Endocrine System Flashcards
What is a hormone?
A chemical messenger. Secreted directly into the blood by a particular gland.
Name the endocrine glands from top to bottom:
1- Pineal body
2- Pituitary gland
3- Thyroid gland
4- Parathyroid gland
5- Thymus gland
6- Adrenal glands
7- Pancreas
8- Ovaries / Testes
Name the hormones (and their functions) from the Anterior Lobe of the pituitary gland (9):
1- HGH - Human Growth Hormone
(regulates height and growth)
2- MSH - Melanocyte stimulating hormone
(stimulates production of melanin in basal layer of skin)
3- TSH - Thyrotrophin
(controls thyroid gland)
4- ACTH Adrenocorticotrophin
(controls adrenal cortex)
5- LTH Lactogen hormone
(production of milk during lactation)
6- Gonadotrophins
(control sexual development)
7- FSH Follicle stimulating hormone
(stimulates ovaries to produce oestrogen and to ovulate. Produces sperm in men)
8- LSH Luteinising hormone
(stimulates ovaries to produce the corpus luteum from ruptured follicles and produce progesterone)
9- ICSH Intersitial cell-stimulating hormone
(stimulates sperm production and secretion of testosterone)
Name the hormones (and their functions) from the Posterior Lobe of the pituitary gland (2):
1- ADH Anti diuretic hormone
(regulates water absorption in kindeys)
2- Oxytocin
(contracts mammary glands when suckling begins, contraction of muscles to begin child birth, the love hormone)
Name the hormones (and their functions) from the Thyroid Glands (2):
1- Thyroxin - produced in response to TSH from pituitary.
(stimulate tissue metabolism, maintain basic metabolic rate MBR)
2- Calcitonin
(maintenance of calcium and phosphorus balance)
Name the hormone (and it’s functions) from the Parathyroid Glands (1):
1- Parathormone
(maintenance of calcium level in plasma, stimulates calcium reabsorption in kidneys, activates Vit D)
Name the hormones (and their functions) from the adrenal cortex (3):
1- Mineralocorticoids - aldosterone
(regulates salts in body)
2- Glucocorticoids - cortisol and cortisone
(produced in response to ACTH from pituitary. Metabolises carbohydrates, fats and proteins)
3- Sex hormones - oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone
(sexual development and maturity, ovulation, hair growth in pubic and axillary areas)
Name the hormone (and it’s function) from the Adrenal medulla (1):
1- Adrenaline and noradrenaline
(stress hormones, prepare body for ‘fight or flight’ by speeding up heart rate, slowing digestive and urinary systems, increases blood pressure and blood sugar level.)
Name the hormone (and it’s function) from the pancreas (1):
1- insulin and glucagon
(helps glucose enter the cells to regulate blood sugar levels)
Name the hormones (and their function) from the ovaries (2):
1- oestrogen
2- progesterone
Responsible for female sexual characteristics. breast growth, widening of hips, pubic and axillary hair growth.
Name the hormones (and their function) from the testes (1):
1- testosterone
Male sex hormone, sperm production, changes at puberty, voice breaking, facial and axillary hair growth, increased muscle mass.
Name the hormone (and it’s function) from the pineal body (1):
1- Melatonin
controls body rhythms - responds to sunlight.
circadian rhythms.
Name the hormones (and their function) from the thymus gland (4):
1- TF Thymic Factor
2- THF Thymic Humoral Factor
3- Thymosine
4- Thymopoietin
part of immune system, appear to promote development of T lymphocytes in the thymus gland.
What are the 3 stages of the menstrual cycle and their lengths?
1st - menstrual phase (5 days)
2nd - proliferative phase (7 days)
3rd - secretory phase (14 days)
Describe the menstrual phase of the menstrual cycle:
1- progesterone (produced by corpus luteum) enters the blood stream.
2- pituitary gland responds by producing less lutenising hormone. Which means corpus luteum breaks down.
3- progesterone levels fall. this stops endometrium from holding fluid and starts to break down - menstruation begins.
Describe the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle:
1- FSH is produced which stimulates follicles of ovaries to produce oestrogen.
2- Oestrogen then stimulates endometrium promoting growth of new blood vessels.
3- then ovulation occurs. Egg travels down fallopian tube towards towards the uterus.
Describe the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle:
1- LH stimulates the ruptured follicle lining to grow into corpus luteum.
2- Corpus luteum produces progesterone stimulating the endometrium to retain fluid which makes it easier for sperm to pass through the reproductive tract.
3- if egg is not fertilised, menstrual cycle begins again.
What is Addison’s Syndrome?
hypersecretion of adrenocorticol hormones. muscular atrophy and weakness, gastric problems, dehydration
What is Amenorrhoea?
Hypersecretion of testosterone in women. radical weight loss, anaemia
What is cushing’s syndrome?
hypersecretion of adrenocorticol hormones. muscular atrophy and weakness. moon shaped face, redistribution of body fat, mental illness.
What is Polycystic Overian Syndrome?
irregular menstrual cycle, due to stimulation multiple growth of follicular ovarian cysts and sometimes infertility. Enlarged ovaries.
What is Diabetes 1?
Auto immune disease. Pancreas unable to produce insulin. High blood glucose level, excessive thirst, high urine output, tiredness and weight loss.
What is Diabetes 2?
Body cells do not respond properly to insulin and pancreas may not produce enough. High blood glucose level, excessive thirst, high urine output, tiredness and weight loss.
What is Grave’s disease?
Auto immune disease, commonly affects the thyroid. Grows twice the size or is overactive. Related to hyperthyroid symptoms such as increased heartbeat, muscle weakness, disturbed sleep.