Ways the federal govt (excluding Supreme Court) helped right to land
- new deal - Roosevelt chose John collier to be commissioner for Indian affairs
- John collier - opposed/defeated bursum bill (would take 60000 acres from pueblos tribes, contradicting earlier treaty)
- Nixon - pledge to restore lost lands makah, taos pueblo and yakama
Ways the Supreme Court helped right to land
- 1974 Oneida v oneida and madison counties New York - sue for return of lands -> ruled in favour of tribes, increased number of action taken by tribes to regain land
- 1980 United States v Sioux nation - Sioux awarded $17.5 million and 5% interest each yer ($106 million) -> rejected compensation preferred return of land
- 1986 charrier v bell - Supreme Court ruled that remains dug from burial grounds in Louisiana belonged to native americans (states passed laws to protect Native American burial lands)
Ways natives Americans themselves helped right to land
• Siege of Alcatraz - worldwide media coverage, encouraged 10000 Native Americans to visit island during siege, brought Native Americans together (united in struggle)
• 1975 pine ridge reservation - member of aim found guilty but appeal court blamed killings on overreaction of authorities
Ways the federal govt (excluding Supreme Court) hindered right to land
• 1830 removal act - tribes moved from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee and Virginia onto the great plains Oklahoma
• Homestead acts 1862 - gave settlers 160 acres plot free on condition they farmed for 5 years - disrupting Native American way of life and land
• 1871 - native Americans lost right to determine what happened to their land after it was previously agreed
• 1876 - defeat of general Custer battle of Little Bighorn (return Sioux and Cheyenne to reservation) -> attacked, force of 200 killed, size of reservations reduced as a result
• WW1-ww2 - continuation of allotment policy -> reduction in amount of land available to native Americans, added to their poverty
• 1921 - pueblo Indians lost a lot of land -> seen as incapable of managing it
• 1953 - policy of termination implemented after new deal (other policies failed to bring assimilation) -> timing of policy due to economic factors - Native American land wanted by mining/forestry companies
Ways native Americans themselves hindered right to land
• Siege of Alcatraz - unsuccessful in regaining land, encouraged militant/violent action
• 1975 pine ridge reservation - near wounded knee violence broke out, shooting left 2 fbi angers and 1 protestors dead
Ways federal govt (excluding Supreme Court) helped right to cultural freedom
• 1934 indian reorganisation (wheeler Howard) act - preserve native Americans culture, involve them in administration of reservations -> right to practise religion, undertake ceremonial dances/celebrations (reversing law of 1883), prevent sale of Native American land to individual buyers, extension of political rights to women
• Improved conditions on reservations - built schools and hospitals
• Nixon - some Native American nations regained recognition/rights, allowed to access courts to seek help for lost rights
• 1978 native Americans religious freedom act (carter) - right to follow traditional religion/use sacred objects/rituals
• 1978 Indian child welfare act (carter) - regulate forced removal of Native American children from families, seen practices as neglect so took children away
Ways the supreme court helped right cultural freedom
- 1982 Seminole tribe v butterworth - Supreme Court gave Seminole right to establish gambling enterprises on tribal land (ruled native Americans had rights on own land)
- 1986 charrier v bell - Supreme Court ruled that remains dug from burial grounds in Louisiana belonged to native americans (states passed laws to protect Native American burial lands)
Ways native Americans themselves helped right to cultural freedom
• Fish in - held in Washington, state Supreme Court failed to uphold treaty rights (Native American could fish in Columbia river)
Ways federal govt (excluding supreme court() hindered right to cultural freedom
• Battle of wounded knee 1890 - govt worried about ghost dance spiritual movement -> massacre 150 native Americans and 25 cavalry died
• Education, conversion to Christianity, turning native Americans into farmers, establishment of govt reservations
• 1887 Dawes severalty act - divided reservations into plots given to native Americans (citizenship, paid tax) - ignored their position that land belonged to all
• Reservation policy - prevented native Americans from moving freely and pursue what left of buffalo herds -> no polygamy, Native American warriors couldn’t demonstrate their skills, herbal remedies forbidden, tribal laws abolished, power of tribal chief ended
Ways Supreme Court hindered right to cultural freedom
• 1902 - Cherokee nation v Hitchcock -> challenge congress right to deny rights to live by own laws
Ways federal govt (excluding Supreme Court) helped right to self determination
• New deal - encouraged women to take on economic role and higher education
• 1972 Indian education act - improvising educational provision, increased money available for Native American schools
• Louis r Bruce jr (native American) appointed commissioner for Indian affairs - policy of affirmative action pursued in appointments in the bureau of Indian affairs
• 1975 Indian self determination act (ford) - tribes take responsibility for education, health and social service provision, federal funding provided and move towards self sufficiency
• 1975 Indian education assistance act (ford) - native Americans have greater involvement in children’s educational process
Ways Supreme Court helped right to self determination
• 1948 - 2 native Americans brought case of voting rights to Arizona Supreme Court (county recorder refused to allow register to vote) -> successfully challenged by national congress of American Indians and American civil liberties union
• 1976 fisher v Montana - future tribal courts to decide on adoption, move towards recognition of tribal courts
Ways native Americans themselves helped right to self determination
• National Indian youth council 1964 - assembled in Washington for recognition as part of Johnson’s war on poverty
• American Indian movement - red power, pressure influenced Nixon and Ford (greatest period of improvement of position of Native Americans)
Ways federal govt (excluding Supreme Court) hindered right to self determination
• White settlers killed their buffalo (affected their food and materials) - govt made promise that Native Americans were fed, dependency on govt - promises often not kept
• Wheeler Howard act - didn’t lead to independence/self sufficiency of tribes -> lands supposed to be given back under act were not, funding to improve reservations spent on war effort
Ways Supreme Court hindered to right to self determination
- STATE SUPREME COURT - Native americans challenged states in west who refused to extend franchise to them - guaranteed by 1924 act
- 1948 - despite success states in west still restricted voting rights of native Americans