NATOPS - Flight Controls Flashcards
How are Yaw damping, turn coordination, and directional trim are accomplished?
Electrical commands are sent to an electromechanical actuator which moves the rudder and rudder tab at a fixed mechanical ratio
What is the purpose of the rudder tab?
To reduce the force required of the electromechanical actuator to overcome rudder aerodynamic loads
How are control inputs transmitted to the rudder and to the hydraulic actuators for the stabilator and ailerons?
Through push‐pull rods, mechanical links and levers.
Which hydraulic system is associated with the aileron and stabilator actuators?
Both. The hydraulic actuators used in the stabilator and aileron systems are of tandem design. One cylinder in each tandem actuator is connected to the HYD 1 system and the other to the HYD 2 system.
How is stall warning provided to the pilots?
An electrically operated rudder pedal shaker attached to the left rudder pedal in the forward cockpit and an aural tone provide stall warning in both cockpits
How is artificial feel provided for longitudinal control?
Artificial feel is provided by a spring cartridge in conjunction with an inertia weight and two viscous dampers
How is longitudinal trim provided?
An electrically operated actuator.
Is stabilator deflection linearly related to control stick deflection
No. Non‐linear gearing is provided in the longitudinal control system that increases the ratio of stabilator
deflection per control stick deflection with increased displacement of the control stick away from neutral.
How is standby stabilator trim operated?
The standby motor is operated by a guarded standby stabilator trim switch on the left console in each cockpit.
Where does the main stabilator trim get its power?
28 Vdc essential services bus
Where does the standby stabilator trim get its power?
28 Vdc generator bus
What are the travel limits for stabilator deflection?
(Control stick full forward) 6.6 degrees stabilator leading edge up to (Control stick full aft) 15 degrees stabilator leading edge down
What range does the stabilator trim system provide?
The trim system provides a range of 3 degrees stabilator leading edge up to 8 degrees stabilator leading edge down
What is important to be aware of when setting trim for takeoff or catapult launch?
The indicator only depicts trim position with no forces on the stick. It is important that both pilots not exert longitudinal forces on the stick while setting trim for takeoff.
How is artificial feel provided for the ailerons?
By a nonlinear spring cartridge feel system that varies with stick deflection
How is lateral trim provided?
By an electrically operated actuator
What is full aileron deflection?
12.5 degrees with gear up, 15.5 degrees with gear down. (Although the maximum lateral control stick travel is reduced when the landing gear is down, because of the ratio change, the maximum deflection of the ailerons is increased)
How does aileron trim change with gear position?
Trim authority is increased from 6 degrees gear up to 9 degrees with gear down.
How is rudder trim provided?
Through an electrical trim motor that operates in conjunction with the Yaw Damper Controller (YDC)
What does pilot actuation of the rudder trim knob in either cockpit accomplish?
It repositions the rudder and trailing edge tab.
What prevents both aerodynamic loads on the rudder and movement of the yaw damper actuator from back driving the pedals when the pedals are centered.
A mechanical no-float mechanism in the rudder system
Is rudder trim available with the control augmentation system deactivated?
***What four functions does the control augmentation system (CONTR AUG) perform?
(1) yaw damping,
(2) turn coordination (ARI),
(3) Speed Brake-To-Stabilator Interconnect (SBI),
(4) and rudder trim.
(***lose all of these with a C AUG caution)
When is yaw damping provided?
Yaw damping is available with weight-off-wheels and less than 217 knots airspeed
When is turn coordination provided?
Turn coordination is available with weight-off-wheels, less than 217 knots airspeed, and the FLAPS/SLATS lever set to 1/2 or DOWN
What inputs are provided to the yaw damper computer (YDC)?
(1) roll attitude from the GINA,
(2) aileron position from the right aileron position sensor,
(3) flaps position
from the FLAPS/SLATS lever,
(4) yaw rate from an internal gyro,
(5) indicated airspeed inputs from the SADS, and
(6) pilot inputs to the rudder trim system
What is the function of the Speed Brake-To-Stabilator Interconnect (SBI)
To reduce positive pitch transients between 0.2 to 0.7 Mach and to reduce negative pitch transients above 0.7 Mach during speed brake extension and retraction.
What are the three positions of the CONTR AUG switch?
ALL - Provides yaw damping, turn coordination through the Aileron-Rudder-Interconnect (ARI), rudder trim, and SBI capabilities.
SBI - Provides rudder trim and speed brake-to-stabilator interconnect capabilities
RESET - Neutralizes the rudder and SBI actuator, if the paddle switch was previously utilized
What is rudder deflection?
20 ± 0.5 degrees to either side of neutral
How do you operate the rudder lock?
Putting the rudder lock lever (gust lock) in the raised position the rudder is locked in the neutral position. Pushing the lever down unlocks the rudder
What is the function of the paddle switch located at the base of the control stick grips?
Momentarily pressing the switch deactivates the CONTR AUG. With landing gear down or with weight on wheels and NWS engaged, momentarily pressing the paddle switch will also disengage NWS.
What does raising the guard on the STBY STAB TRIM switch accomplish?
Disengages the main trim motor