N2 Grammar Flashcards
to end up; in the end; finally; after all ~
ばかり (e.g. 彼女は30分ばかりベッドに横になった)
about, approximately ~ (She lay in bed for about a half-hour)
not only… but also; as well as ~
ばかりに (e.g. お金がないばかりに、今度の旅行に行けなかった)
simply because; on account of~ (negative result) (e.g. I wasn’t able to go on this trip since I don’t have any money)
by the way; in this connection; incidentally; (conjunction)
(not) at all; (not) in the least ~
だけましだ (e.g. 今日は暑いが、湿度が高くないだけましだ)
it’s better than; one should feel grateful for ~ (e.g. It’s hot today, but I’m glad the humidity is low)
だけに (e.g. 駅が近いだけに家賃も高い)
being the case; precisely because; as one would expect (e.g. The station is nearby, which is also why the rent is so high)
だけのことはある (e.g. 彼はさすが大学に行っただけのことはある)
no wonder; as expected of; not … for nothing; not … with nothing to show for it (e.g. He did not go to university for nothing)
だけは (e.g. 私はあなたを手伝えるだけは手伝ったよ)
to do all that one can (e.g. I did everything I could to help you)
でしかない (e.g. この作業は時間の無駄でしかない)
merely; nothing but; no more than; there is only ~ (e.g. This work is nothing but a waste of time)
not the time for; not the place for; far from; anything but ~
far from; anything but; let alone; not to mention; much less ~
possibly; apparently; seems like; somehow; barely ~
anyhow; in any case; at any rate; after all; no matter what
再び (e.g. 今年の旅行は楽しかった。来年の冬再びここに来たい)
again; once more (e.g. This year’s trip was fun. I want to come here again next winter)
がきっかけで / をきっかけに (e.g. 彼女は病気をきっかけにそのつまらない仕事を辞めた)
with… as a start; as a result of; taking advantage of ~ (e.g. She used her illness to quit that boring job)
げ (e.g. 何か、言いたげだね)
looks like; seems like; appears to ~ (e.g. They look like they want to say something)
while, although; on the other hand~
果たして (e.g. そのうわさは果たして本当だろうか)
as was expected; sure enough; really; actually ~ (e.g. Can that rumour really be true?)
more or less; pretty much; roughly; tentatively ~
more than; not less than; beyond ~
以上は (e.g. 学生である以上、アルバイトではなく勉強が大事ですよ)
because; since; seeing that ~ (e.g. Because you are a student, your studies are more important than your part-time job)
in one go; without stopping; all at once; immediately; instantly; right away ~
what is called; as it is called; the so-called; so to speak
上 (e.g. 日本の法律上はお酒を飲んで車を運転するのは禁止です)
for the sake of; from the standpoint of; as a matter of; in terms of ~ (e.g. In terms of Japanese law, it is illegal to drink and drive)
as if; just like ~
just when; no sooner than ~
か~ないかのうちに (e.g. 授業が終わるか終わらないかのうちに彼は教室を出た)
just as; right after; as soon as ~ (e.g. He left the classroom as soon as class ended)
甲斐がある (e.g. 努力の甲斐があって、希望の大学に合格した)
it’s worth one’s efforts to do something (e.g. It was worth working so hard. I got into my target university)
unable to do something; can’t do something
からには (e.g. 私はJLPT N2 試験を受けるからには、合格したいです)
now that; since; so long as; because ~ (e.g. Now that I will be taking the JLPT N2, I want to pass)
からして (e.g. タイトルからして、面白そうな本ですね)
judging from; based on; since; from; even ~ (e.g. Judging from the title, this book sounds interesting)
っこない (e.g. もう新宿駅には100回以上行ったんだから、迷いっこないよ)
no chance of; … is definitely not possible (e.g. I’ve been to Shinjuku station over 100 times, so there’s no way I’d get lost there)
should do~ (used for suggestions or giving advice)
because; since ~
ことか (e.g. 何度注意したことか?)
how…!; what…! (e.g. How many times have I warned you?)
ことに (e.g. 嬉しいことに、明日退院できるんです)
emphasize speaker’s feelings; to my (surprise/etc) (e.g. I’m happy that tomorrow I will be able to leave the hospital)
ことにはならない (e.g. 彼が絵が好きだからといって絵がうまいということにはならない)
just because… doesn’t mean ~ (e.g. Just because he likes painting does not mean that he paints well)
くせして (e.g. 大学生のくせして、そんなことも知らないの)
although; despite the fact that; even though ~ (e.g. Even though you are a university student, you don’t know that?)
まだしも (e.g. あの人、wordやexcelが使えないのはまだしも、メールもできないらしいよ)
rather; better ~ (e.g. It’s one thing that they don’t know how to use word and excel, but apparently they don’t even know how to use email)
ままに (e.g. 今のままにしておこう)
as, to do as ~ (e.g. Let’s leave this as is)
もかまわず (e.g. 彼女は服が汚れるのもかまわず、公園で犬と遊んでいる)
without caring; without worrying about ~ (e.g. She played in the park with her dog without worrying about her clothes getting dirty)
もの / もん
because; indicates reason/ excuse/ dissatisfaction
describe feeling; express memories; state fact
shouldn’t do something; it’s impossible to ~
there is such a thing; to be the case that; feels like ~
ものか / もんか
as if (something untrue were actually true); there’s no way ~
if I/we could; if [A] is possible, then [B]; if one can do something, then ~
もっとも (e.g. 検査の前夜から飲食禁止です。もっとも水は飲んでも構いません)
but then; although; though ~ (e.g. No food is allowed from the night before the physical exam, but you can drink water though)
can’t help but feel; can’t help but do ~
ないことには~ない (e.g. 彼が来ないことには、会議を始めることができない)
unless you ~ (e.g. Unless he comes, we cannot start the meeting)
なくはない / なくもない
it’s not that; I may (double negative)
なお (e.g. かなり多くの人々が今なおそれを信じている)
still; yet; furthermore; in addition ~ (e.g. Many people still believe that)
at the time; on the occasion of ~
nothing but; none other than ~
に限らず (e.g. 最近は、女性に限らず男性も化粧をする)
not just; not only… but also ~ (e.g. Lately, not only women but also men have been wearing makeup)
to relate to; to have to do with; relating to ~
に越したことはない (e.g. そうするに越したことはない)
it’s best that, there’s nothing better than ~ (e.g. That is the best thing to do)
in response to ~
in addition ~
to face; to go towards; to head to ~
on the occasion of; at the time of ~
に先立ち (e.g. 会議に先立って、資料を集めておかなければならない)
before; prior to ~ (e.g. Before the meeting, we must gather the resources)
whether… or ~
にしたら / にすれば (e.g. あなたにすれば小さなことかもしれないけど、ほかの人にはそうでもないんですよ)
from one’s perspective; from the point of view of ~ (e.g. To you, this may be just a small issue, but that’s not the same for other people)
に沿って (e.g. 週末は、川の道に沿って二時間ほど仲間とサイクリングしました)
along with; in accordance with ~ (e.g. On the weekend, I went cycling for about 2 hours with my friends along the river path)
without a doubt; certain; sure
に伴って (e.g. 人口が増えるに伴って、いろいろな問題が起こってきた)
as; due to; with; along with; following; accordingly ~ (e.g. As the population increased, various problems began to occur)
every time; whenever; as; whether; in (either case)
due to; because of; per; each
throughout; over a period of ~
にて (e.g. 今回のイベントは駅前にて行います)
in, at, with, by (formal particle)
のももっともだ (e.g. 彼が仕事を辞めるのももっともだ)
no wonder; …is only natural (e.g. He has every reason to quit his job)
under; with ~ (のもとで)
according to; from the viewpoint of ~
only; nothing but
not only; besides; as well as ~
negative verb conjugation; traditional version of ない
抜きにして / 抜きで
without; leaving out; cutting out ~
抜く (e.g. どんなに苦しくても最後まで走り抜くつもりだ)
to do something from beginning to end; completely, extremely ~ (e.g. No matter how painful it may be, I plan to run all the way until the end)
を契機に (e.g. 入社試験に落ちたのを契機に英会話の勉強を始めた)
as a good opportunity/chance to; as a result of; make the best of ~ (e.g. I made the best of failing the company entrance exam and started studying English conversation)
concerning; in regard to ~
based on; derived from; building on; beginning with ~
except; with the exception of; excluding ~
regardless of; irrespective of; no matter
お~願う (e.g. 図書館では小さな声でお話し願います)
please do; could you please…; I ask of you to ~ (e.g. Please speak in a small voice in the library)
おまけに (e.g. 寒くておまけに風も強かった)
to make matters worse; besides; what’s more; in addition; on top of that (e.g. It was cold, and to make matters worse, the wind was strong)
perhaps; likely; probably; I dare say ~
恐れがある (e.g. この番組は子供に悪い影響を与える恐れがある)
it is feared that; to be in danger of; to be liable to ~ (e.g. This show is worried to have a negative effect on children)
及び (e.g. 鉛筆及び紙を持ってきてください)
and; as well as ~ (e.g. Please bring a Pencil and a Paper)
ろくに~ない (e.g. 昨夜はろくに寝なかった)
not well; not enough; improperly; insufficiently; unsatisfactorily ~ (e.g. I did not sleep well last night)
少しも~ない (e.g. こんな暑い天気でピクニックするなんて、少しも楽しくないよ)
not one bit; not even a little ~ (e.g. Having a picnic in such hot weather isn’t fun at all)
次第 (e.g. 部屋の準備ができ次第、会議を始めます)
as soon as, dependent upon (e.g. Once the room preparations are complete, we will begin the meeting)
せいか (e.g. たくさん仕事をしたせいか、病気になってしまった)
perhaps because ~ (e.g. I got sick perhaps because I worked too much)
finally; after; following; at the end/ conclusion of ~
次第に (e.g. それは次第に消えた)
gradually (progress into a state); in sequence; in order (e.g. That gradually disappeared)
次第で (e.g. 花火大会は天気次第で中止になる場合もあります)
depending on; so ~ (e.g. The fireworks festival may be cancelled depending on the weather)
besides; in addition; furthermore ~
moreover; furthermore; and yet; what’s more ~