Muscular System Flashcards
The muscles which we consciously control
Skeletal Muscle
(Striated and voluntary)
The muscles which we don’t control. Found in walls of blood and lymphatic vessels, respiratory and digestive systems.
Smooth muscle
(Non striated and involuntary)
The muscles that power and pump the heart
Cardiac Muscles
What are the stripes in skeletal muscles formed by?
Actin and Myosin
What happens to filaments in skeletal muscles when they contract?
Actin filaments slide between them myosin filaments which causes shortening and thickening of the fibres.
What do smooth muscles look like?
Spindle shaped cells and no distinct membrane.
Name the
1- smallest muscle
2- largest muscle
3- strongest muscle
1- stapedius (in the ear)
2- lattisimus dorsi
3- gluteus maximus
Name the two types of contraction and how they work.
Isometric - length remains the same whilst the tension increases. eg pushing against an object that is too heavy to move or holding a glass in front of you.
Isotonic - length changes whilst tension remains constant or develops to overcome the opposing force.
The fixed end of a muscle. It barely moves during muscle action.
The part that connect the muscle to the bone found next the the origin and the insertion.
Thickest part / main body of muscle.
The moving end of a muscle. The point to which the force of the muscle is directed. A muscle always works from this part towards the origin.
This connects muscles to bones. White fibrous cords with no elasticity.
This is found beneath the skin, found over almost the whole surface of the body, facilitates the movement the of the skin, serves as a medium for teh passage of nerves and blood vessels. Helps retain body warmth, connect skin with deep fascia.
Superficial Fascia
Dense, inelastic, stiff membrane which forms a sheath for muscles and broad surfaces for attachement. Made of shiny tendinous fibres it is thicker in unprotected areas and assists muscle actions through tension and pressure.
Deep fascia
Bend or flex a limb inwards.
Bend if extend a limb outwards.
Move a limb away from mid line.
Move a limb towards the midline.
Turning towards centre
Rotate the head at the neck
Turning outwards away from centre
Turn a limb to face upwards
Flexing/bending foot upwards. Heel down, toe up
Turning a limb to face downwards.
Flexing bending the foot down towards the ground. Toe down, heel up.
Name the muscles of the neck
- Splenius Capitis (runs along neck to trunk - rotates head)
- Sternocleoidomastoid (runs at an angle up neck - flexes head and turns from side to side)
- Levator Scapulae (cervical vertebrae to upper medial border of scapula - rotates and elevated scapula)
- Trapezius (kite shaped, upper back. Rotates inferior angle of scapula laterally)
Name muscles of the trunk anterior
- Pectoralis major (chest. draws arm forward and medially. Adducts and rotates inwards).
- Serratus anterior (side of thorax. draws shoulder forward, rotates scapula)
- Rectus abdominus (abdominal wall. supports viscera, flexes vertebral column).
- Transverse abdominus (underneath internal and external obliques, deepest muscle of the abdomen.)
- External Obliques (waist. flexes verteb ral column. rotates body at waist).
- Internal Oblique (waist, deep to external oblique.produces rotation at the waist).
- Ilio-psoas (deep muscle of pelvic floor, crosses hip joint)
Name muscles of the trunk posterior
- Levator scapulae
- Rhomboids (between scapula and spine. adducts scapula)
- Supraspinatus (top of scapula, above spine. abducts arm, hold humerus in socket)
- Infraspinatus (scapula, below spine. lateral rotation of humerus stabilises humerus in socket)
- Teres minor (side of scapula to humerus. lateral rotation of humerus)
- Teres major (side of scapula to humerus. Adducts and medially rotates humerus)
- Latisimus Dorsi (covers back. draws arm backwards, adducts and rotates it medially).
- Erector Spinae (ribbon shaped group of muscles either side of spine.)
- Gluteus medius (higher on the pelvis, continuing deep to gluteus maximus. Abducts and rotates femur medially).
- Gluteus minimus (fan shaped muscle underneath gluteus medius. abducts and rotates femur medially).
- Gluteus maximus (main bulk of buttock. extends the hip, raises the trunk after stooping. lateral rotation).
Muscles of the shoulder and arm (anterior)
- Deltoid (shoulder)
- Coracobrachialis (deep to bicep, top of humerus)
- Biceps
- Brachialis (beneath biceps. flexes elbow joint)
- Pronator teres (crosses anterior aspect of elbow)
- Brachioradialis (lateral enterior foream. flexes elbow joint)
- Flexor carpi ulnaris (flexes wrist, adducts ulna)
- Flexor carpi radialis (flexes wrist joint)
- Flexor carpi digitorum (anterior of forearm, flexes fingers)
What is fibromyalgia
pain stiffness and tenderness of muscles, tendons and joints. common in back, neck, shoulder and feet.
What is Cramp
painful involuntary contraction of muscles
What is Atony
lack of normal tone or tension
What is Atrophy
undernourishment, lack of use. wasting away or failure to reach normal size
What is myostis
inflammation of a muscle
What is Rupture
burst or tear in the fascia
What is Spasm
more than usual number of muscle fibres in sustained contraction. usually response to pain.
What is Spasticity
spinal reflexes cause sustained contraction
What is sprain
twist or wrench of joint’s ligaments. painful swelling of the joint.
What is strain
overexertion, over us, failure to warm up before activities. may involve reupture of muscle, sheath or tendon.
What are adhesions
fibrous bands that form between tissues and organs.
What is adhesive capsulitis
Frozen shoulder. Connective tissue surrounding the shoulder becomes infammed and stiff. restricts motion.
What is achilles tendonitis
injury to the achilles tendon. overuse of affected limb.
What is lumbago
backache affecting lumbar region.
What is lateral epiconylitis
Tennis elbow. painful inflammation of the tendon at outer border of the elbow.
What is medial epicondylitis
Golfers Elbow. similar to tennis elbow
What is repetitive strain
Repeated movement leads to pain
What are shin splints
painful inflammation of muscles around the shins. Frequent with runners
What is tendonitis
Inflammation in or around tendons
What is achilles bursitis
Inflammation of one or more bursae or synovial fluid in and around the achilles
What is Muscular Dystrophy
hereditary diseases of the muscular system with weakness or wasting away of skeletal muscles
What is Tetanus
acute and serious infection of central nervous system casued by bacterial infection of open wounds
What is housemaids knee
when the bursa in the knee becomes inflamed, it swells up forming large egg like protrusion over the nee cap.
Muscles of the shoulder and arm posterior
- Deltoid
- Triceps x3
- Brachioradialis
- Anconeus
- Supinator Radii Brevie
- Extensor Carpi radialis
- Extensor carpi ulnaris
- Exensor carpi digitorum
Muscles of the leg anterior
- Quadriceps
1- Vastus Lateralis
2- Rectus Femoris
3- Vastus Intermedius
4- Vastus Medialis - Adductor Brevis
- Adductor Longus
- Adductor Magnus
- Sartorius
- Peroneus longus
- Gastrocnemius
- Soleus
- Peroneus Longus
- Tibialis Anterior
- Extensor digitalis longus
Muscles of the leg posterior
- Gluteus minimus
- Hamstrings
1- Biceps femoris
2- semitendinosus
3- semimembranosus - Adductor magnus
- Gracilis
- Gastrocnemius
- Soleus
- Tendon of achilles