Nasal Sinus Drainage and endoscopy PRACTICAL Flashcards
How do you perform a frontal nasal sinus drainage?
- Clip
- 2cm caudal from medial canthus incision through skin
- Second cut is rostral to facial crest (bony ridge, palpable on side of face)
- Join the two cuts up to create a three sided flap
- Retract the skin, preserve periosteum
- Drill into the bone to create a flap of bone
- Flush with water to stop heat necrosis
Where are the forceps inserted here?

Forceps in frontal sinus
Where are the forceps inserted here?
What can you feel here?

- Forceps in caudal maxillary
- Can feel tooth roots here
Where are the forceps inserted here?

- Forceps in rostral maxillary sinus
Where do all sinuses drain into?
- All drain into middle nasal meatus
In a horse with sinusitis, before you go to doing a frontal sinus flap and drain, what should you try before hand?
- Try antibiotic
- Trefine into frontal sinus and drain
- If going to drain would radiograph first to see fluid line and trefine in this area
- Exercise to increase drainage
- Constricts mucosa making it easier to breathe
- Feed from ground to aid drainage
How should you sedate a horse for performing this ansal sinus drainage?
What about LA?
- LA supraorbital nerve block
- Sedation: A2 and opioid
- Use a drip rather than bolus so steady sedation
Which sinus has a cnig communication with the frontal sinus?
- Caudal maxillary
- Big communication with frontal sinus
What are the left and right guttural pouches divided by?
- L and R guttural pouches
- Divided by stylohyoid bone into lateral and medial compartments
What cranial nerves are in the guttural pouch?
CN 9, 10, 11 (glossopharyneal, vagus, accessory)
Other than the cranial nerves, what other major structures can you find in the guttural pouch?
- external maxillary, internal carotid arteries inside guttural pouch
- Internal carotid is in medial compartment of pouch