My Vocab Deck 1 Flashcards
Ion “Eye on” Noun
A sub-atomic particle. Also an atom or group of atoms that carries a positive or negative charge as a result of having lost or gained one or more electrons.
Mid.rash “Mid Drash” Noun
The underlying significance of a Bible text. Much of the New Testament was a midrash interpretation of scripture contained in the old testament. For example the action or story of Jesus riding an ass into town is a midrash from some obscure old testament scripture. New Testament authors commonly midrashed old testament scripture for self serving effect to crowbar their intended beliefs with a purpose to make the storyline more wonderous and divine.
Psy.cho.sis “Sy KOH sus” Noun
Derangement of the mind as in schizophrenia, characterized by lost contact with reality especially as evidenced by delusions, hallucinations,and disorganized speech and behavior.
An example would be Charles Manson thinking that he is Jesus Christ. “New Row sus” Noun
A mental and emotional disorder that affects only part of the personality, is accompanied by a less distorted perception of reality than in a psychosis.
Examples would be anxieties and phobias.
Me.tem.psy.cho.sis “Ma as in Met”. “Ma temp sa KO sus”
The passing of the soul at death into another body either human or animal.
Ag.nos.tic “Egg nas tik” Noun
A person who does not have a definite belief about whether God exists or not. A person who does not believe or is unsure of something.
Hel.le.nism “HELEN ism” Noun
Devotion to or imitation of ancient Greek thought, customs, or styles. For example, the Roman Empire was an extremely influenced culture of Hellenism. They lived in hellenistic beliefs and customs and adopted them as their own. Supporting the many Gods, the Divine Triangles, etc. Much of Hellenism was from Alexander the Great.
Examples would be having a Pagan god image aboard the ship to protect it in the dangerous waters.
Hellenism was influenced from southwestern Asia.
Con.flate Verb “Kon FLATE”
To bring together. to fuse. To combine as two readings of a text into a composite whole.
Example would be your brain using several bits of information to form a composite of what you are looking at as in a painting, or what all this means as in making a logical construct such as a God to explain an event in natural science.
Another example would be early man thinking lightning bolts were being thrown at the ground by Zeus. Or, Thunder was a God named Thor hitting the earth with his mighty hammer.
Some historical characters never existed but were conflated into a composite person such as Sinbad the sailor, Robin Hood, King Arthur, Marco Polo, Homer. Noun “E tea owl a G”
The cause or origin of a disease.
Example, in Bible times, about 100 years before Jesus, it was common belief that sickness and diseases were caused by demons possessing humans causing a disease such as blindness or madness.
Now in modern times we know diseases are biological and that madness is mental illness.
Pseu.don.y.mous Adj. “Sue don ah mas”
Also see Pseudepigrapha – Fake writings ascribed to a venerated author.
Sue dah PIG rah fah
Bearing or using a fictitious name. Written using a pen name like Ben Franklin using the name Silence Dogood and Harry Meanwell.
Most of the New Testament is written under pseudonyms.
Poly.the.ism Noun “Polly ThE Ism”
Belief in or worship of more than one God.
Apoc.a.lypse Noun “Ah Pak ah lips”
Jewish and Christian writings of 200 BCE to 150 CE; the expectation of an imminent cosmic cataclysm in which God destroys the ruling powers of evil and raises the righteous to life in a messianic kingdom.
Syn.op.tic Adjective “Sah NOP tic”
Taking the same or common view. Of or relating to the first three Gospels of the New Testament.
Pa.leo.lith.ic Adjective. “PAY lee oh lith ic”
Relating to the time during the early Stone Age when people made rough tools and weapons out of stone.
Stone age.
Ge.nus Noun “JEAN us”
A class, bracket or category. Specifically a category of biological classification ranking between the family and the species.
A class of objects divided into several subordinate species. “TIE Pal oh Gee Noun
A system used for putting things into groups according to how they are similar.
EX: One holding that things in Christian belief are prefigured or symbolized by things in the Old Testament.
An example: Most savior Gods were virgin births and born on 25 December. This is a typology, a believed requirement for any savior god worth their salt.
EX: Authors of NT crowbarred topology from OT into the NT writings.
EX: Mythical actions from popular ancient Gods were syncretized into miracles and sayings of Jesus and the Gospels.
Lin.e.age “Lyn E age” Noun
The people who were in someone’s family in past times.
Septic Shock Noun
A life threatening form of sepsis that usually results from the presence of gram-negative bacteria and their toxins in the blood.
Fas.cism “Fas shizem” Noun
Fas as in fasting.
A society in which a government is ruled by a dictator who controls the lives of the people and the people are not allowed to disagree with the government.
En.dor.phin “End DOOR fin”
A peptide that bind chiefly to opiate receptors and produce some pharmacological effects as pain relief.
The Son of Zeus. Forged into the composite of Jesus.
Pronounced in 5 syallables.
Die on ice E S
Pseudepigrapha – (Plural) Fake writings ascribed to a venerated author.
Sue dah PIG rah fah
All the Gospels are pseudepigrapha. Ref: The Great Code–Northrop Frye