When was the invasion of Afghanistan?
December 1979
Initially how many Soviet troops were flown into Afghanistan?
Within months 100,000 troops were stationed
What was the USA reaction to invasion of Afghanistan?
- USA fears USSR expansion on control towards the Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf -> contains world oil supply
- Carter bans grain export to USSR
- Withdraw SALT 2
- Boycott Moscow Olympics 1980
- Finance supply of weapons to mujahideen -> also send missiles
What were the consequences on US-Soviet relations of the invasion of Afghanistan?
- Carter was unwilling to let the USSR get away
- More strident approach of USA (supported by Thatcher)
- Widespread condemnation of USSR -> expansionist tendencies seen
- Carter was perceived as weak in dealing with Soviet aggression
What were the summary of events of invasion of Afghanistan?
- coup overthrows monarchy -> embark on radical reform that provokes Muslim fundamentalists (opposition)
- Moscow worries about effect of Muslim fundamentalists within Russia
- Afghanistan last buffer between Islam and USSR
- USSR invade and crush Muslim fundamentalist rebels and stabilise govt
List features about Reagan’s impact on Cold War?
- very anti-communist -> evil empire speech
- supporting anti-communist forces in Afghanistan, Angola and Cambodia
- Reagan Doctrine was very cost effective
- SDI/Star Wars - put Soviet military in state of fear, couldn’t defeat it
- arms race is amplified, no compromise
Explain neoconservatism and change in presidency (changes after 1975)
- rise of neoconservatives -> harsh on communism
- Reagan and thatcher -> strong UK/US partnership
- election reflective of public opinion - shows incline towards neoconservatism
- carter (1977-81) was religious democrat -> presented as bad president, indecisive
- Vance (secretary of state) wants better relations whilst brzezinski was very anti-USSR -> opposing views
- detente loses momentum, very soft
How did Mao react to Khrushchev’s secret speech?
- sees him as weakening communism
- retreating from true Marxism and Leninism
- opposed destalinisation
How did closer relations between China and USA impact superpower relations?
- forced USSR into detente/strengthened USSR want for detente -> china no longer an alliance
When and where did Nixon and Brezhnev meet?
Moscow - 1972
Washington - 1973
Define realpolitik
Kissinger’s policy of practicality, pragmatic approach, cooperation
Define Ostpolitik
Brandt’s policy of normalisation of relations between east and west Germany
Removes hallstein doctrine - don’t recognise each other
Why was economics a key factor for the USSR to pursue detente?
Spending too much money in arms race, couldn’t afford it
When was the Basic Principles Agreement and what did it agree?
- may 1973
- lays out terms on nuclear confrontation
What was the aim of Helsinki Accords?
Framework for peace in Europe
What were the 3 baskets of Helsinki Accords?
Human rights
During 1960s who was chancellor of west Germany?
Willy Brandt
When did east and west Germany formally recognise each other?
In what conflict did Egypt and Syria attach Israel in 1973?
Yom-kippur war
Which two presidents followed Nixon as presidents?
Reagan, ford
Which countries in Africa turned communist with USSR support in 1970s
Summarise Indo-Pakistan war 1971
- India helps Pakistani resistance to khan
- millions of Bangladeshis move to India
- China supports Bangladesh and USA send troops to India
- Hotline used for first time under Nixon
Soviet-china clash avoided - USA gets involved
Sign of collaboration - detente is still real, before SALT
USA exploits position as peacemaker to strengthen bond with China
Summarise Chile conflict
- Allende is communist
USA views him as threat to interests in Latin America - USA reduces economic aid and uses propaganda
- Allende issues radical nationalisation
- overthrown by Pinochet
- No direct involvement - USA criticised for helping destabilise govt
USA still obviously hates communism
Ineffective detente - lack of trust
Summarise third world issue with Angola and Namibia
- Portuguese coup - decolonisation
- USSR backs communist party in Angola and USA back main opposition party
- USSR fly in Cuban troops (proxy war, cant use Soviet troops) - secure regime
Angola becomes communist despite USA involvement