日常生活 Flashcards
draft, draught, promissory note, signed hand-print
to some extent, to a certain extent
to coax, to seduce, to win over, to roll up and put in (to something), to bundle up
手形 [てがた]
ある程度, 或る程度 [あるていど]
丸め込む [まるめこむ]
draft, draught, promissory note, signed hand-print
lifetime employment, permanent employment
weak point, weakness, shortcoming, defect, flaw, sore spot, tender spot
amendment, correction, revision, modification, alteration, retouching, update, fix
手形 [てがた]
終身雇用 [しゅうしんこよう]
弱点 [じゃくてん]
修正 [しゅうせい]
It was as I had imagined.
That event wasn’t as lively as I imagined it to be.
This book is not as difficult as I had imagined.
I always imagined him as a soldier.
The devastation in Kobe was as terrible as I had imagined.
僕の想像通りであった - 斎藤和英大辞典
ebb tide / marea menguante, marea baja
high tide, high water, full tide / flujo, corriente, pleamar, marea alta
low tide, low water, ebb
low tide
引き潮, 引潮, 引き汐, 引汐 [ひきしお]
満潮, 満ち潮 [まんちょう, みちしお]
干潮 [かんちょう, ひしお]
潮干 [しおひ]
to give and take, to make mutual concessions, to compromise / transigir, hacer concesiones mutuas
譲り合う [ゆずりあう]
give someone a suck of liquor
Better take another drop of this thing.
take a sip from one’s glass
can you take me to the main entrance?
(v5r,vt) to see off (e.g. to the station, an airport, etc.); to escort (e.g. home); to farewell; to see out; to send off; to let pass; to wait and see; to continue (e.g. in legal contexts); (P)
見送る みおくる
(n,vs) friend request (e.g. on a social network)
友達申請 ともだちしんせい Facebookで友達申請した facebookのフレンド申請をしたいのですが Facebookで海外の友達を作る方法 友達リクエストありがとう
should have noticed earlier.
You might have already noticed
have noticed
take the opportunity to apologize
to fuss over; to be particular about; to be obsessive; to be fixated; (P)
拘る こだわる (v5r,vi,uk)
(n,adj-no) huge breasts
small former Japanese oval gold coin; oval; small size (of paper)
小判 こばん
to play a trick on
cheating, fake, bogus, travelling seller of trinkets, magic tricks, etc. (traveling)
disguise, camouflage, masquerade
trial examination, mock examination
hospitality, entertainment, service
一杯食わす [いっぱいくわす]
インチキ, いんちき
偽装, 擬装 [ぎそう]
模擬試験, 摸擬試験 [もぎしけん]
お持て成し [おもてなし]