Naming Coordinate compounds Flashcards
Basic rules
1.Cation goes first then anion
2.Complex ion names are one word, ligand then metal.
3. Ligands will have Greek prefix in front to say how many there are.
4. If complex ion is anion it ends in ate.
5. Metal is followed by oxidation state in Roman numerals
Water ligand is
Ammonia ligand is
Ligands eg cyanide will have what added to their names
Ido e.g. cynanido
What happens when copper or iron are anions?
They become cuprate or ferrate
When naming complex ion with many ligands what to do?
Write in alphabetical order of ligands.
Steps for obtaining formula from name for complex ion.
Square brackets, transition metal then ligands in alphabetical order of formula. Ligands formulas should be written in order of what is connected to transition metal. Should be OH2 rather than H20