Infratemporal Fossa Flashcards
2 parts that make up infratemporal fossa
zygomatic arch
ramus of mandible
5 parts of infratemporal fossa
pterygoid venous plexus
maxillary a.
muscles of mastication
muscles of mastication innervated by what
more medial muscle of mastication
temporalis m
more lateral muscle of mastication
masseter m.
occludes the jaw (closes mouth)
masseter m.
retracts and occludes mandible
temporalis m.
opens the mouth
lateral pterygoid m.
grinding motion
medial pterygoid m.
what splits the medial pterygoid plate
lateral pterygoid plate
4 branches of mandibular n.
auriculotemporal n
mental n
lingual n
buccal n
sensory to cheek inside and outside
buccal n (does NOT supply buccinator m.)
general sensory to anterior 2/3rds of tongue
lingual n
motor to mylohyoid m. and branch of inferior alveolar n
nerve to mylohyoid
2 branches of inferior alveolar n
nerve to mylohyoid
mental n.
general sensory to mandibular region of face
mental n
general sensory to lower teeth and gums
inferior alveolar n
general sensory to TMJ and face in front of ear
auriculotemporal n
postganglionic nerves from submandibular ganglion innverate what
sublingual and submandibular salivary glands
afferent cell bodies from lingual n are located where
gasserian/semilunar ganglion
afferent cell bodies from chorda tympani are located where
geniculate ganglion
6 branches of maxillary a.
infraorbital a
sphenopalatine a
middle meningeal a
inferior alveolar a
posterior superior alveolar a
anterior and middle superior alveolar a
3 arteries that supply upper teeth
infraorbital a (also maxillary region)
anterior and middle superior alveolar a
posterior superior alveolar a
supplies lower teeth and mandibular region of face
inferior alveolar a
supplies meninges and can be lacerated during pteryion facture
middle meningeal a
supplies nasal chamber
sphenopalatine a
infratemporal fossa veins and what drain into cavernous sinus
pterygoid venous plexus
what 3 things can bring infection from face into cavernous sinus and cause cavernous sinus thrombosis and could cause meningitis
superior ophthalmic v
inferior ophthalmic v
pterygoid venous plexus
sensory innervation to TMJ
auriculotemporal n
what pulls condylar process forward that opens mouth and can also dislocate TMJ
lateral pteryoid plate
cell bodies for nerves supplying special sensory (taste) to the anterior 2/3rds of the tongue located where
Geniculate Ganglion
cell bodies for nerves supplying general sensory to the anterior 2/3rds of the tongue located where
Semilunar/Gasserion Ganglion