Nasal/ Oral Cavity Flashcards
Nasal Cavities
- Vestibule: flared portion of nose containing hair follicles
- Respiratory region: contains conchae
- Olfactory region: the super aspect containing olfactory epithelium for sense of smell
Boundaries of the nasal cavity: lateral wall
Lateral wall: anterior to posterior
Nasal bone (lateral and alar cartilages also)
Lacrimal bone
Ethmoid - superior and middle conchae
Inferior nasal concha - a separate bone
Perpendicular plate (vertical plate) of the palatine bone
Medial pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone
Boundaries of nasal cavity: roof and floor
Roof: anterior to posterior Lateral cartilages Nasal bones Frontal bone - very small region Ethmoid bone - cribriform plate (for passage of olfactory nerves) Sphenoid bone – body
Maxilla - palatine process
Palatine bone - horizontal plate
Nasal Sinuses
- Maxillary sinus: w/in body of each maxilla (large space under check)
- Ethmoidal sinus: w/in each ethmoid bone (anterior, middle, and posterior ethmoidal air cells)
- Frontal sinus: within frontal bone, bilaterally
- Sphenoidal sinus: sphenoid bone, septum separates into L/R halves
Kiesselbach’s area
located in the anterior part of the nasal septum, where branches of the ophthalmic, maxillary and facial arteries meet
Pterygopalatine fossa boundaries
Superiorly by the body of the sphenoid;
Medially by the palatine bone;
Posteriorly by the pterygoid process and greater wing of the sphenoid;
Anteriorly and Inferiorly by the by the maxilla
Pterygopalatine fossa conents
Pterygopalatine ganglion and the cell bodies for parasympathetics to oral, nasal, and lacrimal glands
Oral cavity boundaries
Superior (roof) - hard and soft palate
Inferior (floor) - mylohyoid muscle
Anterior and lateral - teeth with gingiva and alveolar processes
Posterior - palatoglossal fold (beginning of oropharynx)
Greater palatine foramen
posterolateral region of hard palate, transmits greater palatine nerve and artery
Lesser palatine foramen
located posterior to the greater palatine foramen; transmits the lesser palatine nerve and artery
Incisive canal
midline, located directly posterior to the incisor teeth; transmits nasopalatine n. and terminal branches of the greater palatine artery
Blood supply to hard palate
Greater palatine artery (branch of descending palatine artery) - enters through greater palatine foramen and anastomoses with the septal artery after the greater palatine artery passes through the incisive canal.
Blood supply to soft palate
- Lesser palatine artery - enters through lesser palatine foramen.
- Ascending palatine artery - branch of facial artery.
Blood supply to teeth
- Posterior superior alveolar artery (branch of maxillary) – supplies molars, and anastamoses with branches from infraorbital artery.
- Middle and Anterior superior alveolar arteries (branches of infraorbital) – middle supplies premolars; anterior supplies canine & incisors; anastamose with posterior superior alveolar artery.
Intrinsic muscles of the tongue
Intreated by hypoglossal nerve (CNXII)
To test function of CNXII have person stick out tongue and move around