Names and Date and Works Flashcards
Balinese Cockfights
Clifford Geertz 1958
animals as selves
primitive vs elite
Franz Boas
cultural relativism and the kwakiutl in 1892 and exchange ceremoines
Trobrianders, 1916; kula circulation
circulation of history
Marcel Mauss
1950; Essay on the Gift
Arnold Van Gennep/Victor Torner
1909 and 1996; Rituals
Structuralism, Incest Taboos, Totems in Inuit Culture, Aim of anthropology to study connections in exitence
- hunter gathere affluence using Kwakitul
- Phenemology (critiqued)
Allen Abramson
Fiji and use of hallicinogens in rituals, Artifificial climbig walls and sybolic transfomraiton of risk-sport
5 BC
greece and the other savage;
homo monstrous and cannibalists
hans staden
truest story and description of a country of wild naked grim maneating people in the new world america (1557)
- Tupinamaba Indian Islands in SA
carl linneaus
1771; system naturae
micheal taussing
andean people and fat suckers
william arens
the man eating myth 1979
polynesia; cook islands and Maoiri traditions
marshall sahlins
- what natives think; 1995
- the original affluent society 1968; HG zen
eldon best
tupua but not our tupua
Tanzania and Uganda
1968 and 1970; blood suckers
St Jerome Gibbons
scots of prechristian england and human flesh
- 19th century evolutionary manifestation of primitive
polynesian christian 19th century
homo monstrous
1968 by Anne Marie de Waal Malfijit
- conceptualizatio nanother reality by mythical means
- discusses homo monstrous and new world discoveries
EB Tyler
1871; primitive man; evolutionary anthropologists
- little ethnography
- culture as human feature
- animism as primitive belie
fernando ortiz
los negros brujos en cuba
alfred mertway
haiti voodo
henry mertway
colombian slaves in cartagena
clocks and steam engines
levistrauss 1988
jj rousseau
unanimity; englightenment thinking
- the noble savage 18th century and primitive perfection
17-19t century; sociopsychological unit of humanity, laws of progress and evolutionary anthro
mccarthy and mcarthur
study on nutritional outcomes of asutralian bushmen 1960
max gluckmann
the peace in feud 1955; nuer society analysis
evans pritchard
1940 in nuer society reanalysis
- patriclian exogamy
- cross cut seasona membership
- leopoard skin chiefs
margaret mead
coming of age in samoa 1928
derek freeman
critiques mead 1983; all societies are equally unahppy
edwin ardner
belief in problem of women 1975; bakweri women in mt cameroon and llengu ritual
kachin people in burma, myanmari highlands and ecological crisis
scale of intellect 1330
17th century englightenment; i think therefore i am
animals do have emotion
ANIMISM revisited 1999; animism isnt simple but analogous with human social life/not nature;culture dichotomy
- NAYAKA ethnography; the devaru and the dividual and kin and non dualistic perspective
perception of environment 2000
- metaphor model suggests social relations are metaphorical; argues that this isnt true and natural world is biologically incorporate with cultural
- sami people in sweden ethnography
rane willerslev
soul hunters 2007; YUKAGNIRS siberia
- avibii essence sharing and multinaturalism
- reveal of selves as persons
- hunting mimicing of prey
viverios da castro
amerindians, amazon, fieldwork and the jaguar
- ontology and epistemology 1986
- activism with brassilians
- perspectival multinaturalism and agency
audra simpson
2004; canadian american border conflict
2014; kahwanake and iroquia memership issues (interviews with richard)
2009; conservation and environment
who owns nature?
- animism as structural inversion of naturalism
laura rival
botanical ontologies 2016; interactions of landscape; e.g. plants and humans needs more attention
- connect to ingold ‘taskscape’
sharon mciovr
2016; canada; fight for equality of indigenous woman since indian act
indian act
1876; matrinnieal to patrinnieal
eva mackey
2005; universal rights in confligt
- UCE and cayuga
- chatham kent and caldwell
st lawrence rivercanal construction
melanesian women
suckle pigs to breast and cultrutal taboos
2013; tree burials in cree culture
mary two jane axe
1950 membership intermarriage case
marily strathern
individual in relationships
nayaka and social sharing/dividuating
‘gender and gift’ new papa guinea gender relations
melanesian selfhood as in relationships
mckim marriot
indian caste stystem
porous relationships and sharing of space
1992; medieval europe, industralisation, nature and bestiality and new world
1994; descola; knowledge of environment
1990; basotho libestock owners; dual meaning of cultural and economic
- gender divisions
sherry b. ortner
“Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture”; how women are opporessed structurally
because they are perceived as being closer to the “nature” end of the binary opposition by virtue of their biological function of giving birth.
realm of nature is conceptualized as being inferior to culture, which is the realm of men, women are thought to be inferior to men.
simone de beauvoir
the second sex; woman is not born but made 1949
kimberle crenshaw
1989’ intersectionality; social structures overlap to oprress in different ways/shape subkectivisties
annette weiner
critiques malinowki 1988 in papa new guinea ethnographoy of trobriand society
chandra mohanty
1988 feminism and colonial discources; monolotigic production of third world woman
- mother vs mothering
- women vs woman
- shared/otherness oprression and lack of power and agency
emil martin
thesperm and the egg 19991
rebecca cooper 2016
queer theory; gender as innate, personal experience
2007; zines and zones of desire in indonesia
gay americans and chosen families
judith butler
1990; gender is performed in performativity
nobody is a gender at the start
farha ghannam
2014; egyptian masculine gender perofroamritivty; Al Saqyia
male embodiement and hegemony; samers trajectory
gender debate; ‘zhe’ 2014 facebook
1983 women in zambia and the bemba marriage ritual
- colinization disrupting marriage rituals
perdita hudson
development possiles
maria meis
1982 narsapur india; hosuewife production of lace dollies
henrike donner
love and marriage in koklkata bengali speaking middle class famliies 2016 social transformation, patriologcality, joint families and marriage/lvoe
meyer fortes
tallensi northern ghana 1987; lineage ancestral continuity
luis dumont
1970; homo hierachius;
South india caste system
pierre bourdieu
taste and distinction 1984
- cultural capitol and habitus in french society
- internationization of rules and social conduct in hierachial class orders
janet carsten
individual rights
after kinship 2003
- diane blood case 1996
- constituent relationships and kinship as intrinstic to personhood
rebecca empson
2007; mongolia and objects in social relationships
anne becker
self body and society in fiji 1994
1996; organ transplatations and relatives
scotland woman 1988 and finding self
arju appadurai
- ethnogscape, technoscape, finnanscape, ideoscape, mediscape, fluid
comaroff and comaroff
occult economies 1999 south africa on witchraft, capitlism ]
abu lughod
2002; do muslim women really need saving
- flattening of sociohistorical complexities to culture and creation of dichotomies between west/east
- issues ofo saving peopl/superiority and culutra realtivism
hana pananek
1982; VEIL as a portable seclusion different meanings in different context s(pashtun vs hazar, iran middle class vs iran current)