CNAF Chapter 8 HSM-50 Flashcards
Antiexposure suits
Final determination shall be made by CO/OIC
Shall be provided for flight personnel of naval a/c when in the event of a mishap there would be a significant risk of water entry and when either of the following 2 prevail:
- Water temp 50F or below (60F for swimmer employment)
- OAT 32 or below (wind chill corrected)
Water temp between 50F and 60F is CO/OIC discretion
Inflatable Life Preservers/Life preservers
Inflatable LPUs: Shall be worn during all flights originating from or terminating on ships or landing platforms
LPUs: shall be worn when operating from aero dorms in the vicinity of coastal waters or when operating from inland aero drones where T/O, route, or approach path is over water
Passenger Gear Requirements (shipboard launch/recovery)
Shipboard launch/recovery: Inflatable life preserver, Approved helmet w/ reflective tape, antiexposure suits if required
As defined by NATOPS
Life rafts (Chapter 8)
Liferafts of sufficient capacity to accommodate pax and crew shall be provided in all a/c when there is a significant risk of water entry in the event of a mishap.
OTCs may waive during troop movements between sea and shore when deemed appropriate and adequate SAR resources available (based on ORM analysis)
Supplemental Oxygen Usage
Flight above 10,000’: mission essential by CO/OIC or mission commander
Time above 10,000’ w/o supplemental oxygen shall not exceed 1 hour.
Shall not exceed 13,000’
Crew Rest
Crew rest is the non duty time before a duty day, watch, or flight period begins.
Crew rest includes free time for meals, transportation, and rest and shall include an opportunity for 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep for every 24 hr period.
Does not begin until after termination of official duties and is required prior to reporting for duty to assume watch and preflight prep
Flight Support personnel/flight crew shall not be scheduled for continuous watch/duty/alert/flight duty (required awake) in excess of 18 hours.
If ^^^ is required operationally, 15 hours of continuous off duty time shall be provided prior to the scheduling of duties
Time Zone Crossing Accomadation
1 day for every time zone crossed in excess of 3
Not grounded, but will perform at less than optimal. Less intense flight profiles
Maximum flight time
Does not include ground time for pre/post flight
Should not be assigned flight duties for more than 6 consecutive days
If exceeded: shall be closely monitored and specifically cleared by CO w/ advice of flight surgeon
Consumption of any type of alcohol is prohibited w/in 12 hours of any mission brief or flight planning. Free from hangover effects prior to flight
450 mg per day is recommended max intake (3 to 4 cups of coffee)
Legal: per BUMED
Illicit: prohibited
Dental Procedures
Grounded for 12 hours.
Intravenous sedatives: 24 hours
Disqualifying for flight duties (waiverable up to third trimester)
12 hour downer
Blood donation
4 months between donations
4 weeks before flying specific missions (shipboard, combat, operational)
4 days following donation of 450 cc (1 pint) (command approval if otherwise)
NASTP requals
Every 4 years. List in CNAF who needs it
Extension for flight physical
May be extended by 90 days after long deployment by CO