N2 Grammar Part 2 Flashcards
at once; immediately; directly; in person; automatically ~
たまえ (e.g. 分からない事があったら何でも聞きたまえ)
do~; order somebody to do something (e.g. Ask anything if you don’t understand)
can’t keep doing ~
てでも (e.g. 何としてでも痩せたい)
even if I have to; by all means ~ (I’ll do whatever it takes to lose weight)
ていては (e.g. そんなに甘いものばかり食べていては、太りますよ)
if one keeps doing ~ (e.g. If you only eat sweets, you will gain weight)
てこそ (e.g. 日本で生活してこそ文化が分かるというものだ)
now that; since (something happened) (e.g. Only after living in Japan will you truly understand its culture)
てまで (e.g. 頭を下げてまで金を借りたくない)
even; will go far so as to ~ (e.g. I wouldn’t lower myself to borrow money)
てならない (e.g. あの二人はどうして離婚したのか、知りたくてならない)
can’t help but; dying to; extremely ~ (e.g. I really want to know why those got divorced)
can’t help but; dying to; extremely ~
ては / では (e.g. こんなに雨が降っては、買い物ができないな)
whenever; if; when~; repetitive action (e.g. I can’t go shopping if it keeps raining like this)
can’t afford to; unable to ~
must not; cannot; should not ~
ては~ては (e.g. 食べては寝て、寝ては食べの生活は必ず太る)
repetitive situations/actions (e.g. If you do nothing but sleep and eat, you will definitely gain weight)
といった (e.g. とんかつや天ぷらといった揚げ物の料理が好きです)
like; such as ~ (e.g. I love fried foods like “tonkatsu” and “tempura”)
というふうに (e.g. 彼女は信じられないというふうに頭を振った)
in such a way that ~ (e.g. She shook her head in disbelief)