Airspace Flashcards
What is class A airspace? How is it depicted on a chart?
from 18,000 MSL to FL600
including airspace overlying waters within 12 NM of the coast of the lower 48 states and Alaska
It is not depicted on a chart
Can a VFR flight be conducted in class A?
No. Unless otherwise authorized by ATC, you must conduct flight under IFR in class A
What is the min pilot cert for ops in class A?
Must have PPL + Instrument rating
Minimum equipment for class A?
two way radio
mode C transponder
IFR certified aircraft
What is class B airspace?
Generally, from surface to 10,000 MSL surrounding the busiest airports in terms of IFR operations or pax enplanements.
The configuration of the airspace is individually tailored and consists of a surface area and two or more outer layers. It is designated to contain all published instrument procedures once an aircraft enters the airspace
Minimum pilot certification required to operate in class B?
a. PIC is at least PPL
b. Recreational pilot meeting CFR 61.101 or for a recreational student meeting CFR 61.94
c. PIC holds sport pilot (61.325) or sport student (61.94)
d. Aircraft is operated by a student who has met requirements of 61.94 or 61.95
Some class B’s require PPL (KDFW for example)
Min equipment for class B ops?
two way radio
Mode C transponder
for IFR, VOR/TACAN reciever and RNAV system
Basic entry rule to fly in class B?
Must obtain clearance from ATC
Minimum wx conditions for Class b?
VFR must be clear of clouds with 3SM+ visibility
How is class B depicted on a chart?
solid blue line surrounding the space. Numbers indicate the base and top. Ex: 100/25 (10k/2.5k)
What basic ATC services are provided in class B?
VFR pilots will be privided sequencing and separation
If it becomes clear that wake turb will be encountered while ATC is providing sequencing and separation, whose responsibility is it to avoid?
ATC does not relieve pilots of responsibilities to see and avoid other traffic, to adjust operations and flight path as necesary to avoid wake turb, obstruction clearance, or to remain kosher for wx minimums
Max speed allowed inside class B airspace, under 10k feet and within class D surface area?
No person may operate at or below 2,500 AGL within 4NM of the primary airport of C or D airspace more than 200 knots indicated.
Does not apply within class B. Below 10,000 MSL no personal shall operate more than 250 indiacted
When operating beneath the lateral limits of class B or in a VFR corridor designated through class B, max authorized speed?
200 knots indicated
What is class C airspace?
surface to 4,000 above airport elevation (Charted in MSL) surrounding controlled fields serviced by radar approach and have a certain number of IFR ops or pax enplanements
Basic class C dimensions?
individually tailored.
Usually 5nm radius core surface area extendgs from sfc to 4,000 AGL, and 10 nm radios shelf that extends from 1,200 to 4,000 AGL.
The outer radius will be 20nm for radar contact.
Minimum cert required to operate in class C?
student pilot
Min equipment for class C?
2 way radio
Mode C transponder
ADS-B out
Basic requirement to enter class C?
establish 2 way radio comms – you must hear your call sign back.
If they don’t use your callsign, you haven’t established comms
When departing a satellite airport without an operative control tower within a class C area, what must you do?
Establish and maintanin two way radio comms with ATC as soon as practicable after departure.
take off and talk to them
Min VFR weather?
3 SM flight visibility and 1/5/2 cloud avoidance
Class C depicted on a chart?
solid magenta line (circles)
What ATC serviced are provided in class C airspace?
sequencing to primairy airport
class C serviced within the airspace and outer area
basic radar services beyond the outer area on a workload permitting basis. Can be terminated by controller if workload dictates.
Describe various types of terminal radar services available for VFR
basic radar: safety alerts, traffic advisories, limited radar vectoring, sequencing
TRSA - radar sequencing and separation
Class C- in addition to basic, approved separation between IFR and VFR traffic, sequencing of VFR arrivals to primary airport
Class B - provides in addition to basic, approved separation of aircraft based on IFR, VFR, and/or weight, sequencing of VFR arrivals to primary airports
Where is Mode C and ADS-B out required?
a. INSIDE class A, B, C airspace
b. above the ceiling and within the lateral boundaries of B or C up to 10,000 MSL
c. Class E at and above 10,000 MSL within lower 48 states, DC, excluding at and below 2,500 AGL
d. Within 30 nm of class B primary airport while below 10,000 MSL (mode C veil)
e. For ADS-B Out - class E at and above 3,000 MSL over the gulf of Mexico from the coastline of the U.S out to 12 nm
f. all aircraft flying into, within, or across the contiguous US ADIZ (mode C onle, not ADS-B out)
Max speed within class C?
200 knots indicated. at or below 2,500 feet AGL within 4 NM of primary airport
What is Class D?
Class D extends upwards from the surface to 2,500 feet above airport elevation (charted in MSL) surrounding those airports with a control tower. Individually tailored to the airport.
REquirements for class D?
2 way radio
If it is inside of mode-C veil, ADSB out required too
When departing a satellite airport without a tower within class D space, what requirements must be met?
establish and maintain ATC contact as soon as practicable after departing
Is ATC clearance required if flight ops are conducted through a class E surface area arrival extension?
Minimum weather for class D
3 SM flight visibility, 1/5/2 cloud clearance
Class D on a chart?
dashed blue line
ATC Services in class D?
no separation. See and avoid only.
When a class D tower ceases operations for the day, what happens to the airspace?
Class E surface area rules apply. Or a combo of E rules down to 700AGL and G rules to the surface.
What is class E?
generic definition of controlled airspace. ATC service is provided to IFR and VFR flights in accordance wit hteh airspace classification.
State several examples of class E.
Surface area designated for an airport where a control tower is not in operation.
Extension to a surface area
Airspace used for transition
Enroute domestic area
federal airway and low-altitude RNAV routes
Off shore airspace areas
Unless designated at a lower altitude
Above FL600
Requirements for class E ops
a. pilot / student pilot cert
equipment: operable radar beacon transponder with altitude reporting capability and operable ADS-B out. At and abovr 10,000 MSL. Excluding 2,500 AGL and below
SVFR rules
SVFR clearance may be obtained from ATC prior to operating within class B,C,D, or E surface area provided the flight can remain clear of clouds with at least 1SM ground visibility if taking off or landing.
Are SVFR clearances always available in all classes of airspace?
You may request and be given a clearance to enter, leave, or operate within most D/E surface areas and some B/C areas traffic permitting. May be prohibited at a given airport.
Never at night unless you are IFR rated.
What is a prohibited area?
flight is prohibited here. Established for secuirty or other reasons associated with national welfare
What is a restricted area?
Flight subject to restrictions. Denote the existance of unusual, often invisible hazards such as artillery firing, aerial gunnery, or guided missles.
Authorization required from controlling agency.
What is a warning area?
extends 3 NM outwards from the coast of the US containing activity that may be hazardous to nonparticipating aircraft. The purpose is to warn you of potential danger. May be located over domestic or international waters or both
What is a Military Operating Area (MOA)?
Purpose is to separate military training activities from IFR traffic. Operating under VFR you should exercise extreme caution within an MOA when it is active. Contact FSS within 100 miles of the area to obtain accurate ral time info concerning the MOA house of operation. Also contact controlling agency for advisories.
Alert area?
May contain a high volume of pilot training or unusual type of aerial activity. Be alert. See and avoid.
Controlled firing area (CFA)
Contain activities that, if not conducted in a controlled enviornment, could be hazardous to nonparticipating traffic.
Firing activities are stopped as soon as a spotter or radar or lookout indicate an aircraft might be coming in. Not charted area.
What is a national security area? (NSA)
Increased security and safety of ground facilities. Pilots are requested to voluntarily avoid flying through depicted NSA’s.
What are military training routes?
Low altitude, high speed training routes.
What is a TRSA?
airspace surrounding designated airports wherein ATC provides radar vectoring, sequencing, and separation on a full time basis for all IFR and participating VFR traffic. Participation is encouraged but not mandatory
What are ADIZ and where are they?
Air Defense Identification Zone - within the ADIZ the ready identification, location, and control of the aircraft are required in the interest of national security
Domestic - within US along an international border
Coastal - over coastal US waters
Distant early warning ID zone - over coastal waters of Alaska
Land-based ADIZ - located over US metro areas
What requirements must be satisfied prior to operatiosn into within or across an ADIZ
flight plan - IFR or DVFR flight plan must be filed
two way radio
transponder - mode Cand set to assigned ATC code
Position reports - for IFR flights, normal position reporting. For DVFR flights, estimated time of ADIZ penetration must be filed at least 15 minutes prior to entry
Land-based ADIZ - are activated and deactivated over US metro areas as needed (look @ NOTAM).