Neck and Facial Muscles Flashcards
orbicularis oculi - palpebral part
origin: medial palpebral ligament
insertion: lateral palpebral raphe
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: closes the eyelids gently
orbicularis oculi - orbital part
origin: medial palpebral ligament
insertion: ellipse around orbit
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: closes the eyelids forcefully
curugator supercilii
origin: medial end of the superciliary arch
insertion: skin of the medial half of eyebrow
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: draws the eyebrows medially; produces vertical wrinkles of glabella
nasalis - transverse part
origin: maxilla just lateral to nose
insertion: aponeurosis across dorsum of nose with muscle fibers from the other side
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: compresses nasal aperture
nasalis - alar part
origin: maxilla over lateral incisor
insertion: alar cartilage of nose
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: opens nostril
origin: nasal bone and lateral nasal cartilage
insertion: skin of glabella
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function:Draws down medial angle of eyebrows, producing transverse wrinkles over bridge of nose
depressor septic nasi
origin: maxilla above medial incisor
insertion: nasal septum
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: pulls nose inferiorly
depressor anguli oris
origin: mandible
insertion: modiolus - skin at the corner of mouth
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: draws corner of mouth downward and laterally
depressor labii inferioris
origin: mandibular
insertion: lower lip at midline
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: draws lower lip downward and laterally
origin: mandible inferior to incisor teeth
insertion: skin of chin
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: protrudes lower lip as it wrinkles skin on chin
origin: fascia over masseter muscle
insertion: modiolus - skin at the corner of the mouth
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: retracts corner of mouth
zygomaticus major
origin: posterior part of zygomatic bone
insertion: modiolus - skin at the corner of the mouth
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: draws the corner of the mouth upward and laterally
zygomaticus minor
origin: anterior part of zygomatic bone
insertion: upper lip just medial to corner of mouth
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: draws the upper lip upward
levator labii superioris
origin: infra-orbital margin of maxilla
insertion: skin of upper lateral half of upper lip
innervation: skin of upper lateral half of upper lip
function: raises upper lip; helps form nasolabial furrow
levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
origin: frontal process of maxilla
insertion: alar cartilage of nose and upper lip
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: raises upper lip and opens nostril
levator anguli oris
origin: maxilla below infra-orbital foramen
insertion: modiolus - skin at the corner of the mouth
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: raises corner of mouth; helps form nasolabial furrow
orbicularis oris
origin: from muscles in area; maxilla and mandible in midline
insertion: forms ellipse around mouth
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: closes lips; protrudes lips
origin: posterior parts of maxilla and mandible; pterygomandibular raphe
insertion: blends with orbicularis oris and into lips
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: presses the cheek against teeth; compresses distended cheeks
origin: fascia of clavicular region
insertion: lower border of mandible, skin of buccal/cheek region, lower lip, modiolus
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: depresses mandible and angle of mouth, tenses skin of lower face and anterior neck
anterior auricular
origin: temporal fascia
insertion: anterior part of auricle
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: draws ear upward and forward
superior auricular
origin: epicranial aponeurosis on side of head
insertion:upper part of auricle
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: elevates ear
posterior auricular
origin: mastoid process of temporal bone
insertion: posterior part of auricle
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: draws ear upward and backward
occipitofrontalis - frontal belly
origin: skin of eyebrows
insertion: galea aponeurotica
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: wrinkles forehead; raises eyebrows
occipitofrontalis - occipital belly
origin: lateral part of superior nuchal line of occipital bone and mastoid process of temporal bone
insertion: galea aponeurotica
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: draws scalp backward
origin: zygomatic arch and maxillary process of the zygomatic bone
insertion: lateral surface of ramus of mandible
innervation: mandibular nerve (V3)
function: elevation of mandible (superficial part); retraction of mandible (deep part)
origin: temporal fossa and temporal fascia
insertion: coronoid process of mandible and anterior margin of ramus of mandible
innervation: mandibular nerve (V3)
function: elevation and retraction of mandible
medial pterygoid
origin: deep head—lateral plate of pterygoid; superficial head—maxilla
insertion: medial surface angle
innervation: mandibular nerve (V3)
function: elevation and side-to-side movements of the mandible
lateral pterygoid
origin: upper head—roof of infratemporal fossa; lower head—lateral plate of the pterygoid process
insertion: capsule of temporomandibular joint
innervation: mandibular nerve (V3) or from buccal branch
function: protrusion and side-to-side movements of the mandible
origin: base of styloid process
insertion: body of hyoid bone
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: elevates hyoid
digastric - anterior belly
origin: digastric fossa on lower inside of mandible
insertion: body of hyoid bone
innervation: mandibular nerve (V3)
function: opens mouth by lowering mandible; raises hyoid bone
diagastric - posterior belly
origin: mastoid process of temporal bone
insertion: body of hyoid bone
innervation: facial nerve [VII]
function: pulls hyoid bone upward and back
origin: mylohyoid line on mandible
insertion: body of hyoid bone and fibers from muscle on opposite side
innervation: mandibular nerve (V3)
function: supports floor of mouth; elevation of hyoid
origin: inner surface of mandible
insertion: anterior surface of body of hyoid bone
innervation: branch from anterior ramus of C1 (carried along the hypoglossal nerve [XII])
function: elevates hyoid bone
origin: sternoclavicular joint and manubrium
insertion: body of hyoid bone
innervation: ansa cervicalis (C1-3)
function: depresses hyoid bone after swallowing
origin: superior border of scapula medial to suprascapular notch
insertion: lower border of body of hyoid bone
innervation: ansa cervicalis (C1-C3)
function: depresses and fixes hyoid bone
origin: thyroid cartilage
insertion: hyoid bone
innervation: hypoglossal nerve [XII] (C1)
function: depresses hyoid bone
origin: posterior surface of manubrium of sternum
insertion: thyroid cartilage
innervation: ansa cervicalis (C1-C3)
function: draws larynx (thyroid cartilage) downward
posterior scalene
origin: transverse processes of vertebrae CIV to CVI
insertion:Upper surface of rib 2
innervation: anterior rami of C5 to C7
function: elevation of rib 2
middle scalene
origin: transverse processes of vertebrae C2 to C7
insertion:Upper surface of rib 1
innervation: anterior rami of C3 to C7
function: elevation of rib 1
anterior scalene
origin: transverse processes of vertebrae C3 to C6
insertion: upper surface of rib 1
innervation: anterior rami of C4 to C7
function: elevation of rib 1
rectus capitus anterior
origin: transverse process of atlas
insertion: occipital bone
innervation: anterior rami of C1, C2
function: flexes head
rectus capitus lateralis
origin: transverse process of atlas
insertion: occipital bone
innervation: anterior rami of C1, C2
function: flexes head laterally to same side
longus colli
origin: body and transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
insertion: body and transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
innervation: anterior rami of C2 to C6
function: flexes neck and slight rotation to opposite side
longus capitis
origin: transverse processes of vertebrae C3 to C6
insertion: occipital bone
innervation:anterior rami of C1 to C3
function: flexes the head