nature of God & problem of evil and suffering Flashcards
the problem of evil
according to the inconsistent triad, God cannot exist as both benevolent and omnipotent if evil exists.
epicurius (greek philosopher)
claimed that the existence of evil proved there is no God.
he claimed that if God cannot stop evil then he is not omnipotent.
he then argued that if God can prevent evil but does not, then God is not good.
He linked these and claimed that if God is all-powerful and good, then evil would not exist.
human experience is that evil does exist, therefore epicurus concluded that God must not exist.
in the world.
all powerful.
all knowing.
all loving.
above all.
the creator
creator of all.
just judge
moral evil
the acts of humans which are considered to be morally wrong (e.g. murder and theft).
natural evil
natural disasters, (e.g. earthquakes or tsunamis), which humans have no control over.
some christians pov
some people say that God allows humans to make decisions for themselves and that suffering is caused by the choices that people make.
ways evil came into the world:
some believe evil forces have been present in the world from the beginning.
some believe evil is part of God’s creation and it may have a purpose humans cannot understand.
some consider evil to be the outcome of ignorance and to have no beginning.
some believe evil entered the world at the same time sin did; the fall (adam & eve)
solutions to the problem of evil:
1) God has provided us with free will, so although he exists he cannot intervene in any suffering humans experience either as a result of choices they have made or consequences from the natural world; it would take away one of his greatest gifts.
2) experiencing bad things could be a test of faith. for example, in the bible, Job is tested on many occasions but still keeps his faith in God and receives a reward.
3) humans need evil to appreciate good; balance is crucial.
(“A just balance and scales are the Lord’s; all the weights in the bag are his work.”) (Proverbs 16:11)
4) God is beyond human understanding, but God is fair so good will be rewarded in Heaven.
5) Experiencing bad things is all part of God’s plan and humans should respond positively.
quote that demonstrates God’s omnipotence:
“The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power.” (Job 37:23)
inconsistent triad
idea that God cannot exist as all 3 because suffering exists (meaning God is not benevolent as he doesn’t remove it), but if God is omnibenevolent why won’t he get rid of it with his omnipotence?
solution to the inconsistent triad:
theodicy by st. augustine: evil came in due to Adam (humanity) and Eve NOT GOD hence why salvation is key!!