My Vocab Deck 3 Flashcards
Epiph.a.ny “E piff a knee” Noun
A moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new very clear way.
Example: The light bulb turns on in your brain.
Epon.y.mous “eh PON a mus” [eh as in Heh] adj.
Being the person or thing for whom or which something is named.
Like Alzheimers named after the person first diagnosed with the disease. “Fore ren sic” Adj.
The use of scientific knowledge in solving crimes. Like CSI “Bib lee aug ra fee” [aug as in auger] Noun
A reference listing of books and articles that are used in a text.
Hyp.not.ic “Hip not ik” Adj.
Holding the attention. Transfixed. Mesmerized.
Or.gan.elle “Organ nell” Noun
A special type of bacteria that makes our organs and is suited for one purpose. Like the eye is suited for seeing and the ear is suited for hearing. “comen sull ism” Noun
A relation between bacteria and the human body whereas one obtains food or other benefits from the other without damaging the host.
Example: The termite eats wood but gets no nourishment from it. The bacteria in the termite’s gut eats the chewed up wood in the gut and extracates its waste products inside the termite’s gut. This waste product is what nourishes the termite.
It is similar to plant leaves absorbing the sun shine and giving the waste product of oxygen, which we humans breathe.
Faux.pas “FOE paa”
An embarrassing social mistake. “E thal ogy” Noun
- A branch of knowledge dealing with human character and with its formation and evolution.
- The study and knowledge of human character and how we got to here!
Example: I like to study human ethology scientifically, historically and mentally.
An.throp.ic “An TROP ik” Adj.
Of or relating to human beings or the period of their existence on earth. “Psyche oh logical” Adj.
Mental. Relating to the mind.
Meme “Meme” [sounds like Mean”
An idea, behavior, style that spreads from person to person within a culture.
Example: My dad used Shell gasoline. When I grew up I used shell gas for the simple reason that my dad used it and I thought it was the best gas to buy.
Religion is a meme. If you are brought up Christian faith, you will probably remain in the Christian faith when you are an adult.
Pan.the.ism “Pan thE ism” Noun
A doctrine that equates God with the forces and laws of the universe. Also toleration of worship of all gods as in the Roman Empire.
Example: Thinking of God as mother nature or natural science.
Pa.tron.ize “Pay tron ize” Verb
To treat haughtily or coolly. To adopt an air of condescension toward.
To be a frequent or regular customer or user of (a place).
Syn.cre.tism “SINK ra tism” Noun
The combination of different forms of belief or practice.
Pulp Fiction “Pulp Fiction” Noun
Tabloid news stories. Printed on cheap paper, a cheesy mostly fiction and gross exaggeration of popular famous or popular people. Like a horoscope, useful to sell cheap papers and entertain the consumers who read these stories.
Publications like National Enquirer, Globe, etc. you find at the checkout lane of a supermarket.
Pre.scrip.tion “Pri skrip shen” Noun
A written message from a doctor that officially tells someone to use a medicine.
Zeit.geist “zsight guist” Noun
What is in vogue for that point in time. For that era.
Se.gue “Seg way” Verb
To proceed to what is next without pause. “an throw pology” Noun
The study of human races, origins, societies, and cultures.