My Vocab Deck 2 Flashcards
Ethos “E thas” Noun
The guiding beliefs of a person, group or organization. “End dough crin” crin like cringe. Adj.
Secreting internally secretions that are distributed in the body by way of the bloodstream.
Di.dac.tic “Die dack tick” Adj.
Used to describe someone or somethng that tries to teach something in a way that is annoying or unwanted.
Example: Badgering a person to change to your religion.
Mono.the.ism “Mäna theism” Noun
The belief that there is only one God.
An.drog.y.nous “an drä Jen us” Adj.
Having both male and female characteristics or qualities. Suitable for both men and women.
Hy.po.thal.a.mus “Hypo thal a mus” Noun
The regulator center of the brain.
Example: regulates body temperature
Heu.ris.tic “hear ris tik” Adj.
Using experience to learn and improve. Serving as an aid to learning, discovery, or problem solving by experimental and trial and error methods.
Example: Learning golf by trial and error.
Ge.nome “G nome” Noun
Your cellular structure. The genetic material of an organism.
Schizo.phre.nia “skit so free knee ah” Noun
A psychotic disorder characterized by loss of contact with the environment by noticeable deterioration in the level of functioning in everyday life. They also experience delusions.
Folk.lore Noun
Ideas or stories that are not true but that many people have heard or read. Traditional customs, tales, sayings.
Ghost.write “ghost write” Verb
To write something for someone else using that person’s name.
This is writing with permission from the person. It is not pseudonymously written.
Conj.jure “CON jur” Verb
To make something appear or seem to appear by magic. Like to conjure up a dead person’s spirit.
Con.nois.seur “Kan ah sewer” Noun
An expert in a particular subject.
An.thro.po.mor.phic “Aunt throw pole mor fik” Adj.
Thought of as being like human beings in appearance and behavior.
In 600 BCE the Jewish people declared their God was Anthropomorphic and was all powerful over all the other gods.
Mettle “metal” Noun
Strength of spirit. Ability to continue despite difficulties.