Anaerobic Exercise Prescription Flashcards
Athlete is trained in a specific manner to…
Produce a specific adaptation or training outcome
Assigning a workout or training regime that is greater than the athlete is used to
Ways to increase overload (4)
Increasing frequency, adding exercises or sets, complex over simple exercises, decreasing rest period length
Promotes long term benefits
Step 1
Needs analysis
Needs analysis includes (2)
Evaluation of the sport, assessment of the athlete
Evaluation of sport allows specific program design, such as (3)
Movement analysis, physiological analysis, injury analysis
Assessment of athlete determines
Training status, variety of tests, evaluating results, determining goals
Step 2
Exercise selection
Core exercise (3)
Large muscle areas, multi joint, receive priority
Assistance exercises (3)
Smaller muscle areas, single joint, less important to improvingsportperformance
Structural exercises
Core exercises that emphasize spinal loading
Movement analysis of sport makes use of
SAID principle to insure positive transfer
Step 3
Training frequency
Training status and frequency
Beginner 2-3 intermediate 3-4 advanced 4-7
Step 4
Exercise order
Exercise order is based on
How one exercise affects the quality of effort or technique of another exercise
Proper order would be
Power, other core, assistance. Reverse is pre exhaustion
Ways for athletes to recover between exercises (2)
Alternate upper and lower, alternate push pull
Two exercises with little to no rest and two opposing muscles
Compound set
Two exercises with the same muscles
Step 5
Training load and repetitions
Load is
Amount of weight assigned to exercise set. The most critical aspect of resistance training program
Mechanical work
Product of force and displacement
Relationship between load and reps
They are inversely related
One training goal automatically implies…
The use of one specific load and rep range
Load commonly described as
Certain percentage of 1RM
Steps for testing 1 RM
Warm up 5-10 reps, min rest, 10-20 lbs, 2 min rest, 10-20 lbs, 2-4 min rest, 10-20 lbs, 1 RM
Heavy loads for
Strength and power
Moderate loads for
Light loads for
Training goal is attained when
An athlete lifts a load of a certain percentage of the 1 RM for a specific number of reps
The greater the amount of concentric muscular force generated,
The slower the muscle shortening and corresponding movement velocity
Strength. Load and goal reps
> 85% < 6
Power. Load and goal reps
Single. 80-90% 1-2
Multiple. 75-85% 3-5
Hypertrophy. Load and goal reps
67-85% 6-12
Endurance. Load and goal reps
Varying training load
Loads are reduced to provide recovery, but maintain frequency and volume
80% of load lifted I heavy is used for light day but same reps
90% of load lifted heavy is used for medium day but same reps
Varying training load examples
Two days a week with one heavy one light
Upper lower split with two heavy two light
2 for 2 rule
If the athlete can perform 2 or more reps over the goal for a given exercise in the last set in 2 consecutive workouts, add weight for next session
Quantity of load increase
Varies but 2.5% to 10% are good guidelines
Step 6
Volume relates to
Total amount of weight lifted in a training session
Repetition volume
Total number of reps in a session
Load volume
Toal number of sets x number of reps x weight per rep
Training volume is directly based on
Resistance training goal
Step 7
Rest periods
Rest periods for strength and power
2-5 min
Rest periods for hypertrophy
30 sec to 1.5 min. Before full recovery
Rest periods for muscular endurance
Less than 30 sec