Causes of the Revolutions of 1848-49 Flashcards
Causes: Growth of Liberalism - What did piedmont have that was different to other states at the time
more modern, liberal government
Who was the king of piedmont at the time
Charles Albert
What did Charles albert support
Pius IX’s reforms of the legal system
When did Charles Albert present a constitution, what was it called
1848, The Statuto
What was the Statuto influenced by?
British, American and Belgian constitutions
What the the Statuto mean for radicals and reformers
Gave them rights to stand on, boosted their drive for a representative government and unification
Reforms of Pius IX: when was he elected
Why was Pius originally elected
for his moderate stance
What was one of Pius’ first acts
highly publicised release of political prisoners
What did Pius act do for the masses
inspired them, called him supreme Pius
How did the reaction of the masses inspire Pius?
caused him to question the country’s justice system which resulted in a council of lay advisors
What did Pius enter with Tuscany and piedmont and what did it mean
a Customs union, promoted free trade among its members and common tariffs among non members
What did Pius’ reformers mean for the rest of italy
Inspired other states to make changes, eg abolition of press censorship in Piedmont, and also more revolutionaries seeing it was possible
The Growth of nationalism- who were the people who encouraged this growth
Mazzini, Balbo, Gioberti, Azeglio, Secret societies and the Risorgimento (see previous cards)
Unpopularity of the Austrians: what was one thing all nationalist promoted
anti-austrian feeling
Why did Lombardy and venitia resent the austrians?
high taxation
At the time, how much of Austrias tax revenues came from Lombardy and Venitia
Why did tensions with austria start in 1847 in the papal states
Austrian troops occupied the Papal town, Ferrara
What did the Austrian occupation in 1847 lead the pope to do
lodge a formal protest with the Austrian government
What did the events of 1847 prove significant
the pope denied the austrians the right to cross the papal states in 1848 and asked the lord to bless ‘italia’
What did these issues with the church mean for Austria
made it look like they (catholics) were fighting against the catholic church
Social discontent and Economic problems: during 1848 what can be seen as the central spark of revolution
hunger and poverty
what percentage of the population worked the land
90%, mostly tenant subsistence farming
What was wrong with farming in italy
it was inefficient and vulnerable to foreign competition
who did peasants lose their land to
the wealthy conservative ruling classes
why did industrial workers suffer layoffs
there was over production
what did the harvest failures mean for italy, when were they
europe wide failures in 1846-47 mean there was maize and wheat shortages, high prices–riots in the towns
what did Milan suffer
overcrowding, poor housing and terrible conditions
in naples, when was their a cholera outbreak and who did they blame
1836, blamed the rulers in naples
how many died in naples, cholera outbreak