Ear Flashcards
fracture of this wall can cause CSF in the nose
preganglionic parasympathetics via the greater and lesser petrosal nerves
Roof of Middle Ear
this wall of the middle ear contains tensor tympani m.
infection can compromise internal carotid a.
Anterior Wall of Middle Ear
infection in this part of the middle ear can compromise internal jugular v.
Floor of Middle Ear
this part of the middle ear contains tympanic membrane
chorda tympani n. is also found here
Lateral Wall of Middle Ear
infection of this part of the middle ear can affect CN VIII in the inner ear
tympanic plexus found here
lesser petrosal n.
Medial Wall of Middle Ear
infection in this part of the middle ear can compromise stapedius m. and facial n.
infection can also go through mastoid air cells here into sigmoid sinus
Posterior Wall of Middle Ear
injury to these two parts of the middle ear can cause hyperacusis
Anterior and Posterior Wall
a tumor that is suppressing the internal acoustic meatus would have what sx’s
lack of facial expressions (CN VII) and poor balance and hearing (CN VIII)
soft tissue covering cartilage of ear
inflammation of tissue covering ear cartilage
inflammation of ear cartilage
4 nerves that provide sensory info. to cartilage of ear
Great Auricular n.
Lesser Occipital n.
Alderman’s n.
Auriculotemporal n.
otitis externus
swimmer’s ear infection
nerve and muscle that affect tympanic membrane
chorda tympani n.
stapedius m.
site of tympanic membrane to put drainage tube
connects middle ear to nasopharynx
Eustachian/Auditory Tube/Pharyngotympanic Tube
Otitis Medius
middle ear infection
stapes sits in what window of middle ear
represents cochlea in inner ear
what part of temporal bone is associated with middle and inner ear
petrous part
3 parts of bony labyrinth and what are they filled with
semicircular canals, vestibule, and cochlea
filled with perilymph
membranous labyrinth parts and what are they filled with
semicircular ducts, utricle and saccule, and cochlear ducts
filled with endolymph
what connects inner ear to subarachnoid space
cochlear aqueduct
disease w/ sx’s of vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss
cause: aging, too much endolymph
Meniere’s disease
3 infections of inner ear
serous labyrinthitis
suppurative labyrinthitis
viral infections
serous vs. suppurative labyrinthitis
serous= bacterial toxins
suppurative= bacterial organisms