N2 Flashcards
The quarrel developed into a fistfight.〜あげく
commonness, community, to be common, to be shared, -wide
common sense, common knowledge, common understanding
process, procedure, sequence, protocol, instruction
共通 [きょうつう]
共通認識 [きょうつうにんしき]
手順 [てじゅん]
please don’t fuss over me
incidentally, taking the opportunity, while (you) are at it, on the occasion
by return, (call or write back) without delay, lapel, cuffs, flap, chorus, refrain, repetition, aliasing (in imaging), shuttle service, back-to-back, BTB, wrapping (text on computer screen), wrap
お構いなく, 御構いなく [おかまいなく]
序でに, 序に [ついでに]
折り返し, 折返し [おりかえし]
lecture materials
basal body temperature
素人臭い [しろうとくさい]
講義資料 [こうぎしりょう]
基礎体温 [きそたいおん]
beyond this point, from now on, after this
power flicker
one step ahead
effective temperature, wind-chill index (factor)
to take out, to drag out
taut (condition), taken up slack, removed slack
to pull from both ends, to pull from both sides, to play tug of war
sense of accomplishment
この先, 此の先 [このさき]
瞬間電断 [しゅんかんでんだん]
一足先 [ひとあしさき]
体感温度 [たいかんおんど]
引っ張り出す, 引っ張りだす [ひっぱりだす]
引っ張り気味 [ひっぱりぎみ]
引っ張り合う, 引っぱりあう [ひっぱりあう]
達成感 [たっせいかん]
達成, たっ成 [たっせい]
inexperience, unripeness, raw, unskilled, immature,
green hand, novice
negative, contradictory
real feeling, actual feeling, to actually feel
continuous shooting (camera)
sequence photographs, serial photographs
to be disheartened, to lose heart, to be dispirited
to defend (against), to protect, to prevent
structure, construction, arrangement, contrivance, plan,
to be used up, to be run out, to be exhausted
nearest station
guarantee, maintain, ensure, insure, secure, reservation
the precedence of merit, performance orientation, ability- (merit-) based (promotion, pay scale, etc.)
未熟 [みじゅく]
未熟者 [みじゅくもの]
否定的 [ひていてき]
実感 [じっかん]
連続撮影 [れんぞくさつえい]
連続写真 [れんぞくしゃしん]
挫ける [くじける]
防ぐ, 禦ぐ, 拒ぐ [ふせぐ]
仕組み, 仕組 [しくみ]
尽きる, 竭きる [つきる]
最寄り駅, 最寄駅 [もよりえき]
確保 [かくほ]
実力本位 [じつりょくほんい]
management, (executive) staff, leaders, leadership, top brass, upper echelons
pride, boast
This course teaches basic skills in First Aid.
幹部 [かんぶ]
自慢 [じまん]
講師 [こうし]
fuzzy logic
many, crowd, great number of people
あいまい論理, 曖昧論理 [あいまいろんり]
誤解 [ごかい]
大勢, 大ぜい [おおぜい, たいぜい]
intense competition, hot competition
a trick question
激しい競争, 烈しい競争 [はげしいきょうそう]
to clear the table
best time for (corn, etc.), season (for fruit, etc.)
広告 [こうこく]
出盛り [でさかり, でざかり]
preparation, arrangements, provision, getting ready, laying out (e.g. a meal)
certificate of joint residence
in the end, at the end of the day
用意 [ようい]
居住証明書 [きょじゅうしょうめいしょ]
結局のところ, 結局の所 [けっきょくのところ]
first half
second half, latter half
(strongly emphatic) too preoccupied or busy to even think of …, .. is out of the question, this is not an occasion for
前半 [ぜんはん, ぜんぱん]
後半 [こうはん]
所ではない, 処ではない [どころではない]
(n,vs,adj-no) inspection; observation; (P)
視察 しさつ
thermal conductivity
linear measure, scale
nature, property, disposition
熱伝導率 [ねつでんどうりつ]
尺度 [しゃくど]
性質 [せいしつ]
(n,vs) reflection (light, image, situation, attitude, etc.); reflecting; influence; application (e.g. of an update); (P)
反映 はんえい
Can I send that to you?
(n,vs) knowledge; awareness; consent; acceptance; assent; admitting; compliance; agreement; acknowledgment; acknowledgement; forgiving; pardoning; excusing; (P)
承知 しょうち
(adv,adv-to,on-mim) deliberately; carefully; thoroughly; without rushing; (P)
(n) scholarship; stipend; bursary; student loan; (P)
奨学金 しょうがくきん
(n) reason for (one’s) application (esp. to a company)
志望動機 しぼうどうき
(n) self-analysis; autoanalysis
自己分析 じこぶんせき
(n) self-analysis; autoanalysis
自己分析 じこぶんせき
(n) persuasive power
説得力 せっとくりょく
(n,adj-no) actor; actress; player; performer; (P)
俳優 はいゆう
(v1,vi) to long for; to yearn after; to admire; to be attracted by; (P)
憧れる あこがれる
(n) one’s presence (as felt by others)
存在感 そんざいかん
to disentangle, to unravel, to relax someone
to pile up, to put something on another, to heap up, to add, to repeat
prompt payment or delivery
解きほぐす, 解き解す, 解解す [ときほぐす]
重ねる [かさねる]
即納 [そくのう]
practical research, applied research
to call out to, to accost, to address (crowd), to appeal
immediate effect, instant effect
応用研究 [おうようけんきゅう]
呼びかける, 呼び掛ける, 呼掛ける [よびかける]
即効, 即功 [そっこう]