My Vocab Deck 4 Flashcards
Moot “moot” Noun
No longer applies. No longer important.
Example: The robber case was closed because the perp died. “Bell weather” Noun
The leader for others to follow. Someone to show the way.
Example: The oldest cow was the belwether cow who knew the way back to the farm and the other cattle would follow him. “Sim bee OH sus” Noun
Biology: the relationship between two different kinds of living things that live together and depend on each other. “Pale lee oh ant throw pology” Noun
A branch of anthropology dealing with fossil hominids.
Dou.ble en.ten.dre “Dooble an tand” Noun
A word or expression that can be understood in two different ways with one way usually referring to sex.
Litmus test Noun
A test in which a single factor (as an attitude, event, or fact) is decisive.
Ep.och “E poch” Noun
A memorable event or date.
Example: Nobody will forget 9/11 attack on the world trade centers.
Pro.pi.tious “Prah PISH us” Adj.
Likely to have or produce good results. Favorable.
Blog Noun
A web site on which someone writes about personal opinions, activities and experiences.
Short for Web Log
Qua.le “Qual Lee” ]Qual like Quality] Noun
An experience; (distinct sensation) such as the wind on your hair riding on a motorcycle without a helmet. This experience is unique and has a distinct sensation.
In.ter.po.late “In TER polate” Verb
To edit a a text by inserting or changing the wording whereas it changes the original meaning.
Also to add sensationalism to like a Bible verse, making it claim supernatural abilities.
Ag.nos.tic “Egg nos tic” Noun
A person who does not believe or is unsure of something. “Dope ah mean” Noun
A feel good drug that gives a pleasure sensation. Such as eating chocolate candy, or going shopping when you are bored.
The action releases dopamine in your brain and gives you a pleasure sensation.
Sen.tient “SENT she ent” Adj.
Responsive to or conscious of sense impressions. (Sentient beings)
Being aware.
Non se.qui.tur “Non Sect kwa tur” Noun
A statement that is not connected in a logical or clear way to anything said before it.
“We were talking about my car when she threw in some non sequitur about her dog.” “Em pier ah cal” Adj.
Capable of being verified or disproved by observation or experiment.
re.plete “REE Pleat” Adj.
Fully or abundantly filled. A book replete with delicious details.
Having much or plenty of something. “I have a replete collection of found golf balls at home.” “Ah knack row ism” Noun
A person or thing that is out of place and does not fit.
Such as a cowboy using a cell phone while chasing indians on his horse.
Gaffe “Gaf” Noun
A social blunder. A noticeable mistake.
In.con.gru.ous “En CON grew us” Adj.
Not harmonious. Incompatible.