N2 grammar 13 Flashcards
noun+が+plain form+だけに
because A, b is even more so
while A, B is still happening/ ever since
if you take A into account, B is ~
as long as, as long as A, b remains
potential (られて form+ はかないわない
I don’t want to, it would be bad if
neg stem+ではいられない
cant keep from, cant help but to
if you consider ~from A POV
noun+ をとわず
B will happen regardless of A
て form+もさしつかえない
there’s no harm in
plain+ ものの
even though, A happened but B also
to start, the first in a groun, an example of ~ is ~
plain form+ところをみると
if you look at it like X, judging from
potential plainれる+ くらいなら
would rather B over A, A is a worse option
てform+ まで
to go so far as to
to endure to finishes something to the end