Muskoskeletal System: Lesson 2 Flashcards
What are the 5 important functions of the skeletal system?
- Protect organs & soft tissues
- To give support to soft tissues
- To facilitate production of red blood cells
- To act as a reservoir(holding thing) for minerals
- To provide attachments for skeletal muscle,
producing a lever system for body movement.
The human skeleton is divided into what 2 skeletons?
Axial & Appendicular
What does the axial skeleton conclude of?
The head, Thorax (ribcage) & vertebral column (spine)
What does the appendicular skeleton conclude of?
Pelvic gridle bones, bones of upper lower extremities (Lower limbs starting from femur to metatarsals) & pectoral (shoulder) gridle
What do the axial skeleton bones conclude of?
- 6 Cranial bones, 14 facial bones
- 6 auditory ossicles
- 1 hyoid (back of throat bone)
- 26 vertebral column bones
- 24 ribs & 1 sternum (manubrium, body & xiphoid process)
Altogether how many bones are there in the axial skeleton?
80 bones!
What does the appendicular skeleton conclude of?
64 upper extremity (pectoral gridle, upper limbs)
62 lower extremity (pelvic gridle, lower limbs)
Al together how many bones are there in the appendicular skeleton?
126 Bones!
What are the 5 naming’s and bones that make up the vertebral column? In order
Cervical (7) - C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7
Thoracic (12) - They connect the ribs
Lumbar (5) - L1, L2, L3, L4, L5
Sacrum (5) - S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 - start of pelvis
Coccyx (3-5 fused) - tailbone
What is C1 & C2 of the vertebral column called and why is it so important?
C1 is the Atlas & C2 is the axis. The atlas rotates on the dens of the axis and is responsible for all rotation of the neck;
Its the pivot joint
What are the 8 facial bones?
F- Frontal S- Sphenoid E- Ethmoid P- Parietal (2) T- Temporal (2) O- Occipital
Friends shake ears, parents talk occupations
How many facial bones are there but what are the 3 facial bones you need to know?
There are 14 facial bones
The 3 are:
Zygomatic Bones (Cheekbones)
Mandible - Jaw
Maxillary Bone - Upper jaw
What are the wrist bones, palm bones & finger bones called?
Carpals, Metacarpals & Phalanges
What are the proximal wrist bones (carpals)?
S - Scaphoid - Thumb Bone
L - Lunate
T - Triquetrum
P- Pisiform
What are the distal wrist bones (carpals)?
T- Trapezium
T- Trapezoid
C- Capitate
Trapezium & Trapezoid Capitate Hamilton
What are the 5 metacarpals?
They are the palm bones, there’s 5
1 being on the thumb (Radius bone side) & going right to 5 being the pinky (ulna bone side)