Myocarditis Flashcards
What is myocarditis
Inflammation of mycoardium
What is the most common cause of myocarditis
Viral infections
eg enteroviruses especially coxsackie B
Parvovirus B-19
Influenza A
Other infectious causes of myocarditis
Rheumatic fever - strep A
Trypanosoma cruzi (chagas disease)
Diptheria - worldwide most common
Rare causes of myocarditis
Radiation, chemotherapy exacerbates (antrhacyclines eg doxorubicin, trastuzumab)
AI disorders - SLE, sarcoidossi, giant cell myocarditis, kawasaki dsease
Presenting sympotms of myocarditis
Chest pain
Systemic upset - fatigeu, fevers, lethargy, unwell
rEDUCED exercise tolerance
Collpase eg cardiac syncope
Sudden death
Precedng viral infection
Signs of HF on exam
Pericardial rub if concurrent pericarditis, pansystolic murmur if functional mitral regurgitation
Bedside testing for myocarditis
Resp viral screening - nasopharygneal aspirate
Urine dip for blood and protein
ECG changes myocardtis
ST segment elevation/depression
T wave inversion
Atrial arrhyhtmias
Transient AV block
Blood tests for myocarditis
Cardiac enzymes - CK, troponin
Serum ACE
dS-dna - SLE
Viral screening - coxsackievirus group B, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), cytomegalovirus, Ebstein-Barr virus, hepatitis A, B, C
Imaging for myocarditis
Cardiac MRI - myocarditis or MI
Endomyocardial biopsy may be considered but only if not responding to treatment and unknown cause of acute HF
What see on ECHO in myocarditis
Exclude other pathologues
Generalised or regional wall abnormalities
Ejection fraction
Pericardial effusion if present - cardiac tamponade
Fulminant vs acute myocarditis - LVS and septal thicness
Pericardial chest pain
dull, central and relieved by sitting forwards.
Pericarditis vs myocarditis
Myocarditis may also have pericarditis
Pericarditis can -> cardiac tamponade -> acute HF
Pericarditis DOESNT show raised cardiac enzymes and ECHO should be clear
How is takutsobo cardiomyopathy different to myocarditis on ECHO
egional hypokinesis of the anteroapical and inferoapical myocardium identified on echocardiogram.
Managemnet of myocarditis
O2 when required
Monitoring for and control of underlying arrhtyhmias
Fluid balance management
Treat underlying cause if any identified
Early escalation to specialist intensive care physicians
Organ support as required - early escalation if any signs cardiac shock
Cardiac shock or symptomatic hypotenson in ymocarditis treatment
cardiac support -inotropes = dobutamine, vasopressors = milrinone or
mechanical support - ventricular assist device
ECMO - extracorperal membrane oxygenation considered in patients refractory to chemical or mechanical support with a view of heart transplanatation
Which type of myocarditis are steroids shown to improve survival in
Giant cell myocarditis
Recovery from myocarditis recommendations
Avoid strenous exercise
Usual HF managment incl ACEi, BB and aldosterone antagonists
Serial ECHOs to monitor
Short term compplications of myocarditis
Cardiogenic shcok
Cardiac arrhythmias - regular ECGs and new symptoms exploration
Sudden death
Medium to long term complications of myocarditis
Dilated cardiomyopathy - 20%
DCM on ECHO and symptoms and tratment
Fatigue, SOB(worse onnexertion, possible orthopoea and PND
ECHO - dilated L and often R ventricles w dysfunctional contractility
Cardiac resynchronisation therapy incl ICD, ventricular assist devicce and heart transplant
Types of myocarditis
acute myocarditis (AM) - generally <1 month),
chronic inflammatory cardiomyopathy (infl-CMP) -> myocardial inflammation with DCM or hypokinetic nondilated phenotype >1 month
Chronic myocarditis between above
eosinophilic, lymphocytic, giant cells, or granulomatous
What if ulminant myocarditis
severe forms of acute myocarditis
with fast evolution and hemodynamic compromise (low-output syndrome or cardiogenic shock) requiring inotropes or MCS