pain and swelling of the medial ankle, with loss of foot arch with a “rolling in “ of the ankle
Think ?
Posterior Tibial tendon Dysfunction
Tx: Non-operative- NSAIDs and activity limitations -4 weeks short leg cast/cast brace NOT steroid!
-Orthotic with medial longitudinal arch support
- Flexible = tendon transfer + osteotomy
- Rigid = arthrodesis
What are the long term ADE of Post. Tib. Tendon dys.
Progressive, painful flatfoot with gait disturbance
Valgus ankle with possible OA
What are the prominent risk factors for post. Tibial, tendon dysfunction
Obesity, female, age over 55,
DM, HTN, steroid injections, Flatfoot, previous trauma
what does pes planus mean
Describe sesamoiditis
Embedded in the flexor hallucis brevis tendon beneath first MT head (plantar surface)
Disorders include inflammation, fracture, osteonecrosis, and OA
Occurs due to repeated stress and the subsequent inflammation
A pt presents with pain UNDER teh 1st MT head of the foot
Pt is a long distance runner or dancer
Sesmoiditis of the 1st MT head
Tx: Non-operative- -Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes -Sesamoid/decompression pad -Stiff-soled/rocker bottom shoe
Sesamoid excision
What are the sesamoid s of the 1st mt imbedded in
Flexor Hallucis brevis tendon sheath
What are the three main types of toe deformities
Claw toe, Hammer toe, Mallet toe
A toe deformity with fixed extension at the MTP, and flexible flexion at the PIP with flexion at the DIP
Think. ?
Claw toe
Most common in Charcot Marie Tooth
A toe deformity with Flexible extension at the MTP with Fixed flexion at the PIP
Think ?
hammer Toe
A toe deformity with Fixed flexion at the DIP
Mallet toe
What is the Physical Exam approach to Toe deformities
Evaluate standing and sitting
Note alignment, joint ROM (fixed v flexible)
Neurovascular exam (sensory/motor function)
What is the Tx appraoch to Toe deformities
- Soft, roomy toe box shoe
- Avoid 2 ¼” heels
- Decompression pads for corns
- Toe splints
Rehab consult- Toe strength and flexibility
-Proper toe alignment to accommodate for shoe wear (not cosmetic)
A pt presents with a claw toe + high arch
Think what condition should you r/o
Neurogenic cause, think Charcot Marie Tooth
What is turf toe
1st MTP sprain following hyperextension but can occur with any force ROM
Artificial turf on playing fields
Account for more missed playing time than ankle sprains
A pt presents with swelling, tenderness, and limited ROM of the 1st MTP
From playing sports on improved fields
Think ?
Turf Toe
1= stretch injury or capsule, continue playing with mild symptoms
2= partial plantar tear
3= complete tear, can’t play or walk normally
Tx: Non-operative- -RICE -Early ROM when symptoms allow -Stiff soled/rocker bottom shoe (Grade 1 & 2)
Grade 3=
Protected weight bearing or immobilization x 1-2 weeks
-4-6 weeks no play
What are the ADE of Dz for turf toe
OA, Hallux Rigidus
Define os trigonum
Accessory ossicle of the posterior talus that usually is a normal anatomic variant
Causes boney ankle impingement
A pt presents with pain on plantar flexion between the tibia and the talus
Os trigonium
A pt presents with Tenderness, swelling at medial aspect of the navicular (insertion of tibialis posterior)
Accessory navicular
+/- pes planus
What is the best view to see os trigonum
Lateral view
What is the best view to see accessory navicular
Ap is the best view
Describe Calcaneal apophysits
Aka Sever disease
Affects active, prepubertal children
Pain posterior aspect of heel that occurs after activity
Typically will resolve once fusion occurs (9-year-old girls or 11-year-old boys)
What is the NML age for calcaneal epiphysis closure
(9-year-old girls or 11-year-old boys)
What is the Tx approach to calcaneal apophysitis
-Short term activity modification
¼ in heel lifts/cushion
-Rarely casting, but can be used for 4-6 weeks if pain and limp do not improve with activity modifications, heel lifts.
-Almost never surgery
Define pes cavus
abnormally high arch resulting from plantar flexion (equinus) of the forefoot or midfoot in relation to the hindfoot
A pt comes in with frequent ankle stairs, lots of callous on the foot with a high ankle arch
Cavus deformity
Based on the underlying disorder
Mild & flexible deformities- shoe modifications, arch supports, rehabilitation
Most will need – will likely recur due to neuromuscular disease
Define Clubfoot
Congential clubfoot or talipes equinovarus
Characterized by four clinical components CAVE- -midfoot Cavus (high arch) -forefoot Adduction -heel Varus (adduction of calcaneus) -ankle Equinus (plantar flexion)