Adhoc New Words Flashcards
Coup de gras. Pronounced cool day gras. Gras sounds more like bras.
The final death blow in a mercy killing. Also the breaking point when a person loses his temper and fulminates.
per·am·bu·late | \ pə-ˈram-byə-ˌlāt \
perambulated; perambulating
transitive verb
1 : to travel over or through especially on foot : TRAVERSE
2 : to make an official inspection of (a boundary) on foot
3. A relaxed walk around anything.
Microbiota: The microorganisms of a particular site, Habitat.
Mitochondria: my toe CON Dre ah. Converts our food into energy.
Mitochondrial DNA is only passed through the mother to the baby. People today still have some Mitochondrial DNA (bacteria) passed down from their 8,000 great, greats grandmother! The male only passes down genes.
Homunculus. Hole MUN cool las. (Last two syllables sound like cool less)
homunculus /həˈməNGkyələs hōˈməNGkyələs/ I. noun 1. a very small human or humanoid creature. 2. ‹historical› a supposed microscopic but fully formed human being from which a fetus was formerly believed to develop. –origin mid 17th cent.: from Latin, diminutive of homo, homin- ‘man.’
The little person we all think is us living inside our body.
in·fan·tile | \ ˈin-fən-ˌtī(-ə)l
1 : of or relating to infants or infancy
2 : suitable to or characteristic of an infant
especially : very immature
infantile humor
adolescent, babyish, childish, immature, jejune, juvenile, kiddish, puerile
adult, grown-up, mature
the infantile humor that teenage boys are justly famous for
pa·tri·arch | \ ˈpā-trē-ˌärk \ NOUN
Collegiate Definition
1a : one of the scriptural fathers of the human race or of the Hebrew people
b : a man who is father or founder
The newspaper patriarch celebrated his 90th birthday.
c(1) : the oldest member or representative of a group
the cypress … is the patriarch of native trees.
(2) : a venerable old man
Censure N.
cen·sure | \ ˈsen(t)-shər \
Collegiate Definition (Entry 1 of 2)
1 : a judgment involving condemnation
unorthodox practices awaiting the censure of the city council
2 : the act of blaming or condemning sternly
The country faces international censure for its alleged involvement in the assassination.
3 : an official reprimand
The lawyer’s misconduct resulted in a letter of censure from the judge.
Antithesis N.
an·tith·e·sis | \ an-ˈti-thə-səs \
plural antitheses \ an-ˈti-thə-ˌsēz \
Collegiate Definition
1a : the direct opposite
Her temperament is the very antithesis of mine.
contrary, counter, negative, obverse, opposite, reverse
Ex Parte “X PAR TAY”
Ex parte” is a Latin phrase meaning “on one side only; by or for one party.” An ex parte communication occurs when a party to a case, or someone involved with a party, talks or writes to or otherwise communicates directly with the judge about the issues in the case without the other parties’ knowledge.
: Cognitive Dissonance . This is what I was thinking of the other day. It means “you are seeing or hearing” the opposite of what you believe.