CNAF Chapter 5 HSM-50 Flashcards
Position lights
shall be displayed during the period 30 minutes before official sunset until 30 minutes after official sunrise
at any time when the prevailing visibility as seen from the cockpit is less than 3 statute miles.
During the aforementioned conditions, position lights shall be displayed:
- Immediately before engine start and anytime the engine(s) is running.
- When the aircraft is being towed unless the aircraft is otherwise illuminated.
- Whenanaircraft is parked and likely to cause a hazard unless the aircraft is otherwise illuminated or marked with obstruction lights.
Anti collision lights
Shall be used immediately before engine start and anytime the engines are running except when the use of lights adversely affects ground ops.
They may be turned off during flight through clouds when the light reflects into the cockpit
Landing/Taxi Lights
Landing/taxi lights should be utilized for taxi movements ashore in darkness unless a signalman is directing the a/c.
Use is recommended (day and night) in B/C/D airspace when meteorological conditions permit
Formation lights
May varied by A/C model and mission requirement.
Normally, all a/c in the flight have external lights on and one a/c shall have lights on bright and smacks on
There is a FAR exception to their for drug interdiction ops w/ a dedicated on board observer, radar, or observer in spotter a/c
Lights out operation
Authorized when required for effective training.
Must be positively deconflicted and in a SUA or ATC Assigned Airspace.
Right of Way between single A/C and Form flight
When converging at the same altitude, formation has the right of way.
Unusual maneuvers in B/C/D airspace
Pilots shall not perform or request clearance to perform unusual maneuvers in B/C/D if such maneuvers are not required for the performance of flight.
ATC shall not approve pilot request to perform unusual maneuvers.
Unusual maneuvers include:
- Unnecessary low passes
- Unscheduled fly bys
- Climbs at very steep angles
- Practice approaches to altitudes below mins (unless landing is to be made)
- Flat hatting
Flat Hatting
Flight conducted at low altitude and/or a high rate of speed for thrill purposes
Flight over the high seas
International law recognizes the right of a/c of all nations to fly in airspace over the high seas.
During these ops, tower or radar control by ship, FACFAC, or other agency shall be used to the max extent practicable (type of control based on mission requirements)
Minimum helicopter altitude during Air Combat Maneuvering Training
100’ AGL
Altitude restrictions for simulated instrument flight
(Multipiloted) Vision restricting device may be used by one pilot down to mins provided the other pilot is NATOPS qualified.
Helos w/ auto hover are waived from sim altitude restrictions during low level ASW/SAR training provided PAC is NATOPS qualled.
Standard Formation Internal Separation
1 mile laterally, 100’ vertically
Brief requirements for form flights
Lost sight
Lost comms
Formation Inst Departures wx requirements
Above circling mins for runway in use.
If no circling mins: 1000/3
Approved EKBs can improve SA in VFR/IFR. Use for any purpose other than mission accomplishment is prohibited.
Approved uses:
1. Preflight planning (wx, filing)
2. Carriage of pubs/imagery
3. In a/c wx updates
4. SA
Aerial Photography (CNAF)
Except when supporting mission, aircrew shall not perform aerial still or video photography in flight unless authorized by CO via flight sled
See and avoid
Applies to VMC
Conditions permit ample opportunity to avoid air traffic and obstructions
Electronic equipment (radar) should be used when feasible
Where available, radar advisory service shall be requested (especially in high traffic areas)
VFR Wx mins basic (not chart)
B/C/D: 1000/3 unless more stringent published
Must permit VFR for entire duration of flight per chart
Destination: 1000/3 for ETA +- 1 hr
Exception for special VFR and helos outside controlled airspace
VFR Wx Flight Mins: Class A
Not applicable (no VFR allowed)
VFR Wx Flight Mins: Class B
Visibility: 3 SM
Distance: Clear of Clouds
VFR Wx Flight Mins: Class C
Visibility: 3 SM
500’ Below
1000’ Above
2000’ Horizontal
VFR Wx Flight Mins: Class C
Visibility: 3 SM
500’ Below
1000’ Above
2000’ Horizontal
VFR Wx Flight Mins: Class D
Visibility: 3 SM
500’ Below
1000’ Above
2000’ Horizontal
VFR Wx Flight Mins: Class E below 10,000’ MSL
Visibility: 3 SM
500’ Below
1000’ Above
2000’ Horizontal
VFR Wx Flight Mins: Class E above 10,000’ MSL
Visibility: 5 SM
1000’ Below
1000’ Above
1 SM Horizontal
VFR Wx Flight Mins: Class G
Below 1,200’ AGL
Visibility: 1 SM
Distance: Clear of Clouds
Visibility: 3 SM
500’ Below
1000’ Above
2000’ Horizontal
VFR Wx Flight Mins: Class G
Above 1200 AGL
Below 10,000’ MSL
Visibility: 1 SM
500’ Below
1000’ Above
2000’ Horizontal
Visibility: 3 SM
500’ Below
1000’ Above
2000’ Horizontal
VFR Wx Flight Mins: Class G
Above 1200 AGL
Above 10,000 MSL
Visibility: 5 SM
1000’ Below
1000’ Above
1 SM Horizontal
If wx conditions preclude VFR flight…
- Alter route to remain VFR
- Remain VFR until able to file IFR clearance
- Remain VFR and land at alternate
Special VFR
Authorization from ATC
500/1 or greater
Remain clear of clouds
Pilot and A/C instrument certified
COs may authorize SVFR below 500/1 for op necessity (shall not be delegated)
Helo VFR Wx Minimums outside controlled airspace
May be operated below 1200 AGL clear of clouds w/ less than 1 SM visibility if operated at a speed sufficient to allow for see and avoid
IFR Filing Requirement
To decrease probability of midair collision, all flights in naval aircraft shall be conducted in accordance w/ IFR to max extent practicable.
All other flights shall be conducted under positive control to the max extent possible
Where VFR conditions exist, pilots may waive when necessary to avoid sever wx or as dictated by an EP
Requirement for ATC clearance prior to IFR flight
Flights shall not be made in IFR conditions w/in controlled airspace until an ATC clearance has been obtained
Minimum altitude: uncontrolled airspace
1000’ above highest terrain, surface of water, or obstacle w/in 22 miles of intended line of flight except when mission requires otherwise
Mountainous: 2000’ above…
Minimum altitude: controlled airspace
MEA or altitude directed by controlling agency (IFR)
IFR Takeoff Minimums
Published mins for available approach compatible w/ operable a/c equipment for the runway in use.
Absolute mins
NP: 300/1
P: 200/ 1/2
IFR Approach Minimums
As specified in DOD FLIPs
Helicopters may reduce visibility minimum by 1/2 down to 1/4 mile but no less.
COPTER approach vis minimum shall not be reduced (based on airspeeds no exceeding 90 kts)
Below mins approach criteria: multipiloted a/c
When wx is at or below mins for approach,
Approach shall not be commenced unless a/c has enough fuel to proceed to an alternate in the event of a missed approach
Criteria to continue an approach to a landing
Pilot shall not proceed below MDA or continue approach below DH unless
- They have runway environment in sight
- In their judgement a safe landing can be made
Execute missed approach at DH unless ^^^ (and not or)
Execute missed approach at MAP unless visual ref not established and/or a landing cannot be accomplished.
If visual reference lost while circling:
Climbing turn toward runway in use, execute missed approach
Controller will direct pilot to execute missed approach if…
- Safe limits exceeded or radical a/c deviations observed
- Position/ID in doubt
- Radar contact lost/malfunctioning radar
- Field conditions, conflicting traffic, other conditions observed from tower that prevent approach completion.
1-3 will be worded as conditional
4 will be mandatory
Autorotation requirements (CNAF)
- W/in field boundaries
- Over surface on which full auto can be completed
- Location accessibility to crash/fire/rescue
- Tower approval
Helo altitude in B/C/D airspace
Per local air ops manual
Shall not exceed 500’ AGL w/o tower approval
Shall avoid overflight of areas where rotorwash could result in damage to property/personnel
Night/Low vis hover over water reqs
- Auto hover system required when natural visible horizon from cockpit is not available
Aircrew movement in cabin for helos (CNAF)
Aircrew shall remain inside a/c cabin during all flight regimes unless deemed by aircraft commander to be operationally necessary for safety of flight or mission accomplishment.
Acts conducted for thrill purposes are strictly prohibited
Annoyance of civilians
Flights shall be conducted so that a minimum of annoyance is experience by persons on the ground. Definite and particular effort shall be taken to fly in such a manner that individuals do not believe they or their property are in danger
Noise sensitive areas
Breeding farms
National parks
National monuments
National recreation areas
Shall be avoided by 3000’ AGL unless on…
- Traffic or approach pattern
- VR or IR route
External Stores/Cargo Carriage (CNAF)
Pilots carrying external stores/cargo shall avoid overflying populated areas whenever possible
Firing at wildlife
Distance to avoid civilian aircraft by
500’ or 1 mile laterally (except as ordered by ATC)
Jettisoning Fuel (CNAF)
When practicable, fuel shall not be jetisonned below 6000’ above terrain.
Should wx or emergency dictate lower, every effort shall be made to avoid populated areas
When under positive control, PIC should advice ATC that fuel will be jettisoned
Dropping stores through clouds
Can only drops through extensive cloud cover if…
On high seas: surface clearance ensured through radar or visual means. Operation commander is responsible for safety.
Over land (including territorial waters): range control will approve and is responsible for safety. Op commander responsible for drop location.
Does not preclude emergency jettison. Pilots shall take every possible precaution to minimize danger to a/c and surface persons/property.
Exterior lights for NVD formation
Last a/c shall have nav lights on highest intensity consistent w/ NVD compatibility and smacks on