Neck Fascial Spaces Flashcards
pharynx changes to esophagus
larynx changes to trachea here
voicebox and middle cervical ganglion are at this level and behind this structure
cricoid cartilage
where an emergency tracheotomy takes place
cricothyroid ligament
long term tracheotomy or tracheostomy takes place here
between the 3rd and 4th tracheal rings
this muscle projects medial to lateral
this muscle projects lateral to medial
in between platysma muscle and sternocleidomastoid
external jugular vein
4 cutaneous nerves of cervical plexus in the superficial fascia
lesser occipital n
great auricular n
transverse cervical n
supraclavicular n
cutaneous nerve that provides sensory to back of head
lesser occipital n
cutaneous nerve that provides sensory to front of ear
great auricular n
cutaneous nerve that provides sensory to front of neck
transverse cervical n
cutaneous nerve that provides sensory to area around clavicle
supraclavicular n
posterior lamina of pretracheal fascia is also known as
buccopharyngeal fascia
space between the two layers of prevertebral fascia and infection here can spread to coccyx
danger zone
motor innervation to posterior triange
CN XI (Accessory nerve)
sensory innervation to posterior triangle
C2 (cervical vertebrae 2)
shortening of sternocleidomastoid m. on one side
torticollis/wry neck
prevertebral muscles of posterior triangle
splenius capitis
levator scapulae
posterior scalene
middle scalene
anterior scalene
nerve on the anterior side of anterior scalene
phrenic n.
4 branches of subclavian a in posterior triangle
vertebral a
internal thoracic a
costocervical trunk
thyrocervical trunk
what nerve and its branches reside in carotid triangle
CN X (vagus)
2 arteries of posterior triangle that run horizontal and anterior to phrenic n and brachial plexus from superior to inferior
transverse cervical a
suprascapular a
3 lateral nerves of posterior triangle from superior to inferior
spinal accessory n
dorsal scapular n
long thoracic n
4 branches of thyrocervical trunk
inferior thyroid a
ascending cervical a
transverse cervical a
suprascapular a
branches of external carotid a (look at slide 50 for placement)
Superior thyroid a
Ascending pharyngeal a
Posterior auricular
Superficial temporal
other 3 nerves in carotid triangle
cardiac nerves (off the cervical ganglion)
contents of carotid triangle
deep cervical lymph nodes
internal jugular vein
vagus nerve
common carotid a into internal and external
motor to thryopharyngeus and cricothyroid
external laryngeal n
branches of vagus nerve from superior to inferior
pharyngeal branch
superior laryngeal
internal laryngeal
external laryngeal
recurrent laryngeal
motor to cricopharyngeus
recurrent laryngeal n
sensory for the carotid reflex
motor for carotid reflex
sensory branches of carotid triangle
cutaneous branches
motor branches of carotid triangle
nerve to geniohyoid m
nerve to thryohyoid m
ansa cervicalis
what two nerves share a dorsal root ganglia
supraclavicular and phrenic
3 muscles the ansa cervicalis supplies
root of ansa cervicalis that is more medial
superior root
lacerating superior thyroid a can cause what
deep voice because also cut external laryngeal n
only tensor to vocal ligaments
external laryngeal n
infrahyoid/”strap” muscles of muscular triangle
remnant of thyroglossal duct
pyramidal lobe
if the duct maintains connection with foramen cecum, food gets trapped here and causes mid-line swelling
thyroglossal duct cyst
enlargement of thyroid gland b/c too much TSH
thyroid gland arterial blood supply
superior thyroid a
inferior thyroid a
thyroid ima a
thyroid gland venous blood supply
superior thyroid v
middle thyroid v
inferior thyroid v
when removing thryoid gland, you must keep 1 or 2 of what
parathyroid glands
relationship of stylohyoid m and posterior belly of digastric
stylohyoid m is more medial
submandibular triangle contains what muscles
suprahyoid (elevaste hyoid bone)
5 suprahyoid muscles of muscular triangle
posterior belly of digastric
anterior belly of digastric
innervates stylohyoid and posterior belly of digastric
innervates anterior branch of digastric and mylohyoid
nerve to mylohyoid (branch of CN V3)
sympathetics distributed from superior cervical ganglion to
external or internal carotid a
sympathetics distributed from middle cervical ganglion to
inferior thyroid a
sympathetics distributed from inferior cervical ganglion to
subclavian a
zone of neck that is from clavical/sternal notch to cricoid cartilage
zone 1
zone of neck that is from cricoid cartilage to angle of mandible
zone 2
zone of neck that is from angle of mandible to base of temporal bone
zone 3