FAR part 91 Flashcards
Inflight emergency requires immediate action by the pilot, what authority and responsibilities does he/she have?
a. PIC is directly responsible for and is the final authority as to the operation of the plane
b. In an inflight emergency requiring immediate action, the PIC may deviate from any rule in part 91 to the extent required to meet that emergency
c. Each PIC who deviates from part 91 shall upon request from the administratior send a written report of that deviation
Drugs and alcohol rules:
No operation if:
a. 8 hours alcohol
b. under the influence of alcohol
c. using any drug that affects the person’s at all
d. BAC over .04
Can you carry an obviously drunk person or drug person?
No, except in an emergency.
May portable electronic devices be operated onboard an aircraft?
No; except portable voice recorders, hearing aids, heart pacemakers, electric chavers, or any other device that the operator of the iarcraft has determined will not cause interference with the nav or comms
Dropping an object?
No PIC may allow any object to be dropped that creates a hazar to persons or property below. If reasonable precautions are taken, its okay.
Concerning a flight in the local area, is there any preflight action required? What is it?
Yes of course. Familiar with all available info concerining that flight, including runway lengths at airports of intended use, TO/L distance data, and more!
Preflight required by regulation for all flights away from the vicinity of the departure aiport
NOTAMs Weather reports/forecasts Known ATC traffic delays Runway lenghts at airports of intended use Alternatives available Fuel requirements Takeoff and landing distance data
Who must wear seatbelts and when?
Surface, takeoff, landing: everyone must wear seat and shoulder harnesses. Seatbelts always everyone
PIC responsibilities for seatbelts?
To ensure each person on baord is briefed on how to fasten and unfasten and communicate to do so when necessary
Flight crew seatbelt and harnesses?
During TO/L and enroute everybody must seatbelt. During TO/L everybody must shoulder harness
IF operating in close proximity to another aircraft such as formation flight, what regs apply?
a. No collusion hazards
b. must be prearranged between PIC’s
c. Cannot carry pax for hire in formation flight
RIght of Way rules?
Balloons Gliders Airships Airplanes Rotorcraft
Aircraft towing or refueling other aircraft have right of way over all other engine driven aircraft
When would an aircraft have the ROW over all other?
In distress! Oh shit oh shit!
Required action for each of the aircraft confrontations (same category)
converging: aircraft on the right has right of way
approaching head on: both shall alter to the right
overtaking - aircraft BEING overtaken has right of way and if you are doing the overtaking you shall alter to the right
Right of way when two ore more aircraft are approaching for landing?
THe lower aircfraft has right of way, don’t be a dick and cut in line under someone else
Unless authorized by ATC what is the max indicated airpspeed below 10k MSL?
250 knots
Minimum safe altitude over a congested city or area?
1,000 feet above the highest obstacle and within 2,000 feet horizontally of it. Unless for takeoff or landing.
Minimum safe altitude over other than congested area?
no lower than 500 feet above the surface and no closer than 500 feet to any person or thing.
Define minimum safe altitude?
An altitude allowing if power fails, an emergency landing without undue hazard to persons or property on the surface
When flying below 18k MSL, cruising altitude must be maintained by reference to an altimeter set using what procedure?
To the current reported altimeter setting of a station along the route within 100nm of the aircraft. If no station, use the nearest.
If no altimeter setting available preflight, what setting is used?
field elevation
When can you deviate from ATC clearance or instruction?
a. an amended clearance has been obtained
b. an emergency
c. in response to a traffic and collision avoidance system resolution advisory
As PIC what action is required of you if you deviate from an ATC instruction and priority is given?
two actions
a. Must notify ATC ASAP if in response to traffic alert and collusion avoidance advisory.
b. If given priority by ATC you shall submit a detailed report of that emergency within 48 hours to the manager of the ATC facility if requested
Light gun signals
On ground
Steady green: cleared for takeoff Flashing green: cleared for taxi Steady red: stop! Flashing red: taxi clear of runway Flashing white: return to start alternating red/green: exercise extreme caution
In the air:
Steady green: cleared to land Flashing green: return for landing (go around) Steady red: Continue circling Flashing red: not safe, do not land Alt red/green: extreme caution
Radio fails in VFR flight into tower controlled airport. What conditions must be met to land?
a. weather conditions must be at or above basic VFR
b. Visual contact with tower is maintained
c. Clearance to land is recieved
Procedures when attempting comms with a tower when your transmitter or receiver or both are inop?
a. remain outside or above class D surface area
b. Determine direction and flow of traffic
c. Advise tower of type, position, altitude, intention to land. Request to be controlled by light signals.
d. at 3 to 5 miles advise tower of position and join pattern.
e. watch for light gun signals
a. remain outside or above class D surface area
b. Determine direction and flow of traffic
c. Monitor frequency for landing or traffic info
d. join patter, look for signals
e. daytime - rock wings, night time - flash landing or nav lights
a. remain outside or above class D surface area
b. Determine direction and flow of traffic
c. join traffic and watch for signals
e. daytime - rock wings, night time - flash landing or nav lights
What general rules apply concerning traffic patterns in non towered airspace?
make all turns to the left unless the airport requires right hand pattern.
If departing, comply with traffic patterns established for the airport in part 93
When operating in class D, what procedure should be used when approaching to land on a runway with a VASI?
Maintain at or above the glide slop until a lower altitude is necessary to land
VFR night fuel minimum? Day?
night: fly to the first point of intended landing and assuming normal cruising speed, to fly after that for 45 minutes
day: 30 minutes
VFR Crusing altitudes above 3000 AGL
magnetic courses
between 0-179: odd thousands + 500
Between 180-359: even thousands + 500
What is an ELT?
Emergency Locater Transmitter. Radio transmitter which operates on its own power source. Helps to to find downed aircraft by transmitting a signal on 121.5 or 243.0. It is automatic.
It can be tested during the first 5 minutes after any hour.
They are required on all U.S. registered aircraft without one but there are some exceptions.
When must ELT batteries be replaced or recharged?
When the trasmitter has been in use for more than 1 cumulative hour or;
when 50% of the useful life has expired
Note: expiration date for replacing or recharing the battey must be marked on the outside of the transmitter and entered in the mx record.
Supplemental oxygen rules?
Above 12,500 (so, 12,501+) and up to (including) 14,000 feet MSL for more than 30 minutes the required flight crew must have oxygen. So less than 30 minutes, no o2 is necessary.
above 14,000 (14,001+) for the entire time the required crew must have o2
Above 15,000 MSl, everyone needs o2
Where is aerobatic flight not permitted?
a. over any concgested area of a city, town, or settlement
b. Over an open air assembly of people
c. within the lateral boundaries of the surface area of B, C, D or E airspace designated for an airport
d. wihtin 4nm of the centerline of a federal airway
e. below 1,500 AGL
f. vis less than 3 SM
Define aerobatic flight
intentional maneuvering involving an abrupt chage in attitude, abnormal attitude, or abnormal acceleration not necessary for normal flight
When is a parachute necessary?
a. Unless each occupant is wearing an approved parachute, you may not execute any intentional maneuver that exceeds:
- bank of 60 degrees relative to the horizon
- nose up/down of 30 degrees relative to the horizon
b. The above reg does not apply to:
- flight tests for pilot certification rating
- spins and other maneuvers required for a cert/rating given by a CFI or ATP in accordance with CFR 61.67