N5-N3 Misc. Grammar Flashcards
must do; need to do ~
is/has been done (resulting state)
just by; just by doing
personality (someone tends to; has a tendency to; has a sensitivity to ~)
turns a sentence into a yes/no question
both; or; otherwise; choice between [A] or [B]
not easy to; struggling to; not able to ~
おきに (e.g. 電車は5分おきに走っています)
repeated at intervals, every ~ (e.g. The trains run every five minutes)
to do for; to do a favour (casual)
と言ってもいい (e.g. それはよい買い物だったといってもいいでしょう)
you could say; one might say; I’d say ~ (e.g. I’d say it was a good buy)
上げる (e.g. 彼女は小説を書き上げた)
to finish doing ~ (e.g. She finished writing her novel)
あまり (e.g. 嬉しさのあまり、彼女は涙を流しました)
so much… that (e.g. She was so happy that she cried)
あまりにも (e.g. 彼はあまりにも変わった)
too much; so much… that; excessively ~ (e.g. He changed a lot)
ばかりで (e.g. 夏は暑いばかりで楽しくないですよ)
only; just ~ (negative description) (e.g. Summer is just hot all the time, it’s not enjoyable)
ぶりに (e.g. 今日、やく2週間ぶりに雨が降った)
for the first time in (period of time) (e.g. Today, it rained for the first time in 2 weeks)
full of; covered with; a lot of (something undesirable)
suddenly; accidentally; unexpectedly; unintentionally ~
気味 (e.g. 彼は人の名前を忘れ気味である)
-like; -looking; -looked; tending to ~ (e.g. He tends to forget people’s names)
all at once
一方だ (e.g. 最近、この町の人口は減る一方だ)
more and more; continue to ~ (e.g. Recently, this town’s population continues to decrease)
or something ~
かける (e.g. お風呂に入りかけたときに電話が鳴った)
half-; not yet finished; in the middle of~ (e.g. The phone rang when I was about to get in the bath)
through; from [A] to [B]
きり (e.g. 彼女に会ったのは1回きりです)
only; just; since; after ~ (e.g. I’ve only met her one time)
切る (e.g. 長い小説を2日間で読み切った)
to do something completely to the end (e.g. I finished reading the long novel in two days)
to do something for a long time or to move something inside
こと (e.g. 大声を出さないこと)
(must) do (e.g. Don’t speak with a loud voice)
from the fact that ~
there is no need to; (something) never happens; there is no possibility that ~
and yet; though; in spite of; despite ~
hardly; rarely; seldom
も~ば~も (e.g. 本を読むのが好きな人もいれば、嫌いな人もいます)
and; also; as well; either/or; neither/nor (e.g. If there are people who like to read books, there will also be people who dislike it)
intended for; aimed at ~
suitable for ~
very; quite; pretty; rather; just not ~
as much as possible
に反して (e.g. 予想に反して彼は成功した)
against; contrary to; in contrast to ~ (e.g. Contrary to my expectation, he succeeded)
over (a period); through; concerning; regarding ~
にしたがって (e.g. 暗くなるにしたがって、だんだん寒くなってきました)
as; therefore; in accordance with; according to; consequently ~ (e.g. It began to get colder as it got darker)
for; considering it’s (something or someone)
につれて (e.g. 日本語が上手になるにつれて、日本での生活が楽しくなってきた)
as; in proportion to; with; as… then ~ (e.g. As I continued to improve my Japanese, life in Japan became more enjoyable)
for the purpose of; in order to ~
によって / による
by means of; due to; owing to; because of ~
をはじめ (e.g. 日本のアニメはドラゴンボールをはじめ、面白いものが多い)
for example; starting with ~ (e.g. There are many interesting Japanese anime, like Dragon Ball and so on)
filled with; full of
while; during; in the middle of ~
furthermore; again; more and more ~
at the most; at best; to the utmost
for a moment; for a while; for the time being
そうもない /そうにない
very unlikely to; showing no signs of ~
something has already been done/taken place; is already the case
すなわち (e.g. 母の父、すなわちわたしの祖父は現在63歳です)
in other words; namely ~ (e.g. My mother’s father, in other words my grandfather, is 63 years old)
数量 + は (e.g. この映画は面白かったので、3回は見ました)
at least ~ (e.g. I watched this movie at least three times now because it was interesting)
used to do; would often do
たとたん (e.g. 家を出たとたん、雨が降ってきた)
as soon as; just as ~ (e.g. It started raining after I left my house)
just done; freshly done; newly done
たって (e.g. タクシーに乗ったって間に合わないよ)
even if; even though; no matter how ~ (e.g. Even if you take a taxi, you won’t make it in time)
てばかりいる (e.g. 甘いものを食べてばかりいると、太りますよ)
only; nothing but ~ (e.g. If you keep only eating sweets, you’re going to gain weight)
(please) try to; (please) look
てはじめて (e.g. 日本に来てはじめてラーメンを食べた)
not until; only after [x] did I (e.g. I had never eaten ramen before coming to Japan)
てからでないと (e.g. 手続きしてからでないと、図書館の本は借りられない)
must first do; cannot do without first doing ~ (e.g. Unless you follow the procedures, you cannot borrow books from the library)
て済む (e.g. 金で済む事ならいくらでも出す)
sufficient by; no problem to; resolve by ~ (e.g. If money can resolve this, I will give any amount)
てはいけないから (e.g. バスに乗り遅れるといけないから、すぐ出発したほうがいい)
in order to not~; to prevent a negative situation (e.g. You’d better head out right away so you don’t miss the bus)
ても始まらない (e.g. 待っていても始まらないので、もう帰りましょう)
even if you… it’s no use; there is no point to ~ (e.g. Waiting here isn’t gonna do any good, let’s just head home)
it doesn’t matter if ~
とみえる / とみえて (e.g. 彼は運が向いてきたと見える)
it seems that ~ (e.g. Luck seems to be heading his way)
通す (e.g. やると決めたことは最後までやり通すべきだ)
to do until the end; to continually do; through ~ (e.g. When you decide to do something, you should see it through to the end)
とても~ない (e.g. この本の漢字は難しいので私にはとても読めない)
cannot possibly be; hardly ~ (e.g. The kanji in this book is difficult so I can barely read it)
while, incidentally, at the same time, on the way ~
upon; after; when; for; in order to
as well; besides; in addition to; not only… but also ~
aside from; apart from; except for; whether or not ~
はもちろん (e.g. おすしは日本ではもちろん、海外でも人気がある食べ物だ)
not to mention; not only … but also ~ (e.g. Sushi is of course popular in Japan, but it is a popular food overseas as well)
割に (e.g. このカメラは高いわりに、よく売れる)
considering ~; for ~; despite ~ (e.g. This camera sells unexpectedly well considering the high price)
ずにはいられない (e.g. あの本を読まずにはいられない)
can’t help but feel; can’t help but do; must do ~ (e.g. I can’t help but to read that book)