Nationalist influences 1830-47 Flashcards
Who was Giuseppe Mazzini
he was a radical revolutionary who wanted a republic, from Genoa
when did Mazzini join the carbonari
What idea did Mazzini develop while in prison in 1830?
the Idea of “young italy”
What were Mazzini’s ideas
he wanted the creation of a nation state, where mankind could be better represented and served, based on the ideas of democracy, republican
what did Mazzini do in 1831?
wrote to the King of piedmont asking him to put himself at the head of a movement for a united italy (Charles albert didnt reply)
What did Mazzini propose in 1833
an army coup, but it was detected before it began (67 arrested 12 killed)
What were some of Mazzini’s successes
fought for unification for a long time , he organised propaganda and made nationalism a more common concept, he converted many to the cause like Garibaldi
What did Young italy do?
kept the calls for unity alive, young and energetic organisation
What were some of Mazzini’s failures?
Moderate people thought he was too radical so alienated rich supporters- wanted to redistribute wealth, republican so alienate potential rulers, did not make contact with the masses
what went wrong with Mazzini’s revolts in 1821 and 1831
they failed and the Bandiera brothers invasion of Calabria in 1844 resulted in their deaths
What did Count Cesare Balbo believe
that piedmont (Charles Albert) should lead the other italian states in unification
what were some things that Charles Albert introduced
legal administration, financial and military reforms and extended the university of Turin- he also planned improvements of railways ( he was absolute but allowed the meetings of the congresso delgi scienziati which was were nationalist ideas spread.)
What did Massimo d’Azeglio want
he didn’t want revolutions, realised that European opinion and public support was crucial, thought freedom would come from the ruling classes and he also wanted Charles Albert to lead italy
What did Abbe Gioberti want
the catholic church and the pope to head a national revival (neo-guelphism), federation of states with the pope as president, also hated revolution
what was the name of the new pope elected in 1846
Pope Pius IX
What was useful for Gioberti about Pius IX
he was more liberal in his ideas, however he was weak minded and suffered from mood swings and epilepsy
what did pius IX do in 1846/7
freed 2000 political prisoners, reformed education, the law and papal administration ended press censorship and allowed rome a constitution
What was the consulta
and elected body of advisors to the pope
when was an uprising led by the bandiera brothers and what happened
1844, only 19 of them, brothers were shot – they became martyrs for national unity
how did austria react to Pius IX reforms?
occupied the town of ferrara in 1847 – pius lodged a formal complaint with the austrian government