NAMP Flashcards
Levels of maintenance?
O level
I level
D level
What is O level?
By unit, day to day, to maintain FMC
Servicing and Handling
What is I level?
Enhance and sustain the combat readiness and mission capability by providing material support at the nearest location
What is D level?
Major overhaul or rebuilding of parts
Manufacturing parts, modifying, testing, inspecting
What is Safe for Flight?
Overall responsibility to provide aircrew with best product possible
At a minimum they shall:
Fuel sample
oil consumption
Weight and balance
Pilot sign block 10 during hot seat
Review ADB to ensure discrepancies and all flight safety QA inspections are signed off, as well as DTA inspections complete
Fuel samples taken. Only valid for 24 hours
Oil consumption has been reviewed per each engine/gearbox prior to every flight
Update weight and balance
During Hotseat operations, review any new discrepancies, have pilot sign block 10 of A sheet
What is the A-sheet?
Pilots acceptance of aircraft in current condition
Identification of aircraft
Certification of an aircraft readiness for flight
Blocks of the A-sheet?
1- A/C Buno
2- T/M/S
3- Reporting custodian
4- oxygen on board
5- fuel
6- Oil
7- Date
8- Ordnance, special equipment, limitations
9- signature of Plane Captain
10- signature of safe for flight (or debarking pilot)
11- signature of PIC
Deviations allowed for inspections?
+/- 3 days - the next inspection is scheduled as if no deviation has occurred
+/- 10% - the next inspection is as if no deviation has occurred
If inspections are done ratified than above. The inspections are rebased
What is a daily inspection?
It is conducted to inspect for defects to a greater depth than a turnaround
Valid for 72 hrs- provided no flight occurs, and no maintenance performed beside servicing has been done
Aircraft may be flown for 24 without another daily. The 24 cannot exceed 72 hours unless it occurs during a mission
What is a turnaround inspection?
Conducted between flights to ensure integrity of aircraft, verify proper servicing, and detect degradation that may have occurred during previous flight
Valid for 24 hours
Daily inspection does not satisfy turnaround inspection
Special inspection?
a scheduled inspection with a prescribed interval other than a daily or phase. Intervals are based on calendar time, flight hours, operating hours, or number of cycles or events.
7, 28 day
50, 100, 200 hours
Conditional inspections?
Unscheduled events required as a result of a specific overlimit, or result of circumstances which create a requirement for an inspection
Phase inspections?
A, B, C, D cycle is 800 hours with 200 hours between each phase.
Zonal inspection?
General inspection of specific area of an aircraft for obvious defects
JCN is a what?
Job Control Number
Nine character
3 parts- organization, day, serial number
MCN is what?
Maintenance Control Number
7 character code
Used for tracking through maintenance process
FCF’s are required when?
Completion of standard rework
New aircraft ( not required when transferring between homeguard and dets )
installation of engine, prop, prop governor, major fuel sys component, engine drive train, transmission and gearbox
rotary wings installed
Adjustment of 2 attitude reference system
30 day no fly
FCF checklists shall be kept a minimum of
6 months or a phase cycle
What is a QAR?
Quality assurance representative
Collateral duty quality assurance representative
Collateral duty inspector
QAR does what?
Reviews CDI/CDQAR nominations
QA functions
Evaluates CDI performance
E-6 and above
What is a CDQAR?
Collateral duty quality assurance representative
Function same capacity as QARs
E5 and above
CDI stands for what?
Collateral duty inspector
Shall inspect all work and comply with required QA inspections during all maintenance actions performed
Shall spot check all work in progress and be familiar with programs managed and audited by QA
AD’s are? Work enter code?
Aviation machinist mate (mech): works on Engines, Transmission, drive shafts, fuel cell
AE’s are? Workcenter code?
Aviation electricians mate: AFCS, Electrical, Wiring, Instrumentation
Am’s are? Workcenter code?
Aviation structural mechanic (framer): flight controls, hydraulics, airframe, ECS
AO’s are? Workcenter code?
Aviation Ordnance men
AT’s are? Workcenter code?
Aviation electronics technician: mission systems, radios, crypto, avionics
Per the NAMP can pilot conduct a TA?
Yes: COs may authorize PICs to conducts pilot inspection, ensuring servicing requirements are accomplished and sign AIA record in the cert box when operating away from homeguard without qualified maint personnel for periods not exceeding 72 hours.
PR workcenter code?
What is the MESM?
Mission Essential Subsystem Matrix
How long is a phase cycle?
800 hrs
When do form F’s need to be rebased?
180 days
> 10% of aircraft is repainted
RBA is what?
Ready basic aircraft
Authorized for day or night in both VMC and IMC
What is IETM?
Interactive technical manual
Maintenance requirement cards
What is the golden rule for CDI’s?
They may not inspect their own work
Block 11 of A sheet says what?
I’ve reviewed discrepancy reports of 10 previous flights, insured wgt. and balance data filed and accept this aircraft for flight.
Engine Harnesses
White: crosstalk to engines
Yellow: power and control to trim signals
Green: conducts engine diagnostics
Blue: Provides all overspeed and torque signals
What does OOMA stand for
Optimized Organization Level Maintenance Activity
Individual Material Readiness List
Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System
Computerized Self-Evaluation Checklist: it is used during audits
Interim Rapid Action Change
Fatigue life Management: limits aircraft hours per month
Monthly Maintenance Plan: provides scheduled control of predictable maintenance workload.
PIC Shall
- Review the ADB for discrepancies and corrective actions for at least the 10 previous flights
- Sign block 11 of the acceptance sheet
- assume full responsibility for the safe operation of the aircraft and the safety of the other individuals aboard
Hot Seating
an operational evolution where the pilot/crew of an aircraft is changed while the engines are operating and the aircraft is to be immediately relaunched.
Aviation Intermediate Maintenance Department - The department of an aviation ship or NAS responsible for the check, test, repair, or manufacture of aeronautical components and SE for the supported Aircraft
EOC Code
Equipment Operational Capability code
C: Comm sys E: SUW F: ASW G: Ordnance H: ASE I: VERTREP J: SAR K: Shipboard ops L: IMC Z: NMC
version of NAMP
Report Control Number
Aircraft Material Condition Report
Aircraft Material Readiness Report
All Tools Accounted For