Muscular System Flashcards
Continuous with tendon which is attached to bone
Proximal attachment
Distal attachment
Bundles of muscle fibers
Connective tissue around fasiculi
Connective tissue around each fiber. Continuous with sarcolemma
Junction between motor neuron and muscle fibers it innervates
Each cell has this many NMJ, but
One, single motor neuron can innervate many fibers
Motor neuron and fibers it innervates
Motor unit
Contains contractile components, glycogen, fat, enzymes, mitochondria, SR
Contain contractile Apparatus
Thick, has cross bridges
Thin, two strands in double helix
Smallest contractile unit of skmm
CENTER of sarcomere. Myosin anchor
m bridge
ENDS of sarcomere. Actin anchor
z line
DARK. alignment of myosin
a band
LIGHT. Only actin. Z line in middle
I band
CENTER. M bridge in middle, only myosin
H zone
These decrease during contraction…
H zone and I band
Intricate system of tubules parallel to each myofibril
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
SR terminates as…
Vesicles near z lines
Calcium stored in…
Vesicles of SR
In SR, this controls contraction…
Regulation of calcium
Run perpendicular to SR and terminate near z lines between two vesicles
T tubules
T tubules are continuous with…
Sarcolemma at surface
Discharge of AP arrives nearly…
Simultaneously from surface to all depths
States that actin slide inward on myosin, pulling z lines to center
Sliding filament theory
Causes movement during SFT
Flexion of cross bridges on actin
How must flexions occur
Very rapid and repeated
Phases of SFT. 5
Resting, excitation contraction coupling, contraction,recharge, relaxation
Little Calcium present, few bound cross bridges, no tension
SR stimulated to release calcium during
Excitation contraction coupling
Calcium binds with
During contraction, energy comes from
Hydrolysis of ATP to ADP
Another ATP must replace ADP in order…
For cross bridge head to detach and recock
If calcium is present..
Continuation of contraction. Relaxation if not present
Recharge continues as long as there is…
Calcium, ATP, and myosin ATPase
Relaxation occurs when…
Motor nerve isn’t stimulated and calcium is pumped back into SR.
All fibers simultaneously activated when…
Motor neuron fires impulse
Extent of control of muscle depends on…
Number of fibers within each motor unit
Action potential is NOT…
Capable of directly exciting fibers
AP causes chemical transmission and release of
All fibers in motor unit contract and develop force at same time
All or none principle
Short period of activation is called
Force summates if..
A second twitch elicited before complete relaxation
Twitches merge and fuse..
Maximal amount of force a motor unit can develop
Fast twitch motor unit
Type ii
Slow twitch motor unit
Type I
Type ii twitch time..
Type I twitch time..
Type I Are..
Efficient, fatigue resistant, aerobic
Type ii Are…
Inefficient, fatiguable, anaerobic
Muscular force graded in two ways…
Variation in frequency. Recruitment
Variation in frequency is…
As frequency increases, forces summate, force increases
Varying number of activated motor units
Maximal force production does not occur early in ROM if muscle is unloaded prior to muscle action
Recruitment patterns will vary depending on…
Joint position
Preloading is important for…
Developing strength early in ROM, especially at high velocities
Specialized sensory receptors in joints, muscles, tendons
Job of proprioceptors…
Relay information about muscle dynamics to CNS
Muscle length and rate of change
Spindles indicate..
Degree to which muscle must be activated in order to overcome a given resistance
LocAted in tendons near myotendinous junctions
GTOs activated when
Tendon is stretched
Neural input from GTOs…
Inhibits muscle activation. Protects against excessive tension