Navigartion Flashcards
What are three common ways to navigate?
a. pilotage - reference to visibile landmarks
b. dead reckoning - comuputing direction and distance from a known position
c. Radio navigation - use of radio aids
What type of aeronaturical charts are available for VFR navigation?
a. sectional chart - one inch = 6.86 NM
b. VFR Terminal Area Chart (TAC) - depict class B airspace. More detail than sectional because the scale is larger. one inch = 3.43 NM
c. VFR FLyway cplanning charts - on reverse side of TAC. they depict flight paths and altitudes recmomended to bypass high traffic areas
What is an isogonic line?
Connecting poits of equal magnetic variation. THey show the amount and direction of magnetic variation
WHat is magnetic variation?
The angle between true and magnetic north.
How do you convert a true drection to a magnetic direction?
To convert true course or heading to magnetic course or heading, note the variation shown by nearest isogonic line
East is least (subtrat), west is best (add)
What are lines of longitude and latitude?
Lines of measurement running parallel to the equator and prime meridian.
Longitude are N/S
Latitude are E/W
What is magnetic deviation?
Different things such as the electrical system ,lights, or radios influence the magnetic compass and it is deflected from its normal reading. There is a card inside the airplane explaining the deviation
Name some nag aids?
VOR - very high frequency omnidirectional range
VORTAC - VOR + Tactical AIr Navigation
DME - distance measuring equipment
RNAV - Area navigation incldes INS, VOR/DME, and GPS
What is a VOR or VORTAC?
Ground station projecting VHF radio radials in all directions from the stations. Each radial is denoted by its outbound magnetic direction. A VORTAC provides the standard bearing info of a VOR + distance info to pilots in airplanes equipped with DME
Within what frequency range do VORs operate?
VHF - 108 to 117.95 MHz
What is a VOR Radial?
defined as a line of magnetic bearing extending from a VOR. Theyre projected in 360 degrees from the station and identified by their direction “from” the station.
How to check VOR accuracy?
VOT check = +/- 4 degrees
Ground checkpoint +/- 4
Airborne checkpoint +/-6
Dual VOR check 4 degrees between eachother
Selected radioal over a known ground point +/- 6
What is DME?
used to measure the slant range distance of an aircrat from the DME nav aid. Planes with DME are given distance and ground speed info when receiving VORTAC or TACAN.
GIve a brief explanation of GPS
Satellite based radio nav system that broadcasts a signal to determine a preceise position anywhere in the world. Using multiple satellites
What are the 3 functional elements of GPS?
space element - satellites
Control element - network of ground based GPS stations to ensure accuracy
User element - antennas and receiver processors onboard the aircraft that provide position, velocity, and precise timing
What is RAIM?
Receiver autonoomous integrity monitoring is a function performed by a GPS reciever to ensure that adequate GPS signals are being received. No RAIM, no certainity that your GPS is good
What is WAAS?
Wide area augmentation system is ground & satellite error correction system that provides accuracy enhancements to signals recieved from the GPS.
WHat limitations should you be aware of when using a panel mount VFR GPS or handheld unit?
RAIM - many VFR GPS and handheld have to RAIM capability.
Database currency - is yours up to date?
Antenna location - may not be optimal for accuracy
Define a VFR waypoint?
Basically gives a VFR pilot something to look at to assist with navigating - on your GPS. THey start with “VP” and have 5 letter identifiers