FAM procedures Flashcards
Precautionary Approach Procedures:
Designed to keep pilot within a safe ejection envelope until a safe landing can be made. Typically flown for engine malfunctions.
Once 80% power is set, do not move until on final. Go to idle when beginning round out and flare.
Advise ATC of intentions and type of PA (Straight-in, Overhead, or Abeam)
Straight In Precautionary Approach:
Arrive at 5000’ AGL, 5 nm extended centerline, below 200 knots.
Lower Gear, flaps half, extend speed brakes, complete landing checklist
Maintain 175 kts and about 3000 fpm rate of descent to arrive at 4,000’ AGL at 4nm, 3,000’ at 3, 2,000’ at 2, and 1,500’ at 1.5
At 1.5nm, begin increasing pitch to slow to 165 kts. Once landing is assured, lower flaps to full, speed brakes as required.
300’ AGL at 160 kts, start flare. Power idle (as required, 145 kts min)
Do NOT slow below optimum AOA or land with excessive rate of descent
Overhead Precautionary Approach, Perpendicular Entry
High key (5000' AGL, heading 90 degrees to runway, about 4000' from approach end) 200 kts -Lower gear, flaps half
At 4,700’ AGL (about 3 seconds after crossing runway) initate 25 to 35 degree AOB turn, speed brakes out, maintain 175 kts
Arrive at Low key at 3000’, 1.5 nm abeam, 175 kts
Overhead Precautionary Approach, Parallel Entry
High key (5,000’ AGL, heading parallel to runway, directly over landing point) 200 kts
- lower gear, flaps half
- initiate 25-35 degree AOB turn, speed brakes out
Arrive at low key at 3,000’, 1.5 nm abeam, 175 kts
Precautionary Approach, Abeam Entry
Enter at 3,000’ AGL, 1.5 nm abeam, 200 kts
-lower gear, flaps half, speed brakes out
Arrive at low key at 3,000’, 1.5 nm abeam, 175 kts
Overhead Approach (low key to touchdown)
Arrive at low key at 3000’ AGL, 1.5 nm abeam, 175 kts, about 3,300 fpm rate of descent
-35 degree AOB turn
Use AOB and speed brakes to adjust pattern as required
90: 1,500’ AGL, 175 kts, 35 degrees AOB
- start increasing pitch and slowing to 165 kts
45: 1,000’ AGL, 165 kts, 25 degrees AOB
- With landing assured, flaps full
Intercept extended runway centerline at 330’ AGL, 160 kts
300’ AGL at 160 kts, start flare. Power idle (as required, 145 kts min)
Do NOT slow below optimum AOA or land with excessive rate of descent
Vertical Recovery
Pre-stall, spin and aerobatic checklist
Entry: 280 KIAS, clear above
- 17 unit AOA pull for 60 deg nose up
- At 180 KIAS - MRT, boards in, push for 5-10 units AOA until nose low
- Above 150 KIAS - Level wings and pull to horizon
-If airspeed below 85 KIAS, perform zero airspeed recovery (idle, neutral)
Min Radius Turn
Pre-stall, spin and aerobatics checklist
Entry: 300 knots, altitude below
- Roll to 85 deg AOB, MRT, pull for 17 units
- Maintain airspeed with pitch. Don’t need to maintain altitude
- Reverse turn at original heading
Turn Pattern
Entry: 250 KIAS, clear (direction of first turn), on cardinal heading
- Maintain airspeed and altitude
- 30 deg AOB for 60 deg heading change, reverse and return to original heading
- 45 deg AOB for 90 deg heading change, reverse
- 60 deg AOB for 120 deg heading change, reverse
- Resume straight and level flight at 250 KIAS
Minimum Radius Turn
Pre-stall, spin and aerobatic checklist
Entry: 300 KIAS, cardinal heading, altitude below
- Roll into appox. 85 deg AOB turn, power to MRT, pull for 17 units AOA
- Maintain 300 KIAS and 17 units
- Reverse turn at entry heading
Aileron Roll
Pre-stall, spin and aerobatic checklist
Entry: 300 KIAS, power - 89%, section line
- Raise nose smoothly 10 deg above horizon
- Aileron for smooth, constant rate of roll
- Complete maneuver with wings level, on original heading and altitude
Pre-stall, spin and aerobatic checklist
Entry: 300 KIAS, power - 89%, section line
- Raise nose smoothly 20 deg, then begin roll toward reference point
- Max pitch 45 deg nose up at 45 deg heading change, 45 deg AOB
- Nose falling through horizon at 90 deg heading change, 90 deg AOB
- Lowest pitch 45 deg nose down at 135 deg heading change, 45 deg AOB
- Complete maneuver on opposite heading, original airspeed and altitude
Barrell Roll
Pre-stall, spin and aerobatic checklist
Entry: 350 KIAS, power - 92%, reference point
- Raise nose smoothly 20 deg, then begin rolling toward reference point
- Nose should be highest at 45 deg of turn, with 90 deg AOB
- Wings level inverted at 90 deg of turn
- Airspeed over the top should be about 170-190 KIAS
- 45 deg nose down, 45 deg from orig heading, 90 deg AOB
- Return to straight and level on original heading, altitude and airspeed
Pre-stall, spin and aerobatic checklist
Entry: 380 KIAS, power - 96%