NATOPS Chapter 9 Special Procedures HSM-50 Flashcards
To avoid Electomagnetic Interference with the RMCU do not dip with in _______ of naval vessels
1 mile
Sonar cable shall ___________________ in HVR mode once the DOME SUBMERGED light is on.
Not be payed out
Order that control inputs should be made in to correct the dome position?
Time for solution?
4-way trim
Fly against lateral trim
Use TRIM REL button
Fly against longitudinal trim
25 seconds
How long does it take for the longitudinal solution to reincorporate after being removed?
20 seconds
A rise in ____ TGT could be indication of ________? A rise greater than ________ may result in compressor stalls.
20* C
Engine degradation and salt encrustation
40* C
Do not decelerate below _______ until within 90* of the ________.
Do not descend below __________ until into the wind.
50 kias, windline
Bottom proximity on the dome is inactive when __________ or __________.
SUBMRG is not indicted.
While training the Aux Hyd and Aux Elec modes for the reeling machine shall only be used for __________________.
Maintenance checks
Simulating EPs
Actual EPs
Dome shall remain in the water during operation unless actual EP.
Maintain _____ rotor distance from a parachute.
Use caution if there could be fuel near the crash site. The helicopter needs to be _________ due to ______________ build up.
Grounded, static electricity
What are the 5 methods to effect a rescue?
Landing Rescue via 1 or 2 wheels Hoist Rappelling Direct Deployment
1 or 2 wheel landing require _______________.
Operational Necessity
Vertrep power margin of _______ shall be required.
Loss of tail rotor Authority is manifested in what 2 ways?
No yaw response with left pedal.
Uncommanded right yaw
SWEEP checks stand for what?
Size, slope, suitability, surface Winds Escape routes Elevation of LZ Power available
Hover checks shall include
Check TGT/Torque
OEI intentions
Gate position
Into wind, wings level, FTP on nose
Daytime dipping engage hover mode when
Less than 5 KGS
Steady coupled hover
70 ft, less than 4 KGS
Cable angle hover engages when
27 +/- 12 ft
What had to be manually disengaged if in submerged override
Cable angle hover mode
Requirements for cable angle hover
KGS +/- 5
Altitude within 10 ft of selected (pots)
dome wet indication
AFCS degraded not illuminated
Depart or crew hover not activated
Auto pilot on